AN: So it'[s been forever since I updated I am so sorry! I'm gonna finish this if it kills me! There will prolly only be a few more chapters I think... But Idk yet! I'll decied when I get to the end I guess! Anyways this is gonna look shitty cuz I'm updating and trying to edit from my phone so sorry my bad! Anyways here ya go enjoy!

I finally found my way to the city and looked around for a motel to stay in. Nowhere looked opened and I immediately regretted my decision to come out so late. I had to find a place to stay for the night. I figured

that the best place to look for an abandoned building to stay would be in an alley. Bad Idea. I rounded the corner to the alley and stopped in my tracks. There was a gang hanging out with their backs towards

me. I spun around and let out a scream when a man roughly grabbed me by my arms. "Bonita" he said smiling a toothy grin at me. All the men started heading towards me as I wretched my arm from the mans

grip. I spun around in a full circle. I was surrounded by the men and I had a feeling I wasn't going to make it out of this. I gripped my duffel tightly and looked around. No one made a move. I quickly spun around

swinging my duffel bag. I knocked out two men before the others wised up and stepped back. "Stay back. I'm warning you" I said menacingly. The man who I assumed to be the leader gave a nod, and I was

rushed. 2 men grabbed my arms and I struggled to get out of their grip. "Let go! HELP" I screamed as I kicked at a man who got to close. The leader stepped forward holding something in his hands. My glare

dropped when he opened his switch blade. He smiled the nasty toothy grin from earlier and stepped towards me. Tears ran down my face as he cut open my jacket and shirt right down the middle. I started to

struggle again. "You will only make it worse if you struggle" he said in English. "Please don't do this" I cried. He ran a hand from my face down to my shoulder where he continued moving towards my breast. I

struggled and the knife I had forgot about cut into my shoulder. I let out a cry of pain and he started laughing. "I told you not to struggle" he said.

As he was reaching for my chest he was punched in the face knocking him out on the spot. The two men let go of my arms but they were attacked too. I fell to my knees as punching continued on. "Becky" I heard

the sweetest sound say my name. "Thomas" I cried happily when I looked up into his blue eyes. I threw my arms around his neck. "I knew you would save me" I cried as I held onto him like I would never let him

go. "Of course. I would no anything for you" he whispered. I looked around and saw Jack, Preston, and Jimmy. Thomas took off his jacket and wrapped it around me so my body wouldn't be exposed. He helped

me up, but I almost immediately fell. Thomas of course caught me and picked me up bridal style. We all exchanged "are you alrights" before heading back to the boat. "What were you thinking" he asked as we

trailed behind the other three. "I don't know I just didn't want to have to say goodbye" I said quietly. "You didn't have to act like a spoiled child and runaway though. You can't run away from all your problems" he

said. "I am not a child!" I objected. "I didn't say you were, I'm just saying you're acting like one" he said calmly. I sighed and relaxed in his arms.

"Thank you men. I'm taking her to her room" I heard Thomas say. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep. The men bid their goodnights before going to their cabins. Thomas carried me to his room and set me

on the bed. He went into his bathroom and stood over the sink. "are you going to be sick" I asked as I looked at him. "I thought I was going to be... When I heard you had gone" he said quietly. "Really?" I

questioned. "Really" he said as he walked back in the room carrying something. "Take off the jacket, and your shirt" he ordered. "Why?" I questioned. That's when I noticed that the bottle was alcohol. "No! You

are NOT putting that stuff on my scratch" I protested. "See you're acting like a child... again, and it's not just a scratch it's a cut and could get infected " he said. "I'll be fine" I argued. "Do not make me sit on you

to put just a little bit on your cut" he said firmly. "I'd like to see you try, because you aren't getting anywhere near my cut with the alcohol" I said as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Becky" he said quietly. I turned to face him. My lips were immediately captured by his, and I melted. He nibbled lightly at my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. He ran his hands lightly up my leg to the jacket that

he slipped off. I could move a little better without his jacket on so I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his blond hair at the back of his neck. I gasped when his hands touched my skin while taking

off my shirt. "Did I hurt you" he asked in a husky whisper. "no" I answered as I kissed him. "Your hands are cold" I said. "Cold hands, warm heart" he said quietly. He began kissing me deeply again. His hands ran

