Sorry if it wasn't as long as i promised... and that it took a while to get here...

i was debating whether or not to make it longer...

Please Enjoy.... And Review...

The Pain of Losing the One You Love

Chapter 6


I'm gonna be a dad….

I'm gonna be a dad?

I'm gonna be a dad!!!

I just wanna shout it out to the world. Byakuya Kuchiki is having my child!!!

I want to shower Byakuya with my love more than ever.

After knowing that he is carrying my unborn child, the ultimate manifestation of our love, I can't contain my happiness anymore. Now I know why it feels so good to be a father.

I just want to hug him and smother him with kisses all day long. But, I wonder how his family will take the news.

I mean… They don't even know about us yet… Then the next thing they hear about is Byakuya getting knocked up by some Rukongai dog.

What do we do?



"Byakuya…" I whispered into his ear as he slept.

I held him closer to me and wrapped my arms around him, my hand resting on his stomach.

Since hearing the news 3 days ago, I would subconsciously put my hands over our unborn baby. I could feel a small pulse and a growing reiatsu inside the man I love.

I nuzzled into his neck, leaving small feathery kisses. Then we continued to drift back into a deep sleep.



"Renji…" I could hear a faint whisper.


"Renji, it's time to go to work. We must hurry. We can't be late." He said.

"Wait, what?" I asked, rising up from the bed still half-asleep.

"We have to go to work."

Work? Work he says? Doesn't he know he's pregnant???

"Woah, Byakuya. You can't go to work now that you're pregnant. It's too stressful for you."

"Well, the paper work won't handle itself." He said calmly.

"Well, that's true." I paused and thought for a minute, "Tell you what, how about we just let Rikichi bring the paperwork here and I'll do all of them for you?"

"We both know that you can't even handle your share of the papers, how do expect me to believe that you can finish mine as well?" he scoffed.

"Ohh right…" I laughed awkwardly, "Well, just let me at least try. Since it's for you and the baby, I'll do my best." Then I gestured for him to come to me. He pouted a bit, which was so cute and unexpected, then moved. I took him into my arms and kissed his forehead.

"Byakuya, don't worry about anything anymore. Just think about giving birth to my child, so you can have someone beside you when I'm gone." I said, still holding him in a tight embrace.

"Re…Renji, don't even say that. Saying things that will upset me will be bad for our baby. Please…" he said. Was he trembling?

"Byakuya, I love you. No matter what happens, I will still love you. You should always remember that. So you shouldn't feel sad."

"I know Renji. But, just the thought of never seeing you again…." He started.

"Byakuya, it's alright. The same goes for me. If I could, I would never leave you." I reassured him, holding his face near mine. I gave him a passionate kiss which he returned with much fervor. Our hands desperately caressing each other, our bodies molding as one; we needed this, this heat, this reassurance of each other. Just for a while… Forget all our troubles and just drown in this overwhelming feeling.

A knock on the door disturbed us. I groaned at the distraction and deepened the kiss. Forget about it.But Byakuya pulled out of my embrace. It took a while for him to respond.

"Ye—Yes? What is it?" he said, breathless.

"Kuchiki-sama, breakfast is ready." The servant said through the door.

"Thank you, I will be down shortly."

And the servant left. He turned back to me and I put up a mildly frustrated face then smiled at him.

"Guess we'll have to continue this some other time, " I said as I started to stand up.

"Yes, we don't want the food to get cold." He said calmly, almost too calmly.



After breakfast, I started on the paperwork Rikichi had brought for me. How will I ever finish this alone? Well, since it's for Byakuya and my baby, I'm willing to do anything.

"Renji, are you sure you don't want any help?" said the voice behind me.

"Byakuya, I'm sure. Just take a break, relax."

"Renji, I'm not disabled. I can still work. You need not treat me like a child."

"Byakuya, I'm not. It's just… this is the only thing I can do for you." I said. I was too shy to say that I wanted to spoil him; treat him better so he would know how much I love him. After all, he was the man who took years to figure out my feelings.

"Well… That's not the only thing you could do for me, you know…" he said with a low voice. I could feel him approaching me.

