hey, it me, prof Lion. This r mt mater peace, the marvelous marriage, its totally the best thing evar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

comment on my stuper awesome stoy or i will havez you you-know-what, k? you cangive me critizm

but no flamerz, since theys just interweb ogres. D:

the marvelus marrage

1 day in Goldencrown town, a girl called Goose was walking 2 ballet class. She was really hot and good at ballet and she could sing really good 2 and she was psycic. Goose also had a perfect ass.

"I wonder who da new teacher will b?" Goose said 2 her friend. They walked into the school.

"Alright class." Said a low manly voice. When Goose steped in2 da room she saw him. He was sooper musly and had really built arms. His furs was shiny and smooth. Goose new she was in love.

"I am mr. Lion, da new teacher." Said da sexy lion. Den he started to teach them ballet.

Sum of da other students in da class were Wue who was also sexy but not hot enough, and also Fauntleroy and his mean friend Fuk'here who were boys. Mr. Lion was really good at teaching ballet and everyone learned a lot.

When class was ova Goose stayed behind because she wanted to see Mr. Lion and confess her love.

"Y r u here?" He said.

"I have 2 tell u sumthing. I think I might b…. I might b in LOVE WITH U!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!1" Yelled Goose.

"ME 2 but I could not tell you be4 because I was afraid u did not feel da same!" Said Mr. Lion.

Den Goose took off all her clothes. She had really big boobs but was skinny like an anorexic person only not anorexic. Her ass really was perfect. Mr. Lion took off his pants and started to sex her.

"omg Mr. Lion!" Cried Goose passively.

But den suddenly da door swung open. It was………………………… princess vulture! She was really evil but really hot.

"U cannot b in love with Goose!" Said princess vulture cuz she was jealous.

"stfu! Ur in love with Fauntleroy anyway!" Said mr. Lion.

"No! I am actually cheating on him with Fuk'here!" Laughed princess vulture evilly. Den she kidnapped Goose.

"Oh snap!" Said Mr. Lion.

Da next day Mr. Lion was really sad without Goose. All of his students were achzeiving so much but he was not happy bcuz Goose was not there. After class Wue stayed behind but Mr. Lion did not want to sex her cuz he was thinking of Goose.

"Lets do it Mr. Lion." Said Wue.

"No!" Screamed Mr. Lion. But den Wue took off all her clothes and he had no choice cuz she was so sexy. It was sooper hot and Wue was covered in sweat. Den Mr. Lion realized………………………….. Wue was secretly princess vulture!!!!!!!1111!!!

"I don't want to sex you princess vulture, I love Goose! Go sex ur shoes or something!" Said Mr. Lion. Den princess vulture started crying.

"But ur so much hotter. Fauntleroy and Fuk'here only want to sex the river now so I have no1 2 sex!" cried Wue/princess vulture.

"don't worry I have a plan!" Said a voice. It was……………………………….. princess pupu! She was so sexy.

"Wow she is sexy!" Said Mr. Lion.

"princess vulture should go have sexy with a lamp and some shoes but she can also b in love with dat anteater chic. Fauntleroy can b in love with da raven and Fuk'here can b in love with Malen da stalker!" Said princess pupu.

Den they all went away happy except mr. Lion who was sad cuz Goose was not there. Den he noticed princess pupu had a perfect ass.

"Wait… r u Goose?!!!?!" He said.

"Yes!!!!!!!1111!!!11!! A protitute freed me and turned me in2 princess pupu!" Said princess pupu. Den every1 was happy and dey had sex.

"I love u Goose." Said Mr. Lion. "One day I will have you………………………………………………………………………………………………………