This is my first CSI fan fic but not my first time writing…I do a lot of that just for fun! Please read and review, that seems to make the updates come out quicker! Goin with a certain idea so hopefully it all pans out and writers block don't sneak up and bite me…

Its GSR of course set in mid relationship before anyone has a clue about them. This will not follows eps but every once in a while I may refer to one

Disclaimer…I do not own any part of CSI

Chapter 1

Sara rolled in the bed only to reach out to cold sheets. She sat up to wipe the sleep out of her eyes as she looked at the clock. She had an hour and a half before she had to be in the lab.

The graveyard shift had just closed a big case that had them pulling doubles and triples. Everyone had been running on just a few hours of sleep until they finally hauled the low life murderer in just a few hours ago and everyone had went home for some much needed rest.

Sara had been told not to come in tonight since she had pulled a triple but she reminded Grissom that he, Catherine, Warrick, and Greg had been right there with her. She knew he would not take the night off so she talked him into letting Cath Warrick and Greg off and she and Grissom could have the next night so they could spend a little bit of time together.

He had reluctantly agreed knowing that trying to talk her out of it would more than likely just lead to a fight that he could not win. Sara hated any kind of special treatment so Grissom agreed not to give her any. It made their secret easier to keep.

Sara rolled out of bed still exhausted and headed for the shower to wake herself up a bit. After making coffee and getting dressed she pulled her hair back into a low pony tail and headed out the door.

She entered the lab to find Nick and Hodges in the break room watching a newscast about their former case.

"Haven't you guys seen enough of this already" Sara said as she sat down.

"Yea it was already on when we got here, you would think they would find something else to talk about," Nick replied.

Just then they all looked up as Grissom entered the break room. "Nick, DB near the Tangiers. Sofia will meat you there. Call Sara if you need back up but for now your on your own." Grissom handed him the slip of paper as Nick got up to go get his kit. "Alright, a solo" he said as he exited the room.

"Nothing for me boss," Sara said to Grissom as she sipped her coffee. Hodges rolled his eyes as he headed for the AV lab to talk to Archie. When was she going to get over him, he wondered to himself.

Grissom eyed Hodges as he left, then looked back at Sara. "You, my dear, need to catch up on some much needed sleep. Unless Nick calls or something else comes in, your on stand by."

"May I ask what your going to be working on," she asked him as she give him a small grin. "A little paperwork and a meeting with Ecklie" he replied.

"Sounds fun. I have some paper work of my own." Sara got up to head to her locker. She stopped in the door way and turned back to see Grissom still looking at her, "See ya when I see ya," she said with a smile as she walked out of sight.

"Yea" Grissom replied. She knew how to work him and leave him wanting more whether it was in the bedroom or in the break room. Just the small grin and twitch of her brow that no one else thought twice about made him stir as he took a deep breath and poured another cup of coffee.

Sara grabbed some paperwork and sat down at the table in the break room to get started. About fifteen minutes later her phone went off.

"Sidle" she said without looking at the id. "Hey, its Nick. I got a pretty big crime scene and a lot of media to deal with. You still free?" he asked.

"Be there in a few. Just let me tell Grissom and grab my kit." she told him as she shut her phone. She walked to his office and waited until he hung up the phone to speak.

"Nick called. He needs me to help process so I'm gonna take off." she told him as she leaned against the door frame.

"I can go if your too tired" he offered. "And miss your meeting with Ecklie, don't worry I got it" she said sarcastically as she turned to go.

"Be safe" he called after her. "Always" she replied as she threw her hand up without turning around.


"Vic is wrapped in a blanket like you would wrap an infant. White female approximately 5'8", dark hair and eyes, wearing pajamas like she was going to bed," Nick rattled off as Sara walked up to the scene.

"Or being put to bed," Sofia added then continued "No ID yet but she has got to be early to mid 30s, no defensive wounds that we can see. This killer is neat. Don't have a COD yet. Looks like we are going to have to wait and see what Doc has to say."

They walked towards the body careful not to step on any potential evidence. "Who tipped off the circus?" Sara asked as she eyed the media vans and reporters on the other side of the crime tape.

"We are still trying to figure that out," Sofia said as she stopped at the body of the dead girl.

Sara almost stumbled as she looked down at the girl. She was, like Nick said, wrapped in a blanket laid in the bushes almost like they were being used as a bed. Everything about the girl reminded Sara of herself. Same height, build, hair, eyes, bone structure.

