The Most Beautiful Wonder

Shaggy carried her lifeless form through the crowd. He didn't notice the flashing lights, the gasps, the tears, he simply marched on. Snow began to fall as innocently as young children at play, swirling and dancing through the air. He watched as the tiny crystals landed in her beautiful brunette hair. To him, she could be the most beautiful wonder the world had everr offered. He walked on.

He carried her without a second thought through the woods. He could swear she was glittering against the dramatic, white background of the newly fallen snow. He stopped. He set her body down as carefully as you would your most prized possession. He took from his pocket a pair a square, black-rimmed, wire glasses and placed them gently on her face. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He looked for one last time into that face that no angel could hope match, and saw, reflected on that beautiful face, all of his hopes, his dreams, his desires, his passion, and his love.

He saw Velma.