Prelude to War

On Planet FM, Aries was watching as Planet FM's citizens tried to repair what damage the Ara had done. He maintained a serious composure, but it was clear that he was angry. Harpuia walked over to him.

"Did we pinpoint where the blast came from?" Aries asked.

"Yes Master," Harpuia said bowing to Aries, "It definitely came from Earth."

"I see. So that planet is serious about it's desires against us."

"Sir, what are we going to do about this? Should we assume that blast to be a declaration of war?" Harpuia asked.

"Heavens no, Harpuia. That blast was designed to kill, not provoke. If we hadn't been made of EM Waves then we would have been destroyed just like Planet AM. No Harpuia, we aren't going to war with that primitive planet."

"But sir-"

"If they desire to destroy our planet, then we shall do the same to theirs, only we shall not fail like they did," Aries said walking off. Harpuia looked at his master walk away, and then back at the destruction that the Ara caused.

"Twenty thousand FMians deleted in that attack. I can understand why Master Aries is angry, but is this really the way?" Harpuia looked up and the dark sky of Planet FM, "A wise man once said, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Elsewhere in outer space, three voices were talking to each other. One strong and serious, one deep and gruff, and one higher and elegant.

"Stelar's son needs us again?" the elegant voice asked.

"It would seem so," the strong voice replied.

"I thought we were done meddling in the affairs of that planet," the gruff voice said, in a tone that suggested he was tired.

"Even so, we can't truly abandon it," the elegant voice said, "If it falls, what happens to Phoenix?"

"She is our sister," the serious voice said, "I'm sorry, but we must go back. After all, we promised Stelar that we would be there again if he needed us."

"So it's settled?" the elegant voice asked, "We return to earth?"

"I suppose so," the gruff voice gave in, "if a promise in involved, and to protect our sister, we must go back."

At that moment, three large lights, one red, one blue, and one green, flew straight up, into three large satellites, and then began slowly flying off to the Planet Earth.

To be continued...

There! I did it! I finished the second story. I'll be honest, I didn't think Kitty's death would get to me so much. As I wrote it, I had to stop myself from crying a few times.

I'll get to work on the third story soon. It may not be on the same day, but just like this one, I won't make you wait too long. After all, this is the one I had been waiting to write.

Next part of the story: Mega Man Star Force Zero 3: Phoenix