Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, simple as that. Nor do I own the words below they belong to a dictionary. I do own the arrangement there in unless someone else already put it like that before.


Starvation. That's what he was battling against. One of the many obstacles he must prevail through before he wins the war. Each battle had its own meaning, a different symbol of justice. No matter what he would prove them wrong, he would prove all of them wrong. He would wipe those smirks and teasing smiles straight off their faces when he won the war. Finally he would be able to silence them forever. The cave in which their laughter echoed would be destroyed. The path in which their eyes narrowed would be paved over. All the expectations of him would be over thrown. He shall be crowned and rewarded by earning the key to his throne. They shall respect him and bow their heads ashamed at how they treated him. Naming 'The King' and each one begging him on their knees for forgiveness.

He could almost smile at the warmth that thought brought to him. That was after all everything he wanted. He didn't want to be known as the demon or a menace. All he wanted was acceptance that's all he wished for. Even with such a modest dream it had yet to be granted. In till then he would work hard trying to work his way to the top. He was aware of the fact that no one in the entire village would even hesitate to fight him for their status. Slowly but gradually he would dominate over everyone who stood in way. Getting closer and closer to the ultimate goal. Along the way gaining a mutual respect for his defeated challengers. He would always fight hard to earn the equality that came with being a part of The Great Fire Nation. Whether it called for being violent or not he would survive to live.

It was a dog eat dog world. The survival of the fittest. There was no way he could ever back down. He must always move forward and never look back into the eyes of the loser. It was kill or be killed. Steal or be stolen from. Walk or be walked on. It was an unsaid law. It was the way that he lived. So was he nuts? No he was insane. Insanity was bliss.

He lay on the grass staring at the clouds, the wind tickling his exposed chest. The blood had already dried and the scars had already begun to form. He had won naturally, the fresh grave he had just dung has proof. To hide the resurfaced dirt he had sprinkled grass on it trying to make it look indifferent from the rest of the valley. He had considered going to the hospital because of how blood he had already lost. But now thinking abut it he had most likely lost more blood in a week than he had just know. He nodded to himself it was a reasonable decision he would not go simply because he had lost more than this plenty of times. He distantly remembered a time not long ago when he had foolishly decided to go, without even losing a quarter of his blood. How idiotic of him indeed, at that time he had not thought about the other people he was simply concerned with himself. He would never make that mistake again.


Blood. It was everywhere, on the walls, on his clothes, and on his hands. He was afraid for it was the first time that he was covered in blood that was his own. He was inexperienced and ganged up on. There wasn't any openings, he was cornered. They were gone now but he was so afraid at that moment they made the first hit and blood splattered everywhere. Even now he was alone and yet he could feel their glaring eyes even now.

Each hit, every blow he had memorized them Every comment and taunt he was traumatized by them. He was crying, each tear stinging his swollen cheeks. He could still feel their knuckles smash against them. He attempted to stand trying to balance himself against the burning building. He could smell the smoke that was formed. He could feel the heat against his cold numb fingers. His legs were crushing underneath him and his arms were to heavy for him to carry. The heat was blurring his vision and the smell was filling his lungs, it was becoming difficult to even breathe, let alone walk. Luckily the building was already floor level. Now all he had to do was make it to the door. Somehow though he had made it out he wasn't sure how, but he had escaped the burning hell that waited inside. He had to leave this place before the fire department comes and found him. So he began to limp to the hospital which was only what looked like a mile away. Using a long branch he had desperately snapped off a tree as support he made his way.

Arriving at his destination he had opened the door and entered as quietly as possible. Fortunately the secretary seemed to be on a lunch break and was eating her lunch not even looking up to see who had entered.

"How may I help you?" she had asked taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Oh I'm just stopping by to se someone, I already now the room number thank you though." He was trying his best to sound calm and not like he was about to die.

" Very well then I'll leave you to your own devices." She still hadn't looked up.

He had put all of his remaining strength into trying to safely into his favorite doctors room, Mr. Yumichi. He was the only one who had treated him nicely unlike all of the other doctors who just glared. Opening the door, Naruto was surprised to see not Mr. Yumichibut someone else sitting there working on something important on Mr. Yumichi'sdesk. He too was a man but he had not the brilliantly beaming eyes and grayish hair that Mr. Yumichi had. The face that he was staring at now was different and younger. This face had brown hair and angry narrowed eyes.

Naruto had to gather all of his courage to ask this one question.

"Where is Mr. Yumichi?"

"He was fired for giving special treatment to a pest." The man's face twisted into a smirk. " Now may I ask what your doing here?" He seemed to ignore the fact that Naruto has bruised, swollen, supporting himself on a branch, and soaked in now dried blood.

Naruto was nervous, there was no chance that this man would help him, but would he allow Naruto to leave alive?

"I-Its really nothing t-that important I'll just be leaving." He was stuttering a clear sign of weakness

"No I'm sure you came a long way please tell me so I can help you." The man had stood up and approached Naruto in till he was able to place his hands on the boys shoulders. Naruto wasn't able to say anything in return for the man's hands were glowing and suddenly he felt a burning sensation coming from his arms. It felt as if they were being ripped out of there sockets. The sensation spread through his entire body increasing the pain he was already experiencing. The man laughed as Naruto fell to ground thriving tin pain.

