Author Note: I do not own any of the characters of True Blood. I'm just a fan.
Like it or hate it. Let me know and I'll continue with the story.
Wake Up Call
He scoffed a laugh "Two thousand years, and I can still be this I see God." He could feel the heat licking at his skin. Stripping it like a dull knife. He turned away from the human Sookie; standing to face it. The sun. It was more beautiful than he had remembered it. How long ago that was.
"Don't" I whispered to him.
Godric felt energy push through mind and he smiled to himself. He hadn't felt that energy with such force in 600 hundred years. He unbuttoned his shirt letting the linens fall to the ground. The burning had started and he welcomed it outstretching his arms. Embracing it. Last time I saw the sun was with you, my angel. Do you remember, Anat? Farewell. He thought to himself as the flames engulfed him.
The snap! My mind woke my body from the deep slumber. I was in pain and in the small confines of my plush tomb agitated me. I pushed against the marble top it flew to the other side of the crypt shattering against the stone wall. I sat up as the tears flow. My mouth opened but no words formed. I tried to feel him. I couldn't. I couldn't feel him.
"GODRIC!" I growled, yet half panicked.
I heard footsteps approaching my tomb. My head snapped toward the mosaic painted doors. I disarmed the first guard one swift slap knocked him unconscious. The second guard had no chance; gripping him by the forearm I body slammed him to the ground the marble floor cracked a the sudden weight of gravity. My barefoot on his neck. His fangs showed themselves to me. Though my foot was crushing his windpipe, his thoughts were loud and clear.
"Please! My lady, we are your personal guard. Please, I beg of you do not hurt us. We were commissioned by the King."
I took some pressure off his neck as I closed my eyes. My mind. Shifting my thoughts. For his. From hers. From every being within a 50 mile radius.
"My lady, are you alright?" the Nubian guard asked in my native language. I knew then he was who he said.
I opened my eyes after three moments to myself. Quieting the voices in my head. I looked down at him.
"What year is it, boy?" I spoke in his tongue. Judging from his accent and his thoughts, the language of Dongolawi. He was turned somewhere in the 15th century.
"2009, my lady." He replied.
Hhmm, I'd been asleep for only 160 years. I took my foot off his neck. "Rise" I waved my hand to accentuate the order.
He was on his feet and quickly took off his buttoned up shirt wrapping it around my naked body. "Would you like me to retrieve a human?" he said not looking in my face out of respect.
"That would be fine." I looked at my other tomb protector who was still unconscious. "Send him as an envoy to the royal receiver. I need an audience with the High King and Queen immediately."
His hesitation was annoying.
"What?!" I growled, my eyes widened. My mood was already foul.
He fell to his knees "my lady, the sunrise approaches. We will not make it in time." He reasoned.
I did not have time for this! "Fine, bring me four humans quickly. I will go ahead of you. Follow tomorrow immediately after dusk." I order as he nodded.
He got up again "Forgive me for asking but how do you know where the Kingdom is?"
Fair question, "I always know where my father is. Now go and bring me some proper garments as well." I said looking down at my naked flesh.
I was left alone to my grief as I collapsed back to the ground and cried. My soul, my love and above all my blood bonded was gone. Again.