up my side causing me to shiver. He laid me back on the bed and began kissing my super sensitive spot at the nape of my neck causing me to moan in ecstasy. He trailed kisses from my neck down to my breasts,

where he licked and sucked more moans from my lips. His hands tugged at my pants as he trailed back up to my lips where he began to kiss me passionately. He pulled away and looked at me. "Sorry" he said. I

knew he apologize do because I was stubborn and wasn't about to apologize. "For what?" I asked now slightly irritated that he had just stopped our erotic moment. "For this" he said as he dumped the alcohol

bottle forward. "THOMAS" I yelled at the top of my lungs. His hand clamped down over my mouth as he tried to hold back a laugh. I glared at him as he let out a laugh. At that moment my anger melted away. His

laughter was so sincere it was like music to my ears. I smiled and he uncovered my mouth.

"That wasn't so bad was it" He asked smiling. "Not really" I said smiling. "But I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I would have let you do that willingly" I admitted. "I missed you" he said as he stared at me. It

felt as if he was trying to read my heart and soul. "I've barely been gone two hours" I said. "So?" he said. "Well why did you miss me?" I asked. "It's not obvious?" he questioned. I stayed quiet and stared him

down. He sighed but never broke my eye contact. "I've fallen madly in love with you" he said. I opened my mouth, then closed it. Open. Close. I couldn't believe he had just been so open about that. "Please say

something" he said as he sat up. I hadn't realized I had been quiet for a short period of time. I sat up before deciding what to say. "Thomas I..." I started and paused. "yes?" he questioned. "I love you too" I

said. He let out a breath I hadn't realized he had been holding. "No more talking" I said giving him a seductive smile. "As you wish" he said as he leaned forward and caught my lips passionately with his. His

fingers ran up my shoulders and he cupped my face in his hands. He pulled away and we stared into each others eyes like we were trying to look into each others souls. His thumbs traced my bottom lip giving me

goosebumps. He leaned back and gave me another breath taking kiss. He laved his tongue over almost every inch of my body and had me shivering with need for him. He slid his hands under my hips and raised

me up to meet the slide of his eager need. I sighed in pleasure as he went deep inside me. He paused for a moment enjoying the bonding moment that we were sharing. Then with a low groan he began pumping

rhythmically against me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my nails lightly into his back as he started pumping harder and faster. It felt amazing the feeling of such erotic pleasure. He captured my lips

with his as him and I both let out moans of ecstasy.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I was sure i had woke up in heaven, but it was just Thomas' arms. I watched his chest rise and fall for a few minutes before he stirred. "Good morning" I said. "Morning.

How did you sleep my love" he asked. "I slept wonderfully. Last night was..." I started. "Amazing" he filled in. "To say the least yes it was" I said smiling up at him. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss in the

lips. "I must get us going it'll be at least 5 days until we get to New York" He said as he sat up. I stared lustfully at his sun kissed muscular back. I sat beside him with legs on either side and began massaging his

back. "You're so tense. you just need to relax" I said as I ran my hands down his back. I kissed his shoulders and kissed his neck behind his ear causing him to let out a low moan. He tilted his neck and I took that

as an invite to nibble on his neck. I got a few more moans before I took control. I leaned him back on the bed and straddled him. I leaned down and acted like I was going to kiss him but pulled away quickly. "I'm

in charge" I said in his ear. "That what you think" He said. In one swft movement he had flipped and I was on the bottom. "I want you now" I said as I looked up at him. "as you wish" he said. He slowly slid inside

me. "More" I begged. He started pumping in and out of me quicker. I arched my back as I felt myself being pushed closer and closer to the edge. "Thomas" I cried. I dug my nails into his shoulders as he growled

with pleasure when we both came. "I think I'm definitely gonna become a morning person" I said smiling. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss before standing up and getting dressed. "Come up when your ready.

I love you" he said as he gave me one last kiss before heading out the door. I flopped backwards on the bed and kicked and squealed in excitement. I had never felt this way about anyone. I was just finding it

hard to believe that I could be this happy. I had a wonderful adventure and had fallen in love. I let out one more happy squeal before getting dressed and heading up on deck.