He had stopped but not before he too threw some punches to the boys stomach.

" Your going to throw up all of your food for a week after this little play time." The mans eyes were beaming with excitement, happy that he was finally getting revenge from the damn child.

"Now you going to leave this hospital and never come back by the time I leave the room." He let Naruto go and handed the boy the branch as he left the room leaving Naruto.

Naruto quickly dragged himself out of the hospital. The tears still stinging the cuts below his eyes. He had walked into the forest and collapsed gasping trying to breathe and regain his composure. He fell into a deep unconsciousness . His hands clenched into fists as he swore never to allow himself to experience that kind of pain again.

( End Flashback)

He smiled at that memory it and many others similar to that had helped him declare war against injustice. It in a way had made him stronger. Yet at the same time it had made him doubt and stop trusting people more often. Was he really as insane as he seemed? Or just a puppet of a thousand . That didn't doesn't matter any more. He didn't care what he was anymore he was moving forward without them.

It didn't matter if he was seen as a hero or sinister. He would be whatever they said he was. Demon. Fine he would give them something to be afraid of. Monster. He would show them something truly disturbing. Coward. He would run away from the truth. He would live in a imaginary reality. Beast. He would show them what a true animal acts like. He would make everyone else look inferior to his animal instincts. Wild. He would be considered a mutant of humans, a genetically enhanced creature. Dangerous. He would give a new name to explosives. A new definition to the word inhuman. A legend among filth.

He would show all of them what being an outcast really meant.

She sat there on her luxurious sofa eating strawberries dipped in chocolate( with an appropriate amount of calories of course). Allowing her house servants to pamper her and serve to her every whim. Her thoughts drifted off once ore toward the direction of her classmates. Honestly they were so amusing it was almost as if it was on purpose. Though she hadn't started to think about them that recently in till Naruto and that little incident occurred. She shivered at the mere thought, she still couldn't believe that someone like Naruto who in her opinion seemed harmless was capable of doing something so disturbing. Yet at the same time it earned him some respect among peers. Well it wasn't exactly respect to say but to put it in simple terms she was positive no one will ever mess with him in such a way again. Strange as it may be it had only increased the amount of intriguing feelings she had for Naruto.

Not in a sense romantic feelings of course but to describe it she felt as if he was an ocean of refreshing difference. He was simply different. And how intrigued she was by his different traits. The world of course was simply a game board, as she liked to say. And he was for the time being her favorite game piece.

Before it was Sasuke, she was entranced by his mysterious past and luxurious lifestyle. Now that seemed so far away from the entertainment she was gaining from Naruto. Her new toy was even more mysterious and lived a … well she wasn't exactly she how he lived. All she knew about him was everything she had interpreted by his actions in the classroom. She concentrated to confirm that that was indeed everything she knew. Coming to a decision she had planned her entire weekend around Naruto. First things first where to find the target ? She would have to find the necessary information tomorrow at school. The biggest problem was how to get the information out of him. He no longer seemed like he would summit to her every wish. He would surely get angry at her asking for such personal information. So how was she to get a grip on them?

She would have to experiment with a guinea pig first. Kiba Inuzaka being her first choice. Then slowly working toward the other bys in class. Then finally taking her gained knowledge to use against Naruto. However that was for tomorrow and for the time being she had something more important to attend, that required her to transform out of being Ino and into a Yamanaka.

She lifted herself from the intoxicating and endless comfort filled sofa. As she walked across the decorated hall, she began thinking of how Naruto lived. She knew that he would not have a mansion as she did but just how wealthy was he? As far as she knew he did not come from a noble and rich family as she did. The name Uzumaki did not come up as a known last name at all and Ino as the heir of the Yamanaka clan had been trained in knowing every family in Konoha despite them being possible allies or not. Just who exactly was Naruto Uzumaki?

No. She didn't have much time to spare she shouldn't be thinking of such trivial things right now. Not when she had to prepare for the ball tonight. The Yamanaka clan was historical and traditional. They had fought for the great country of The Hidden Leaves for centuries now. Each generation passing down the culture and traditions of their ancestors. Old fashioned balls ( I just know your thinking something perverted) were a custom among them and other noble clans such as the Hyuga and Uchiha.

There was so much she had to do today she really didn't have enough time to sit there and think about her current play toy right now. She had business to deal with right now. He could wait for now, though she would make him wait to long.

She allowed her maids to guide her into her bedroom, her clothes already set up on the bed. Taking short glances at the furniture they had set up in her room. It was always changing, the style of her room she of course had to keep up with the most popular fashion trend as she to had a fashion sense.

Having such a modern day fashion sense one can only imagine how uncomfortable the maids that were assisting Ino in dressing her clothes were when she refused to wear such an ugly dress as she put it. She had enough of the idiotic servants attempting to coax her into wearing it even just for a few minutes. She had politely as possible asked them to leave trying her very best not to explode.

The dress itself was a pale yellow with frilly decorations surrounding the neck and sleeves. It had the ability to make her look just like an old lady, despite her being so young. Especially with her hair being up in a beehive hair style. Ino swore to her self that after this party she would fire her hair stylist and clothes designer.

Authors note: All done I hope I didn't take to long to update. 2,631 words not counting the authors note. I'll try to make it longer next chapter. R&R