"Living on the streets is not the most honorable lifestyle but that's how life is for 6 out of 10 children living in Konoha. Donate now to help sponsor one of the many kids suffering right now. " The announcer said as the commercial came to an end.

Ino Yamanaka couldn't help but to roll her eyes at the cheeky commercial. That particular one had been passing for a while now and even interrupted her favorite shows sometimes. In all honesty it was really annoying. Why would she be concerned with them when she had other problems to deal with. Her family like many others were struggling with debt. Though of course not many people would know that of course. The Yamanaka Clan was one of pride so it was crucial for all flaws to be hidden from the public. After all to the villagers and other clans Yamanaka's were a symbol of elegance and class. Imagine what chaos would ensue if it leaked that even something as magical as them had flaws just as a ordinary civilian would. Perfection. That was the expectation they had to live up to. And she would be damned if a single relative didn't.

"Pfft. As if I'd waste my time with something as useless as that."

That was always the reaction Ino Yamanaka had after the program ended. It wasn't like they effected her in anyway so why would she waste her time with it. It was a heartless thing to say but it was the reality of the situation. Everyone else in Konoha was most likely ignoring the commercial too, why couldn't she?

"Ino sweetie are you ready to go?!"

"Huh? I mean yeah mom I'll be right down."

Rushing down to the kitchen Ino forgot completely about the commercial. For the time being that is. Sitting down Ino began to quickly eat breakfast, while trying to explain to her mother that she had to leave.

" Oh but dear I made pancakes with strawberry filling just like you like them. Surely you'll stay to finish them right?"

"Sorry mom I don't want to be late for school. I got to go bye."

Sighing waved good bye to her daughter. Honestly they grew up so fast.



Arriving at the academy Naruto sat in the last row alone hoping not to attract any attention. He was aware of the fact that not many people liked him and so he tried to avoid as much human interaction as possible. After all the only reason the Hokage permitted him to join the academy as long as he didn't fight anyone. Another glorious reason for him to stay in the back. He wasn't a really complicated guy people don't like him and he don't like people. Simple as that. And yet there was always one person who just didn't understand that concept. Of course the Hokage knew that too but for some reason he had always made Naruto try to not snap at every person who approached him. God what a weird guy huh. While he began to relax back into his seat he heard a rather loud screech coming from the door and because he was as curious as he was he turned only to see what looked like two girls ready to kill each other. Naruto carefully examined them trying to memorize there faces which was really hard considering they were slapping each other to point that they were bleeding. Damn. He took it back these things were not girls they were animals. Eventually the teacher was able to separate them from each other and gave them bandages for the cuts.

"OK class I hope you weren't to entertained with that because I guarantee that will never happen again right girls" He said glaring at them.

"Yes sir" they answered simultaneously

" Alright then lets get started my name is Iruka Umino and I will be your teacher for the year."

"Your going to introduce yourself to the class and tell us a bit about yourself. Starting with..."

The voice started to fade as Naruto fell asleep straddling his head with is arms. After sleeping for a bit Naruto began to awaken by hearing the sound of his voice.

" Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto Uzumaki wake up. NARUTO UZUMAKI!"

"I'm awake! What do you want?" He said while yawning. The class snickering at him.

" Please come and introduce yourself to the class."

Standing up Naruto walked up to the front of the class trying his best to ignore the he stares of the kids surrounding him. Taking a deep breath Naruto took hold of the microphone and said his name.

" Don't you want to add something about yourself Naruto?" The teacher asked losing his patience already

"No not really."

" I'm sorry but its required for you to do so."

"I already said I don't want to so f*ck off."

" Naruto Uzumaki you are not permitted to say that word in class."

He couldn't help but to get mad at this dumb ass of a teacher didn't he understand no meant no.

" I really don't give a f*ck." he growled

" You say that word one more time and you will have a detention with me."

"Fucker Fuckie Fuck Fuck of Fucking."

" That's it you wanted one you got one. Detention with me today."

" Can't wait."

Walking back to his seat Naruto thought of all of the things he would torture Iruka-sensei with. Blackmail. Pranks. Gossip. Rumors. And of course Exposure.

" Alright class last one is Yamanaka Ino"

'That's one of the girls that was fighting.' Naruto thought

" MY name is Ino Yamanaka as you already know and my favorite things to do are shopping, flower arrangements, braiding my hair, brushing my hair, reading magazines, filing out the quiz on magazines, reading about the most fashionable ..."

'Damn hope I never have to encounter her in a conversation.'

The academy ended soon and Naruto was the only one left in the room along with Iruka. The room was silent and in total absolutely boring. Maybe he shouldn't have snapped at the teacher. If he was a little more level headed he wouldn't be so god damn bored.

"So honey how was school?"

" It was ordinary nothing special except that- "

"Except what honey?"

" There was a boy at school who kept swearing at the teacher and had detention on the first day mom. You believe that on the first day!" Ino said while shaking her head at the strangeness.

"Well maybe he was just having a bad day"

"But mom he seemed liked he meant it besides you don't know him why would you defend him like that?"

"Well you don't know him maybe he had some kind of problem with your new sensei."

"Whatever mom I'm going to my room."

It was night time and Naruto was searching for a place to sleep as always. The streets of Konoha were dark and cold on this moonless night. Naruto was in the town dump searching for shelter for the night. Finally coming across an empty dumpster Naruto climbed in and fell into a deep sleep.

Author's Notes: 1,303 words not including the author's note. Don't worry more will be explained in the next chapter.

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