Time to start TLOSora Dawn of the Keyblade. I am feeling really good about this story and I hope for more review then ANB. I have some good ideas on how to do this. Just to get you excited there will be a surprise near the end but enough talk let us get to the story. A few things I want to point out.

1:Spyro and Cynder are already at there full health and magic levels

2:The elite enemies will not be present through out this story

I have done this to try and not make it too long. If that is a problem then post it on a review and I will see what I can do.

Disclaimer:I DO NOT own KH or TLOS the only thing I do own right now is Aros and the story.


"Dang it feel like I haven't moved in a long time." Sora thought as he tried to get up. He opened his eyes five minutes ago to find himself laying on a stone platform.

It took a lot of effort but he finally got up. He got a good look around. He was on a small square platform. There was nothing else of note because the area was so dark. He then turned around and was completely surprised.

He saw Spyro and Cynder asleep as well. At least he thought they were Spyro and Cynder. From what I could tell they both seem to have gotten a growth spurt. Spyro got more muscular while Cynder became more attractive. She apparently also got her old braces back.

So:"Are you okay Cynder?"

C:"Yeah I'm fine but what about Spyro."

She then started to try and wake up Spyro. I then started to look at myself. I had apparently done some growing as well which was strange.

"well you do grow faster in your sleep." I thought when I heard Spyro starting to get up.

C:"Spyro,Spyro open your eyes."

So:"Come on Spyro get up."

He finally awoke.

Spy:"Cynder, Sora what happen? Where are we?"

So:"Beats me. I can't see in front of my own face."

C:"It's all a blur"

Spy:"Yeah me too. My head pounding."

So:"Hold on that is not your head. I can hear it too."

C:"What is that?"

Spy:"Sparx, is that you"

The lights then started to go on and I wish that they would have stayed off. We were surrounded by weird little creatures that were hoping and hollering.

C:"For once, I wish it was"

So:"Me too"

C:"What are they doing"

Spy:"Let's not stick around to find out. Come on!"

We started to walk to an exit when a magical chain enveloped Spyro and Cynder. I then notice a snake like jewel that was around there neck.

So:"Aw man here we go again."

I busted out my Purple Legend and started to get to work.

The first few enemies were surprisingly easy. I used them to practice some new combat moves. It also seem that Spyro and Cynder were doing the same.

The next wave, they tried using some grab moves and were quite effective. It was then that we got a real challenge.

A giant thing appeared and from the look of his eyes, he had just found what he thought was lunch. I knew that I was going to be able to dodge it but Spyro and Cynder were not going to be lucky while strapped on the ground.

Cynder was way ahead of me and with the combined efforts from them both, they were able to break the seal. Now we had to deal with that monster.

We were dodging like crazy from his constant attack. I then notice the strange crystals that were on his hand he was using to attack us with.

"Aim for the hand" I shouted.

Spyro and Cynder both got the message and when the thing rest his hand on the platform, we move to offense. We whacked at the hand for a good amount of time but it still would not yield. In fact we seem to only make it angrier. Spyro then tried to come up with an alternative plan.

Spy:"This chain is slowing us down! We can't fight it! We'll have to move in unison. Fallow my lead!"

C:"Why should you lead?"

So:"Is this a good time to argue?"

Spy:"Uh-oh take cover!"

We all jumped in the air just as the fist slammed down on where we once were.

C:"Okay...good idea...you lead"

We then tried to get some distance between us and the creature. I then notice out of the corner of my eye, that a cheetah was aiming his bow at the creature. He let loose with an arrow and it landed right on the creature left eye. That seem to get it from not attacking and retreated to the depths.

We all landed on the platform just as we got reunited with Sparx.

Spa:"Hay Spyro man you're alive."

Spy:"Sparx, it's good to see you too. You okay?"

Spa:"Ah you know. A little stiff, voice keeps changing but I'm good."

C:"Hay, this reunion is really touching and everything, but shouldn't we be going. Unless you want to wait for that creature to climb back up. I hate to think what it might do to Sparx."

He gave Cynder a look that said "when did she start caring about my welfare." My attention was at the cheetah that appeared. Spyro was a well.

Spy:"who is he?"

Spa:"I don't know all he said was 'Shh you are making too much noise'.

C & So:"I like him already"

We then made our way up to meet are rescuer.

Ch:"Spyro,Cynder,Sora how do you feel? Anything broken?"

So:"A little dazed"

Spy:"A little shacked but not too badly thanks to you."

Ch:"I am relieved. I had feared I might be too late. My name id Hunter."

That name immediately popped into me and Spyro head. It was the same name of the person who sent us that note on Scab's ship.

Spy:"Hunter, you've been tracking me."

H:"For far too long friend. When you didn't return to the temple, the elder dragon Ignitus, sent me to find you that was nearly three years ago."

So:"What! Three years. That can't be right."

I wanted to think that he was wrong but all the proof I needed was by looking at how much Spyro and Cynder have grown up. "Three years...its been three years since I last saw my friends. I wonder if they forgot about me." I couldn't dwell on these thoughts as a cave in brought me back to my senses. We still had to get out of these caves.

We forged onward.

I was glad that Spyro and Cynder were now old enough to fly but when we though we were in the clear. That blasted monster returned. It tried to throw us off but we were able to hold on to the vines that were there. He then slammed us into a room and trapped us in there.

We came to a room that had a green crystal. I knew that Spyro and Cynder needed to get some more power if we are going to survive this place. We also linked back up with Hunter.

Sparx, of course, still has it in his thoughts that Cynder is still evil. I was glad that Hunter did not share that same train of thought but it still raised a good point about the future.

"When this is over, I am going to help Cynder clear her name so that people will look upon her as a hero and not a monster.

Spy:"Come on Sora you need energy too."