Sara was trying to find her breath again when Nick spoke up. "You gonna be okay Sara?" She couldn't take her eyes off the girl, "Its…like looking in a mirror"

"Yea I know, I can call Warrick or Catherine if you had rather…" "No" she interrupted him, "I…I'm fine." she said as she pulled her eyes away and looked to Sofia. "Anything else before we start processing?"

"There was a note found tucked right in the inside of the blanket." Sofia held out the evidence bag with the note. Sara read the neatly scripted words. She felt her head get light and took some deep breaths to try to keep Nick and Sofia from noticing. The note read Daddy cant hurt her anymore.

"You okay Sara?" Nick said as she turned away. "Fine," she lied as she grabbed her kit. "Lets get to work, I'm already running on empty."

Nick and Sofia looked at each other and shrugged it off as Sara's lack of sleep. They all got busy. Nick and Sara processed the scene while Sofia questioned some bystanders and tried to keep the media at bay.

David came and left still unable to give a COD although TOD was determined to be three to four hours ago which was between 6 and 7 that night. The body had been placed at the scene, she did not die there.

Sara could feel the cameras watching them as they worked. She tried to keep her mind on her job instead of the close resemblance of herself and the dead girl; not only in their looks but apparently in their past as well.

After they were done collecting all the evidence they could find and the body had been transported back to the morgue, Nick and Sara returned to the lab and got ready for the autopsy. Sara desperately wanted to find a way out of attending the autopsy but the lack of evidence kept her from being able to stay behind to process it. They were going to have to rely on the body and hope the killer left enough evidence behind on it to at least give them some idea of where to begin their investigation.

"Hey Sar you ready," Nick said as he popped his head in the locker room.

"Uh…yea" she closed her locker and met him at the door, "lets get it done."

As they walked in the morgue Doc Robbins was getting set to begin. As he uncovered the body he glanced up at Sara and she immediately felt the heat rise to her face. She took a breath and stepped up to the table… "we going to get started or stand here and compare faces all day?"

With that the Doc started examining the body. It was a slow process and when he got to the lower left side of the neck he noted a small puncture wound consistent with a needle. "She may have been drugged or possibly poisoned. We will have to wait on tox to confirm," he told them as he pointed to the needle mark.

"Speaking of, I think I am going to hurry them up on the tox screen. Doc, can you get a full body scan before you cut? Victim may have been abused at some point." Sara left before anyone could respond.

She leaned on the wall in the elevator on the way back to the lab. She was physically and mentally exhausted but this new case was already beginning to eat at her. Her stomach was nauseas as she thought about the similarity of her and the girl laying on the slab in the morgue. Not only were they mere images of each other, Sara was pretty sure she knew what the note meant. She prayed she was wrong.

Sara spotted Hodges as soon as she entered the lab. "Hey you get anything from the toxicology report off mine and Nicks Jane Doe?"

"It's processing now, I can't make it go any faster than it is. I am only one man with the work of many," Hodges complained.

Sara kept walking towards the break room, "Page me when it's done."

Grissom walked out of his office and seen Sara as she entered the break room. He walked in to find her grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge. "How's your case going?"

She turned around slightly startled. Her stomach kept rolling around and she grabbed a chair to sit down before her legs give way. Grissom hurried over to her, "Sara are you feeling okay? You look a little pale. You should eat." He laid the back of his head against her forehead and noted she felt a little warm.

"No I'm not hungry" she took a small drink of water trying to calm her stomach. "Nick is in autopsy now. I came back to see make sure Hodges started on the tox screen. We think she may have been drugged."

Grissom looked around to make sure they were alone. He then knelt down and took her hand, "Honey you need to get some rest. You're running on about four hours sleep in the last two days. Go home, I can help Nick finish up."

Sara shook her head, "I'm fine, just needed a break before I got started on the blanket she was wrapped in."

Grissom shook his head in defeat. Why did she insist on being so stubborn. He decided to let her go ahead, with his supervision of course. "I will help you then. Let's get started."

"I don't need a baby sitter Griss, go to your meeting" she said as she stood and tested out her shaky legs.

"It got pushed back to in the morning. Ecklie isn't much on keeping our hours. Sara are you sure you are okay?" he asked as he noted how slowly she stood.

