Edit: I edited the Chapter to make more sense. I space out the dialog to make more clear to people who are reading it.
I deleted The link. Update may be coming soon
iCarly/ Fairy OddParents crossover
Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly or Fairy Odd parents.
In Dimsdale, Timmy went onto the Computer and he went to his email. He got a letter form Aj that wrote the letter, and the letter said, "Hey Timmy, you need to go check this site out the address of the site is www. icarly. com ( You will have to take out the spaces, Now back to the Story.) , they have a web show every weak on the site, they are really funny. Bye." Timmy decided to go to the website.
Meanwhile in the Real Word Seattle, Spencer is making a portal to get to another place.
Spencer said "I relay hope that it not Dimsdale" Carly asked, "Why?" Spencer replied "I keep having to nightmare that I end up in Dimsdale were Cosmo once I get there that he tried to bite my hand off."
Carly said, "Okay those are some weird dreams, l I'm going upstairs to get ready for the show."
Meanwhile in Cartoon Dimsdale Then an error message show up and it said "Sorry you cannot go on this unless you have a special program that allows you to go onto Real word website.
Timmy then go to the fishbowl and Cosmo, Wanda and Poof turns forms fish to the fairy forms.
Timmy said "I wish that I have a special program that allowed me to go on real world site." Cosmo and Wanda waved there wand and great Timmy wish. He typed in the site in and it with the program it went to the actual website. [Then pop in a Computer screen and click on the one that take it back to Seattle.]
Freddie said "In 5, 4, 3, 2, and we live.
Carly said, "I'm Carly." Sam said "I'm Sam" Carly and Sam both said "This is iCarly"
Carly said "Today we got a funny video It was recorded by Spencer because Freddie wasn't there at that time it was lunch time. Freddie cues the video.
Carly said "Hey It me Carly I want to show a wacky talent that my co-host has. Spencer made his chicken noodle soup. I decided to go watch some TV." Then Sam right arm come up and grab the spoon from Carly and eat the soup from the spoon then she slurp it down.
Carly said "Sam you did it again and you need to stop that." Sam was still asleep. Carly said "Spencer turn off the Camera we're done with it.
Sam said "I didn't know I can do that in my sleep."
Carly said, "Now for another Messing with Lewbert!" Remember that show that we tried to do a Muffin Basket with the Confetti but it went horribly wrong but this time we will try and do it again. Freddie switches to the Lewbert Cam." Freddie said "Switching to the Lewbert Cam. Cue the Muffin basket."
Lewbert asked, "Who is this for?" Lewbert said "Oh well that I will take one."
Carly asked Freddie "Is the Button ready for our special surprise? Freddie said, "Yes, it is." Then Sam press the button and confetti shoot out the basket. Carly said, "Well that it for the show bye."
Carly said "Hey Spencer, Are you done with the sculpture?" Spencer replied, "Yes I'm done."
Then Carly, Sam, and Freddie rub the sphere and the landed in Dimsdale and then the screen went blank.
Intro: I decide to treat as a big theatrical movie that why you will see Paramount Picture. The Intro will be Bold and Italics.
Paramount Picture and Nickelodeon Movie present A Schneider Bakery/Federator and Binford Production A Schneider/ Hartman Film
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Timmy is an average kid I know, you see
Somehow the world will change for me that no one understands
mom and dad and Vicky
always giving him commands
Bed Squirt
And be so wonderful
Live life, breathe air
I know somehow we're gonna get there
the doom and gloom
up in his room
is broken instantly
by his magic little fish
who grant his every wish
cause in reality...
they are his odd parents
Live life, breathe air
I know somehow we're gonna get there
And feel so wonderful
And it's all for real
I'm telling you just how I feel
So wake up the members of my nation
fairly odd parents
Wands and wings
floaty crowny things
odd parents
fairly odd parents
It's your time to be
There's no chance unless you take one
And it's time to see
The brighter side of every situation
Somethings are meant to be
So give your best and leave the rest to me
Leave it all to me
Leave it all to me
Just leave it all to me
really rod, pea pod,
buf bod, hot rod
obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,
giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake
odd parents
fairly odd parents
you wish you live when you were a kid
with fairly odd parents
Vicky: yeah right
iCarly iMeet The Fairy Odd Parents.
How Did You like the into. This is the Longest Chapter in wrote it went onto 3 pages when I wrote. . I did the Best I can with the Theme Song Hopes you Like it. Please Review. Here the link to the Error if it was a window error. s975. photobucket albums/ae232/corb145/iCarly%20iMeet%20The%20Fariy%20Odd%20Parents/?action=view¤t=iCarlyiMeetTheFariyOddParents. png Need to take out the spaces for it to work