My train of thought was broken as placed my had on the green crystal to gather some energy.

The moment we touched it, the crystal started to glow and we could see and hear the image of the Chronicler. It first gave Spyro a reminder of the elements that he can wield. He then told Cynder that due to her dark past, she was blessed with the powers of poison, wind, fear, and shadow. He then turned to me.

Ch:"Sora. Due to the bond you share with Spyro and Cynder and the fact that you are the keyblade master, you have the ability to use all the elements that both Spyro and Cynder wield. However, you are still incomplete."

So:"What do you mean?"

Ch:"In order to unlock your full potential, you will need to find a dragon-human called Aros. Only he has the knowledge you need in order to help save this world."

So:"How can I find Aros?"

Ch:"He waits for you at dragon city."

The Chronicler disappeared before I could ask anymore questions. I was lost on how I was still incomplete but I decided to try and not think about it until I find Aros.

It was then that I notice a chest that was laying in front of the crystal. I opened it to find in my amazement, another keychain. This one was a black 'C' with a scythe weapon at the tips. I first thought about chaining my Purple Legend keyblade to this one but then I had a strange feeling that I should wield them both at the same time. I was confused on how I was suppose to do this but Roxas assured me that it was possible.

I first tried summoning the Kingdom Keyblade to my left hand while still holding Purple Legend. It was a success. I then switched out the Kingdom keychain to the new one. It disappeared and when I summoned it again, I was shocked.

I had found the Terror of the Skies Keyblade.

The blade had the same shape as Riku's Way to the Dawn Keyblade. The blade was black with silver scythe blades at the teeth. The handle was red and was adorned with four gems. One gem was green and was bubbling, the second was white and look like it was flowing like a gust of wind, the third was a darker shade of red then the handle and made me scared just by looking at it, the last one was black and I could feel the darkness of that gem resonate.

It was then that those creatures that Hunter called grublins.

So:"Good, I was hoping for some combat training."

I got in my battle stance and went to work. I noticed that I was a lot faster then before when only using one keyblade. I was having so much fun smashing my way through the enemies. I then tried out some of Cynder's new powers for myself.

I was able to create a poison bomb in my hand and chuck it at enemies. I could also coat Terror of the Skies with poison and slash it at enemies to cause them to melt. I then tried my wind abilities. I first stuck with a classic and created a wind shield to protect myself, I then learned that I could create a vortex that would suck up enemies and leave them open for punishment.

I then went on to fear. I got close to one enemy and let loose a high pitch scream that made him cower in terror. I then summoned four balls filled with fear and swung them at enemies like hitting baseballs with a bat. I made a mental note to go back to Halloween Town and show Jack this element.

The last one was shadow. I first use the power to envelope myself in a cloak of it. Being in there was difficult for me because it felt like one wrong move and I would be lost in darkness forever. I could feel Anti-Form getting stronger while I was in there so I opted to get out ASAP. I located my target and used shadow strike. The result was very nice. I then moved on to breathing a cloud of shadow that looked like fire from my mouth.

I still kept most of the moves I learned from fire, ice, earth, and electricity. The difference was that I could summon an ice storm that would rain ice shards at my foes, I could encase myself in protective earth, and I could discharge a lot of electricity in a form of a sphere.

Between my training and the work that Spyro and Cynder did, we made it to the waterfall cave in no time at all.

Spy:"There is a light up ahead. We must be getting close."

H:"Here this way this leads to the surface."

The first thing Spyro and Cynder did was move a lever to allow us to continue. We then got some work on our climbing skill just as that big dude appeared again.

We had to hustle as we were in no position to combat it. When it look like we were about to make it, the creature threw a punch in a attempt to knock us off. We avoided it but it looked like he got stuck. As he tried to pull himself free, his entire arm popped out of the joint. He bellowed in pain as he once more retreated. I looked back at the arm to notice a crystal I had never seen before. However, I didn't need to know that it was resonating with darkness. The weird part was that I appeared to be sucking Spyro and Cynder's energy but not mine. I quickly destroyed it and when we kept on moving, I came up with an answer that I could live with.

"It was probably the fact that I don't belong in this world so the crystal has no effect on me." I thought as we made it to the door.

H:"The horn, it must be part of some sort of locking mechanism."

Spa:"Honestly...why not just the lock and key like normal folk."

So:"Do we look like normal folk Sparx?"

I covered Spyro and Cynder from the grublems while they used a wheel to lower the horn. When that was finish, Cynder used her wind attack to open the door. We thought we were home free but that monster just did not know when to give up.

He tried to grab all of us but only succeeded in grabbing Cynder. While Spyro pulled on the chain with his neck, I grabbed it as well and started to pull. It was difficult but our combined efforts freed Cynder from his clutches. There was no time to waste as we made our way to safety.

H:"This way quickly."

So:"Not going to argue there."

Me and Spyro got clear of him but Cynder was having some trouble. It took much effort but she was cleared of his reach. I had to give it to that creature, he was persistent. He kept trying to force more of his hand in but the only result was finally getting us away from him.

Spy:"What was that thing?"

H:"There will be time for that. Will fallow the river, it will lead us to shelter where we can rest. Then its off to Warfang, the dragon city, where Ignitus will be expecting us."

We agreed to that plan and made our way out of the catacombs.

Six pages of typing. I hope this one will turn out better then TED. You know the drill. Reviews are nice, constructive criticism are nice, flamers will face the flamethrower.

P.S:Sora's attack style is the same as Roxas when he went double keyblade in KHII. Sora still retains all of his abilities while using the two keyblades, he is just faster and stronger then with one keyblade.

New Keyblade Stats

Name:Terror of the Skies




Air Combo +:Increase the number of air combos performed.

Element boost:Increase damage to all poison,wind,fear,and shadow.

R & R
