This is my first Cirque du Freak fanfic. I have yet to see a fully completed story that involves a Larten/OC assistant. I will do my very best to complete this story. If I do something that you do not like, then tell me for goodness sake. If I get an element of the story wrong or if it sounds awkward let me know and I will gladly revise whatever need fixing. If my heroine sounds too Mary-sue, which I sincerely try to avoid, give me a harsh slap. This story will be slightly different than the original. It will definitely be filled with more adult themes.
Just as a forward warning, I will have some mature violence, language, and sex scenes in this story including mentions of rape. If you are uncomfortable with this, don't read on. Alright, on with the show!
What is in this story is entirely true. Please, if you are reading, know this. My life has been full of heartbreak, adventure, love, depression, distrust, and happiness. Learn from what I am writing. Try not to make the same mistakes I did. Make your own!
My name is Sublime Skyebolt, Lacy is my nickname, and this is the story of my life as a creature of the night. Of course, I wasn't always like this. I used to be human. I lived with my family in a small town in an unimportant part of America. My life was boring, ordinary, just set in a rather dull setting until the flyer that changed my life forever.
I had always been intrigued by spiders. Some would have called me obsessed. I have always considered myself a strange girl in a very commonplace world. My interest in the macabre has always made me a bit of a freak. My parents tried to tell me that I was normal; I was not. My best friend Steve Leopard was an example. Steve was my closest companion. When I was human, you couldn't find me without him and vice-versa. He had an obsession with Vampires and other things like that. He read every book in the library on vampires. It's funny how ironic that is now. Anyway, my story began quite literally in a bathroom.
Chapter 1- The Flyer
I felt queasy during class and I decided to go to the bathroom to try and get a little better. After my nausea passed, I walked out and decided a little soccer would cheer me up for I loved soccer.
"Lacy, come over here! We're about to play!" Steve yelled from the soccer field.
"I'm coming, Leopard! I bellowed right back. I called Steve Leonard, Leopard, since it sounded so similar to his last name and seemed to fit.
We played for about half an hour, with my team crushing our opponents. I was great at soccer for as long as I could remember. We creamed them 7 to 2.
After school, Steve and I decided to walk back to my house. He decided to sleep over. Our parents trusted us implicitly to sleep in the same room, probably because I was nowhere near puberty. Even though I was 14 years old, I looked completely undeveloped. I had hints of looking like a girl, but you had to look really closely.
I had long, bronze colored hair that waved all the way down my back. It annoyed me to no avail because it was too straight to be curly and too curly to be straight. My only redeeming factor that counteracted my skinny, boxy body was my eyes. They were a vivid color, almost indescribably blue. The shade was similar to my last name, a sky-like blue.
My blue eyes got wacked by a vibrant paper on the way home. I pulled it from my face and I was shocked at what it said. It described a fabulous freak show, called Cirque de Freak. It depicted a show filled with the wildest of performers and freaks, like a bearded women, a man with two stomachs, and a huge spider. The spider part really perked my attention. I showed the flyer to Steve.
"We have to go! It looks like so much fun!" I practically screamed.
"Do we have enough money?" He asked me hesitantly.
I had my allowance, I hadn't touched it for years, and I never wanted to buy anything so I had over a hundred dollars saved up. I was a very parsimonious young lady.
"I can cover it, Steve. I have plenty saved up. Do you want me to ask the others if they want to come? Or, do you want it to be you and me?"
"Just you and me, Sublime. The others don't have the appreciation for it that we do." I hated it when he called me Sublime. After all, it isn't even a real name.
We walked back to my house and spent the night talking about the ghoulish and chilling, vampires and spiders. I always cherished those moments with Steve. Little did I know that they would help me through some rough times.
I couldn't stop squirming with excitement during school. I was so anxious for the show. I knew it was going to be great. I had trouble focusing during class. My teachers scolded me for not listening to the lectures or answering their questions. I even missed a few easy goals when we were playing soccer.
I phoned my mom right after school and told her I would be sleeping over at Steve's house that evening. But I would be getting no sleep that night.
We ran home and entertained each other until an hour before midnight. We stuffed our beds to make it look like we were sleeping then we took off. We started walking slowly, enjoying the crisp evening air. We had to pick up the pace, fearing that we would be late. We ran the last couple of miles to the ramshackle theater. We paid our way in, but what was freaky was that the being that took our money and gave us the tickets was not human. The creatures were little and you couldn't see their faces because they wore little capes with hoods.
After we got our tickets we walked inside. It was very dark and we felt our way down the hallway. Eventually we saw a light and gave a sigh of relief. An extremely tall man introduced himself and took our tickets.
"Good evening Steve and Lacy, my name is Hibernious Tall and I am the owner of this very Cirque du Freak."
I was shocked to say the least.
"Mr. Tall, how do you know my name?" I asked, awestruck.
"I know many things, Miss Lacy, or should I say Miss Sublime. I know about your fascination with spiders. You will love Madame Octa and Mr. Crepsley's performance. "
"Yes sir."
