Author's Note: Right, so this is my first fanfic. I know this idea's been used multiple times before, but I hope I can provide an original take on it. Let me know what you guys think. Hope ya'll enjoy the story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or Harry Potter. I do not have the creativity or patience to come up with such brilliant characters and worlds on my own. I merely borrow them and tweak them to fit my whims.
"AL?!? ALPHONSE?!?" the boy screamed in despair looking around the small study wildly, the blood streaming from his missing leg ignored as he searched for some trace of brother. He pounded the ground with his fists. "Damn it! This shouldn't have happened! AL!" Tears of frustration, anger, and pain streamed down his face as his eyes roamed madly around the room until they stopped on his father's antique suit of armor. Hope and determination lit up his haggard face, and he quickly dragged himself over to the suit. He tore down a nearby tapestry and bandaged his still bleeding leg before heaving the armor into the center of the array drawn on the floor. "Damn it all! I won't lose you too!" the boy mumbled to himself as he used his own blood to draw a seal inside the armor. A blaze of light engulfed the room.
Sitting on the hill holding the thick envelope in his hands, Ed breathed a small sigh of relief. He hadn't been sure whether he'd be allowed to continue to pursue magic after the scandal 2 years ago, but when the owl had dropped the heavy package in his lap and he saw the crest on the back, he knew it could only mean one thing. He wasn't sure he was entirely happy with it though.
"Brother? What is it? Are you in? Let me see!" Ed turned to the suit of armor behind him and held out the package silently. There was a fierce gleam in his eye as he watched his brother rip open the package and scan the sheaf of papers. A small piece of paper fell out, and Ed quickly grabbed it before it had a chance to blow away in the breeze. He glanced at the note clenched in his metal fist appreciatively. He had only recently gained back most of the dexterity of his real hand, and catching a small item was no longer a daunting task. He turned the note over and read it with a slight frown.
Dear Mr. Elric,
I am pleased to extend my congratulations on your acceptance. This letter is to address certain questions that have arisen due to the events of past years. Your brother's condition has been made known to us and special considerations have been taken into account. I am sure you will be happy to know that he will be allowed to accompany you to school, although he will not be able to attend classes and is requested to refrain from excessive interactions with other students. We also believe that it would be for the best that you not to talk about the events of last year with other students. This is for his and your own protection. Also, I am to inform you that due to your demonstrations of advanced knowledge of some of the subject matter and your age, you are to be placed in both first and third-year level classes. However, due to outside concerns, the Alchemy course is strictly forbidden as one of your choices. As there as a number of other classes to choose from, this should not be an issue. Please indicate which third year level classes you will be taking from the list provided when you send your reply, and I will send a revised books and supplies list.
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
"What's that?" Al asked curiously, glancing over Ed's shoulder.
"It's a note from some lady. She said you can come with me," Ed said, still looking at the note in a daze. All his doubts about leaving vanished and, he looked up at his brother's metal body with a new sense of purpose. "You know what this means? We can look for a way to get your body back together!"
Al's eyes glowed as he nodded. "Not just my body, yours too," he added. Ed stood with a noticeable creak from his metal leg.
"Speaking of which, remind me to ask Winry for some more oil," he grunted as he stretched. "Was there anything else interesting in the envelope?"
"Just the standard," replied Al as he shuffled through the papers he was holding. "Oh, here's the basic supplies you'll need." He held out the paper to Ed who snatched it eagerly. He scanned the list quickly.
"We have a lot of this stuff at home, but we're still going to have to go shopping. We'll have to wait until I pick the rest of my classes though." He sighed as folded up the list and stuck it in his pocket along with the other note. "This could get expensive." He started walking down the hill. "Well, suppose we shouldn't put it off any longer. Let's go tell Granny." The armor behind him shook his head as he hurried after his brother.
"You know, you could act a little happier," he said to his brother's back slightly accusingly as they cut across a field. Ed put his hands behind his head.
"I am happy," he said, flashing a grim smile over his shoulder at Al, "but I have more important things to think about right now." Al sighed.
"You don't have to bear the entire burden, brother. I'm okay with what I am for the time being. Have fun. Just because I can't enjoy normal life doesn't mean you shouldn't." Al almost ran into Ed as he came to a sudden stop in front of him. He took a step back as Ed glared up at him.
