Authors Note: I own nothing. I tried bribing Steven Moffat with some jelly babies but apparently he wasn't interested.
So this is just my way of explaning away the frankly epic kiss between Eleven and Amy in the trailer. Cause I'm a shipper. Totally spur of the moment so apologies for any mistakes.
For all my friends over at doctoreleven on LJ.
Sparks in the Air
The Doctor landed the TARDIS and glanced at Amy, "Here we are then. Your house. Your bedroom just as I promised."
Amy picked up her bag and walked towards the door, the Doctor following close behind, "I could stay a little longer?" she suggested once again, knowing it was fruitless
The Doctor shook his head, "One trip that's what I promised you. One trip that became four. Funny how that always happens. One trip is never just one trip."
Amy put the bag down and turned back to him, "I guess this is goodbye then?"
The Doctor nodded, "Goodbye Amy."
She hugged him, "Goodbye Doctor, stay safe."
He smiled, "I'll try," and then he walked back into the TARDIS closing the door behind him. As he began to manipulate the controls he glanced at the scanner and saw Amy staring sadly at the TARDIS. And suddenly he didn't want to let her go. She had been brilliant over the last few adventures. Never afraid to throw herself into what ever mess he got them into, her cheerful stubborn spirit, clashed with his boisterous melancholy creating sparks when ever they touched. He hadn't had a friend like her since. Well since Donna.
With a swift nod, he erased his previous commands and strode over to the door. Opening it he stepped out, "Of course if you wanted to stay a little longer. Well," he shrugged, "The TARDIS does get a little lonely from time to time."
Suddenly he found himself pinned to the side of the TARDIS, one of Amy's hands on his neck, the other on his arm and her lips on his. His first reaction was to push her away but then he realised he had wanted this. That this felt good. All this rushed through his head as he tangled his hands into her hair and relaxed into the kiss.
Just as quickly as it had begun the kiss finished, and Amy had grabbed her bag and ran back into the TARDIS, "You coming?" she asked, one eyebrow raised.
"Oh yes," The Doctor replied, running to join her a massive smile on his face. He had been wrong he realised. She wasn't like Donna. She was Amy. And that was enough for now. She was different from all his previous companions. And the sparks were fantastic.
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