I had a bad habit of acquiescing to any adult. I was intimidated and just taught to be respectful.
"Your seats are right this way." He pointed to two chairs dead center. We appeared to be the last in the audience to arrive.
The show started quickly afterwards. It was incredible. Madame Truska was the bearded lady, but you would never tell though. She was beautiful. Her beard grew right out of her face in a matter of seconds. Nobody could cut it either. Rhamus Twobellies was the biggest man I had ever seen and he at an entire buffet. Alexander Ribs was as thin as Rhamus was large. He was a contortionist so he could bend in unimaginable ways. He also played a tune on his ribs.
After Alexander came on, it was time for intermission. I didn't buy anything although the souvenirs were incredible. The down time was short and Steve and I passed the time discussing the show. We agreed that it was incredible.
The curtain pulled up once more and a huge cage was wheeled onto the stage. It held the wolfman and he was frightening. Mr. Tall warned us about staying quiet but a woman screamed and the wolfman got loose and chewed her hand off. Mr. Tall sewed it back on, inconceivable, and yet her hand was as good as new. Some of the little men rushed in to scrub the blood off the carpet. After that fiasco was over and done with, Mr. Tall announced that Mr. Crepsley and Madame Octa were to come out next. I was so excited.
Mr. Crepsley was a man of about thirty years of age. He had orange colored hair, sparkling green eyes, and a scar that ran along the side of his face. He was tall, around six feet and lean. When he started speaking, he spoke in a tone that was soft and melodic, but held an air of mystery and commanded a certain fear. He was captivating. He explained his spider, Madame Octa. She was a killer arachnid, one bite would paralyze, and the next would kill. He played a little ditty on a tin flute and the spider began to perform. I was entranced by it. It was fabulous. When she made a web in his mouth, my jaw dropped. I had never seen a greater spider.
Steve looked paler by the minute as they were performing. He was muttering something about a man named Vurry Norston or something like that. He told me he would be staying late after the show and not to wait up for me. I agreed, but I had my fingers crossed. I would stay after and watch him from the balcony.
I was sad when they finished because the rest of the show just was nowhere near as great as Mr. Crepsley and Madame Octa.
The show ended and I got up, making like I was leaving. I gave Steve a last look and hid in the shadows for a few minutes before the theatre was empty. I slowly made my way up the stairs, careful not to make a sound. I looked down and I saw the orange haired man walk out on stage. He looked at Steve, and Steve glared back at him. Steve told him what he knew. He knew that Crepsley was a vampire named Vur Horston. He knew a lot and I think Crepsley was surprised by it. He asked him who sent him and Steve told him he wanted to become his vampire assistant and nobody sent him. I was nauseated by that point. Steve's blood got tasted and apparently he had bad, evil blood. I couldn't believe it. Not only was he evil, but he also wanted to give up everything he had, including me to become Mr. Crepsley's assistant. That hurt me in ways I couldn't express. He left ranting into the night about how he would become a vampire hunter and kill him.
I left shortly thereafter. I should have stayed inside. It was a dark night outside. The moon was hidden by thick overhead clouds. I decided in a rash moment that I would take the alleyways to get home faster. I walked for about half a block when I ran into something, or someone. It was a man. He was big and he reeked of alcohol. When he looked at me, he sneered. I knew I should have run but I couldn't get my feet to listen to me. I was frozen in fear. He slammed me into the dumpster. I saw stars and he started to speak.
"Well hello, who might you be? He asked with a grin.
I didn't say anything and when I failed to respond he slapped my cheek so hard he drew blood on the inside of my mouth.
"Well whore, you gonna say something?" I once again couldn't get my mouth to articulate words. He viciously tore my shirt off. I was frozen in a fear so great, that I felt ready to faint. He kissed me roughly, I tried to push him off but that only made him grab my breasts, or what should have been breasts and violently twisted. I yelled in agony but he smothered that using his mouth.
"You like that? You little slut." He rammed his knee between my legs and pulled down my skirt. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was crying and writhing but he wouldn't stop. He pulled down his pants and underwear and rammed his member into me, destroying my virginity. I screamed into the night. He moved, making friction and I cried out again, it felt like he was tearing my insides to pieces. I threw up and that seemed to distract him, or so I thought. What actually distracted him was the man in the red cloak picking him up by his neck and twisting it so hard that his head was turned backwards. He dropped the body and ran over to me. He looked frightened which was an emotion I never thought would grace his features. He took off his cloak and covered my body with it. He picked me up and ran back to the theatre. What took me twenty minutes took him less than two.
He put me down on a couch and left me there for a couple of minutes. I was just sitting there in such agony, utter humiliation, and fear. I was truly a mess after that ordeal. I started dry heaving, since there was nothing left in my stomach for me to throw up. Mr. Crepsley came back with a small towel, a bowl of water and a pair of boxers and a shirt. I cleaned myself up while he started to speak.
"I know you overheard me speaking to your friend. I just want to let you know that I would never hurt you. I do not hurt people. Please let me take you home."