"It's my fault you're stuck in that tin can in the first place," he growled fiercely. "I can't enjoy myself until I get your body back. That's all I care about." He spun abruptly and stalked off, leaving Al to catch up.
"H-hey! Wait up!" Al called, his metal body creaking loudly as he began to jog.
*CLANG* Al fell over as a wrench collided with his head.
"What has Granny told you about running around outside, you idiot! You stick out like a sore thumb and it's not like we can explain it away easily! Honestly, don't you two use your heads at all?" Al looked up into a pair of furious blue eyes.
"How are we supposed to use our heads if you keep chucking your freakin' wrenches at them, Ed asked. He had turned around, alarmed, when he heard the clang of Al's armor but relaxed upon seeing the blond haired girl. Winry turned her furious gaze on Ed who just raised a quizzical eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest.
"I wouldn't chuck wrenches at you if you weren't such an idiot, idiot!" she yelled, picking up the wrench she had thrown at Al.
"Who's sticking out like a sore thumb now?" Ed muttered to himself, rolling his eyes. He ducked as Winry glared at him, wrench raised threateningly. Al intervened, quickly stepping between the two before an all out fight could break out.
"Ummm, was there something you needed, Winry?" he asked, hands raised placatingly. Winry scowled at him.
"Granny told me to come find you guys and tell you that dinner's ready," she said jerking her hand back over her shoulder to the only house visible in the area. "There's a big glass of milk on the table with your name on it," she added, peering around Al and smiling evilly at Ed, who gagged.
"There is no way in hell I'm drinking that foul liquid," he grumbled, beginning to walk towards the house.
"That's why you'll always be so short!" Winry yelled after him. Ed paused.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE THEM WITH A MAGNIFYING GLASS?!?" he shouted turning around to face Winry once again. Al just shook his head and sighed as the shouting match broke out. He idly flipped through the papers in his hand once more, rereading them.
"What are those?" Winry asked curiously coming up to him. The argument had ended with Ed writhing on the ground holding his dented head. Al just handed her the envelope, and Winry sobered immediately. She glanced over at Ed.
"You're leaving?" she asked quietly. Ed got to his feet slowly.
"Yeah," he replied, running a hand through his hair and looking at the ground. "Al too." He took the note out of his pocket and handed it to her. Winry read it silently.
"So, you can both go? That's great!" she said cheerfully, handing the note back to Ed. "Granny will be thrilled you got in. She was really worried," she added, speaking quickly. "We should go tell her!" She set off at a brisk walk towards the house, leaving Ed and Al to watch her go with blank looks.
"That was kinda weird," Ed commented as he and Al set off after Winry.
"I think she's a little upset," Al replied, matching his stride to his brother's. "We will both be leaving after all. She'll probably miss us, especially you."
"I suppose so," Ed said, thinking. "Hey, wait a minute, what do you mean especially me?" he demanded, glaring at the suit of armor. Al shook his head.
"You haven't noticed? Honestly, brother, sometimes you're so dense." They reached the house before Ed could question this baffling statement. The two brothers were met at the door by an old lady smoking a pipe.
"What have I told you two about wandering off?" she asked mildly, blowing a smoke ring. "The Ministry only allowed me to take you in under certain conditions, you know, but you two seem intent on breaking every one of them." She sighed. Ed scowled mulishly at the sky with his arms across his chest while Al shuffled awkwardly.
"Sorry, Granny," Al said after a moment. Pinako nodded her acceptance. She knew there would be no apology from Ed.
"Dinner's on the table," she declared, opening the door for them to enter. "Hurry up." She smiled as Ed sprinted for the table and began stuffing his face. Winry began eating quietly across from him.
"Don't forget to drink your milk," Pinako added as she and Al sat at the table. Ed glared at the glass in front of him the entire meal, but in the end was forced to drink it.
"So, is anyone going to tell me what's in the envelope?" Pinako asked after everyone had finished eating. Al pushed it across the table to her. She picked it up, looking at the crest on the back, and raised her eyebrows.
"Hmph, so you're off to Hogwarts now, are you?"
A/N: Well, this turned out a lot longer than expected. Anyway, I'll try to update again sometime this month. Review if you want, or not. I'll keep writing either way.