"Look, you can help me if you will stop asking me that." she said as she stood still to let the wave of dizziness pass. Maybe she really did need some rest but there was no way she was giving in now.

Grissom stayed behind her and watched her closely as they made their way to the lay out room. The blanket and pictures were bagged up on the shelf waiting. Sara retrieved both and grimaced inside as she looked at the pictures, knowing Grissom would put it together quickly and chalk her odd behavior up to her getting to involved. Sara, however, did not believe that was the case here. She just simply wasn't feeling well.

"O my," said Grissom as he looked at the pictures then the note. "Sara, are you going to be able to work this objectively…" he regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.

She looked at him and he immediately knew he had offended her. "Look Grissom, if you think you need to take over or pull me off the case, by all means," she threw her hands up, "but I would appreciate it if you would back the hell off and let me do my job."

She figured he would for sure pull her from the case now. She didn't mean to blow up like that but the lack of sleep was really beginning to get to her.

"Why don't you take a couple hours in the crib and I will wake you as soon as I'm done here. I am not pulling you, yet, but if you don't get some rest I will." Grissom said as her boss. Then he gave her a concerned look, "There is some Tylenol in the top drawer of my desk, why don't you take some you felt a little warm."

She threw one hand up as she turned around to leave the room. "Whatever" she said shaking her head. He watched her as she headed down the hall to the room that held the two sets of bunk beds that everyone called the crib.

As Sara laid down she took in several deep breaths to try and calm her stomach. She hadn't eaten in several hours but the thought of food made her stomach turn over again. Her head pounded and her eyes burned from lack of sleep. She checked her watch. 1:15 am. She would set the alarm in the room for 3. She knew she needed sleep and quite frankly knew if she wanted to remain on the case, she better listen to her boss.


Grissom processed the blanket and the note and looked closely at all the pictures. There were no fingerprints anywhere. There were a few hairs that looked to belong to victim and a few fibers that he would get to trace but other than that they were running on nothing. He hoped Doc got more off the body. He was still waiting on Nick to get back when he decided to check on Sara.

He walked in to the dim room to find her lightly snoring. She must have been very tired because she rarely made the funny little noise she was making now. He knelt down and brushed his hand across her cheek. Still warm. She must not have taken the Tylenol.

He then noticed the alarm being on. He pushed the button to see it was set for 3 am. He switched off the alarm. She would be angry but maybe she would be a little more rested. He stood to leave as he heard Nicks voice talking to Hodges down the hall.

He quietly pulled the door shut and left Sara to sleep until he found out more about the case.

Nick spotted Grissom as soon as he looked down the hall. "Hey boss, you seen Sara. She was suppose to be processing the evidence on the new Jane Doe case."

"She is in the crib getting a little sleep." Nick looked at Grissom funny, "I made her," Grissom added, "You get anything off the body?"

"Yea, Doc thinks she may have been abused as a child. She has a lot of very old scars and you can see some old breaks on her bones in her wrists, arms, and shoulders that would be consistent with someone picking her up and slinging her around," Nick told him as he made the motions with his own arm.

"That would explain the note about the victims father if he was the one abusing her. Any new scars?" Grissom asked.

"Yea her wrists and ankles were bound and she was gagged. Other than that the body is clean. We are still waiting on tox for a cause of death," Nick replied.

"I got some hairs that match the victim and a few fibers that Hodges is analyzing now off the blanket. No prints on anything. Looks like we are running into a dead end until the tests come back," Grissom told Nick and went to talk with Hodges. Nick followed.

"Tox just came back," Hodges said as they walked in. He handed the results to Grissom.

"This is the same cocktail they use for the inmates on death row. That's interesting. Where are we on an ID?" Grissom turned to Nick.

"I am heading to missing persons now. I was coming by here to get Sara, I figured she'd want to go." Nick said

"Let her sleep," Grissom said as he turned around and almost run into Sara.

"I'll ride along. Someone screwed with my alarm," she eyed Grissom and turned to Nick. "Let's go."

Nick looked at the two then shrugged, "K, see ya when we get back."

Grissom shook his head to his self. This case was going to get to her and there was no preventing it.

Author's notes

Okay there is chapter one. Please read and review! Hopefully I can keep the updates coming but I have an 8 month old that requires a lot of attention so we will see how that goes!