"What do you mean?" I asked seductively. I knew where this was going, or at least I thought where it would.

He leaned on me from behind. His mouth was dangerously close my ear. I could feel his breath on my ear lobe.

"Byakuya…" I said breathily.

"Renji…." He started, I almost wanted to jump him, but decided to let him finish.

"I want chocolate covered bananas with hot peppers on top." He said.

"Oh yeah… Byakuya… Wait.. What???"

Did I just hear that right? Chocolate…. Bananas…. Hot Pepper??? Is that some new slang he picked up?

"Yeah… I've been having these cravings for something sweet and spicy…" he said, "Could you get me some? Ohh…. And a chocolate cake with pickles and broccoli and make sure you put a lot of chili…"

"What?" I couldn't believe what he was saying. I heard that pregnant women can have weird cravings but, this is just…. unbelievable.

"Please Renji…." His voice was becoming unbelievably whiny, "You're the only one I could ask. The house chef might think I'm weird if I ask for all these."

"Well, it is weird." I just stared at him, but I was secretly liking this part of him, so opposite of the Byakuya everyone knows. "Your tastes are now becoming like Rangiku-san's. Just plain weird."

"You mean you won't get them for me?" he asked, his voice almost angry.


"Why are you being so mean to me? You said you would do anything for me…"


"Renji, I hate you. Don't even go near me if you won't do what I ask of you." He stated and finally left.

He left me there, dumbfounded.

Damn mood swings. I thought it was going fine then suddenly his mood changes and now he hates me. If there's one thing I heard about pregnant people, it's the mood swings. I just have to be understanding. Maybe if I was the one pregnant, I would have mood swings and I would wanna eat strange food too. Or not…?



I headed to the kitchen after finishing some paperwork labeled "Urgent". I asked the head chef to make the strange 'delicacies' my Byakuya wanted, and asked him to keep these requests a secret. People might think I'm crazy….Not that Byakuya is crazy asking for these….

I waited. During this time, I thought about Byakuya and my child, and the pregnancy… don't forget about that. I realized that I wasn't really all that knowledgeable in the pregnancy thing, maybe I should talk to Unohana-taicho about it and ask her some questions.

"Abarai-sama, the food you asked for is ready. Shall I wrap them for you or would you prefer to eat it here?" the chef asked.

"Umm… Wrap it, I guess."

He nodded his response. Does everyone here have to act this formal? I mean, I already told everyone to stop calling me 'Abarai-sama'. Anyways…

As soon as I got the food, I gave my thanks and headed for Byakuya's room. Hope he's in a better mood now.

Knock. Knock.

"Byakuya, it's me baby. Sorry for earlier. I'm here to make it up to you." I said, in the sweetest voice I could manage.

"Do you have what I have asked for?" he asked.

"Uhhh… Yeah"

"Then, enter."

I opened the door slowly and entered, making sure to close the door as silently as I could. And as soon as I turned around, he was right in front of me.

"Ummm.. here's what you asked for…" I said and showed him the bag which contained the 'food'.

He took it with much delight, went to his desk and started to open the bag. Not even a thank you?

Once he saw the food, I could swear I saw his eyes shine then he started to eat to his heart's content.

"Ohhh… Renji thank you. I love you so much. Care to try some?" he offered.

"Umm.. no thanks I'm good. Just ate, you know."

"Try it." He said, which sounded more of an order than a request.

"Sure." I said, trying to hide the fear in my voice. I took a piece of the chocolate cake with hot peppers, pickles and broccoli. I swallowed it whole and tried to keep my face from going green.

"Ummm… This is too good…" he said with satisfaction in his voice.

"Calm down Byakuya. You might choke," I told him. I watched him eat for a while, his sighs of satisfaction sounded very erotic to me. Damn Renji, keep it together!!! He's just eating!!!

"Byakuya, I think you just had an orgasm." I joked.

He paused, looked at me and said, "Don't be silly Renji, only you can give me that." Then he continued to eat.

I felt a deep blush creep up my face.

That's the last time I'm joking with Byakuya…

i promise the next chapter won't take a month....

I think i'm losing my inspiration for this story.... i can't remember the original plot i planned....