The wheels of my mind were moving in hyper drive at that point. Mr. Crepsley was a vampire. He killed my rapist with a simple twist of his wrist and got us to the theatre in less time than was humanly possible. He was also willing to take on an assistant, one that was not evil of course. If he were to make me a half vampire I would never have to go through an ordeal like this again. I would be able to defend myself.
I voiced my thoughts in a shattered voice. I don't think it will ever be the same. It sounded arrantly flat and dead. After my explanation, he appeared to be thinking my proposition over. I could help him with many things. I would make a good assistant and more importantly, I never wanted to go through an experience like that again. I got rapped, my virginity savagely yanked away from me, never to return. The moment would be etched into my life forever. I would not, could not, let this happen again.
"I'm not so sure this is a good idea, Sublime. You are in shock. You need rest, I will take you home and you shall forget all about the Cirque and what happened this evening.
I BLEW a fuse. I started screaming and crying like a madcap lunatic.
"I will never let this happen to me again! What if you were not there to kill him? He probably would have left me to die from internal bleeding. I refuse to be weak anymore. I need you to change me. I need to know that I will be able to defend myself. You got there too late, Mr. Crepsley. I've been defiled in so many ways. I can't deal with this!" I crumpled into a ball and he started to stroke my back gently. It felt nice to know that I had someone listening to this. I had a feeling this would be one of the few times I would ever discussed the matter. Mr. Crepsley and my rapist would be the only ones to ever know.
He looked at me with a torn expression on his face once I calmed down a bit. He looked as though his brain was telling him to do one thing and his heart another. I could relate.
"I will do it tonight if you agree. I must tell you though that it is antagonizing pain. You will only become a half-vampire so you will be able to be outside during the daylight. You will age at 1/5 the normal speed of a and 1/10 the speed once you are reblooded. You will cook and clean for me as well as pulling your weight here at the Cirque. In addition, you will learn about the ways of being a vampire with me during night lessons. If you agree, you will never see your family again, Sublime. It is a hard life we live. It is both adventurous and turbulent and certainly not for the faint of heart. I have a premonition that you will take to it well and that is the only reason I am offering."
I had nothing to lose. After all, I had just lost everything, my virginity, my childhood.
"I agree on one condition, Mr. Crepsley. Stop calling me Sublime, my name is Lacy."
"Yes, Lacy." He gave me a very small smile and motioned for me to stand up.
"I will begin the blooding process. I shall cut ten small wounds into each one of your fingertips. I shall do the same with mine. We will hold them up to each other and transfer half of our blood. This will be the extremely painful part but it will only last a few minutes."
He did what he said and it hurt, a lot. It felt like I had fire creeping down my veins. It ended almost as abruptly as it began and I felt almost no difference. I felt a little less tired and my eyesight appeared a little less blurred
"I will take you to Steve's home and fake your death."
"Fake. My. Death. Excuse me?"
"Yes, the only way for us not to be followed is to fake your death so your family receives some closure."
He picked me up and carried me out of the theatre. He slung me on his back and told me to hold on tight and to let go for no reason. We ran at incredible speeds back to my house. What was funny was that the world seemed to be slipping past us at an incredible rate, but Mr. Crepsley was running at a pace slightly faster than a jog. I asked him why that was.
"Speed is relative. This is known as flitting, a vampire's way of travelling at high speeds."
We reached Steve's home very quickly and he climbed up the side of the house into the second floor's bathroom. Luckily the window was unlocked. He pulled us inside and gave me the explanation.
"I will give you this serum. It will paralyze you for about three days and take away all feeling for around two of those days. Your heart will beat so slowly they will think you dead. Just as a precaution I will break your neck."
He went to do it when I stopped him. I wished to talk to him, I needed to vent. So much had happened in those last four hours, it was hard to process. I just needed a light conversation before my eminent death.
"I know nothing about you, how about we introduce ourselves a little more. I don't think I'll be able to do this well if I don't know a little more about you and vampires. I wish to make myself helpful to you."
"Alright but not for long." He said with a wary look in his eyes. I could read Mr. Crepsley like a book. We both sat down on the bench.
"We can take turns asking questions, but you don't need to answer if you don't want to." I added as an afterthought.
"I'll begin. What is your first name and how old are you?" I thought those were safe questions.
"My full name is Larten Crepsley and I'm around 160 years old. Now it is my turn. Why do you not like your name, Sublime?
"It's not a name!" I exclaimed. "It's a silly, vapid name too. I wish my parents saddled me with a normal name, like Jenny, something common."
"I know the feeling." He grinned, although it didn't quite meet his eyes. "I must begin the process now or I will not be able to get back to the Cirque before sunrise."
He gave me the vile and I downed it quickly. I felt tingly and then numb. He gently took hold of my head and pulled sharply to the left. I heard a click and my neck was broken. He turned the shower on and laid my head on the tub to make it look like I slipped on the water and fell to my death. He gently patted my head and said that he would be watching to make sure everything went smoothly. He then jumped out the window and my life as a half vampire had begun.