It was another pleasant day on Sunny Island. Chelsea lay on her back, enjoying the gentle ocean breeze tickling her face. It had been a while since she visited the beach due to farm work and other errands that left her no time to relax. She enjoyed her job, but really, even she got tired of tending to constantly bleating animals and the numerous demands Taro pushed on her every last minute. Checking her watch, Chelsea looked around the beach expectantly.

Weird, she thought, he's never late.

Chelsea's eyes wandered curiously for a certain wild man. She and Shea agreed they would meet this week on this particular day after coming to a conclusion for the previous complications that lasted for a few months since then. Shea promised he would stop following her around. He had been deeply upset at first, which made Chelsea feel as if she had just kicked a puppy or something. In return, Chelsea promised they would spend time together once a week from now on.

There was the sound of foot steps behind her. Chelsea turned and found her company. Shea stood above her, bare as usual except with the leopard skin wrapped around his waist which he wore for Chelsea's sake. Shea was carrying something.

"I-Is that a boar?" Chelsea stared incredulously as Shea dropped beside her.

"Lunch." He said happily, beaming at her.

"Oh you didn't have to..." Chelsea half-smiled, "Really, you didn't."

Ignoring Chelsea's flustered face, Shea grasped her tiny hand and held it to his chest. "Shea ask something of Chelsea."

"What is it?" Chelsea looked at him curiously, forgetting about the boar. She found herself being drawn into those deep, unwavering eyes of his.

"Shea thinks we should have baby." He declared.

The brunette's eyes widened, all color completely draining from her face. "Umm, what...where, who gave you this idea?" It was as if her heart had just stopped.

"Wada." Shea replied, wrapping his fingers with hers. "Wada says Chelsea and Shea ready for baby. Chelsea is Shea's dearest friend."

"But a baby," Chelsea stopped, carefully picking her words. Never before had she wanted to strangle the elderly tribesman with such intensity. "Shea. A baby is something only married people have. Well, you don't have to be married but-"

Shea frowned, "So...You don't want a baby?"

"No. Not right now."

"Then when?"

"When...?" Chelsea repeated aloud as she slowly distanced herself. "Shea, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I'm just not ready for that.. especially with us." She forced a small smile.

"Chelsea want baby with someone else?" Shea's eyes narrowed, a low growl resonating from his chest. "Is it Taro?"

"No!" Chelsea shouted quickly, rather disturbed. "What I'm trying to say is that...We should take things slow."


"Our relationship." Chelsea smiled. "So we know where things stand between us. We don't need a baby to decide that. Do you understand, Shea?"

The boy looked at his feet, indecisiveness flashing through his brown eyes. "I-I understand..."

Sensing his disappointment, Chelsea put a comforting arm around his shoulder. "Trust me." Shea slowly nodded, releasing her hand.

"Well, I have to go now." The young woman got up, still slightly flustered. She brushed the sand clinging to her pants, and proceeded to walk off towards the town. She suddenly felt a rough hand grab hers.

"Chelsea wait!" Shea called. The girl turned, looking at him strangely.

"What is it?"

Shea said nothing and leaned in towards Chelsea. Bringing his hands around her small face, he planted a chaste kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he found the farmer girl blushing furiously and at a complete loss of words.

"Shea and Chelsea take it slow, right?" He flashed an exuberant smile at her.

"R-R-Right..." Chelsea barely managed as Shea bid her farewell. Running a hand through her hair, she found herself unable to move for a moments. She looked at her feet, at the boar beside her, at Shea departing, and back at her feet.

I need a shower, she concluded.