A Walk To Remember

(A.N: WARNING: OOC, and this doesn't relate back to the show at all! 'These are thoughts,' and bolded words are song lyrics. Okay, so this whole thing came about from watching a video by FaysDarkAngel on youtube. A Walk To Remember, in trailer form…Only the visuals were KuroFai. So, of course, when I finally saw the movie, all I could think about was my favourite pairing. So, naturally, the first thing I wanted to do after seeing the movie, was write this fanfic…Which means that my brain automatically began sorting through characters and forming the plot. I plan on using some lines that we hear in the movie, and sticking relatively close to the movies idea…But I will be changing things to suit my idea a little better. For anyone who has ever seen the movie, you know that the ending is a big time tearjerker…I personally won't tell you how I want to end my fanfic -evil grin- Lets just say that you have to read to find out!)

The car pulled up, and the dark haired male stepped out of the drivers side. He looked over to the group of people that he called friends. Shogo, and his girlfriend Primera. Syaoran, and his roommate Ryuuoh. And Kurogane. He glared at the faces he was seeing, walking towards the group.

"Kamui!" Shogo called out, wrapping his arm around Primera. Kamui nodded in silence. Now was not the time for greetings. He was a little too livid for that.

"The hell were you guys thinking?!" He hollered as he approached the group.

"Calm down Kamui," Syaoran announced, hands raised in front of him as if he were surrendering.

"My brother broke his arm because of you guys and your stupid trial. He should have been in as soon as I told you about him."

"Everyone's had to do the trial though," Ryuuoh argued.

"Yeah, everyone except Primera, who was in as soon as Shogo okayed her!" Kamui argued.

No one answered. Kamui had a point. Primera had never had a trial…They had let her into their group because she was dating Shogo. And yet when Kamui mentioned his twin brother - Subaru - they brought up their trial. And Subaru had gotten hurt because of them.

Kamui shook his head, walking away. He didn't want to deal with these guys right now. He didn't even want to see them right now.

They watched him leave.

"…Did you guys hear? We're getting a transfer student," Ryuuoh finally broke the silence, leaning against the short stone wall Shogo and Primera were sitting on.

"Transfer student?" Kurogane finally spoke. He didn't remember the last time they'd gotten a transfer student.

"Yeah, supposedly he's best friends with that Sakura girl."

"Really?" Now it was Syaoran's turn to be curious. He liked Sakura…But he tried not to let it show. He didn't want his friends to know. But the two of them had been friends as kids…

"Yeah. He's coming here today, with her."

"Che," Kurogane's voice was heard once more, as he leant against the wall. He knew Syaoran liked Sakura. He just wouldn't harass him about it. Ryuuoh, however…

"Hey Syaoran, if you want to be with Sakura, you might want to move soon…You never know! Maybe she'll have the hots for this guy, and…"

"Ryuuoh!" The brunette announced, shaking his head in defeat.

Shogo laughed at the fight,

"Speak of the devil…" He nodded his head towards a car that had just pulled up beside the curb. He recognized the driver as Touya - Sakura's older brother. And, sure enough, Sakura stepped out. She then turned around to face the person in the backseat. The group watched from their position against the wall. They didn't expect to see what they saw next.

A blonde male emerged from the back of the car. His hair was a disarray, and he had a messenger bag hanging down at one side of his body. He was dressed in jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. As he stepped outside, he looked around at his surroundings. Sakura caught sight of someone and ran over to them, temporarily leaving behind the blonde, who shut the car door, and wandered towards the entrance of the school. As he walked by, he couldn't help but notice the eyes that were locked on him.

There was a short male, with deep brunette hair, leaning against the wall. Then, sitting on the wall, there was a male with silverfish hair, and his arm was wrapped around a girl whose hair colour could be described as a pale teal. A short distant away from her, another short male sat, another brunette, though his hair wasn't as deeply coloured as the first males was. And on the opposite side of him, a tall, tan male was leaning against the wall. His hair was black, and spiked. His red eyes burned into the blonde.

"Cute bag," the girl called out, smiling.

The blonde answered with a timid smile,

"Thank you."

Most of the group seemed to be snickering at his answer.

"Fai!" A familiar voice called out, and he looked. Sakura had returned, with a dark haired male, who was wearing glasses.

"Fai, this is my friend, Watanuki. Watanuki, this is Fai!" She gestured between the two, and Watanuki greeted the blonde in a kind way. Fai was happy to see that the male was friendly. His eyes drifted back to the group. Back to the tall, tan male…

"Lets go Fai…You don't want to associate yourself with them…" Sakura told him, glancing at the group. She didn't want to risk feelings developing between Kurogane and Fai. She knew what the male was like. He had a nasty temper, and he was cruel. She hated him for that. She tugged him away. Fai followed along, and waited until they were inside before he finally asked the question that was eating at him,

"Who was that?"

Sakura sighed,

"Well, the first one you saw was Ryuuoh. The couple sitting on the wall were Shogo and Primera…They've been dating for a while now. Then next to them was Syaoran - he's Ryuuoh's roommate, and my ex-best friend. And the tall, tan one is…" She trailed off, glancing at Fai, who was awaiting an answer. She sighed,

"His name is Kurogane. He's a trouble maker, and so is his little gang. They have another member, named Kamui - but he's a little more level headed than the rest of them appear to be. Kurogane is cruel…He has a nasty temper, and he's always getting detentions and suspensions. I don't know why Yuuko doesn't just expel him…Oh, Yuuko is the name of the Principal, by the way."

"Kurogane, huh?"

"Fai, don't you dare. He's bad for you. I don't want you hurt."

The male raised his hands in surrender,

"Calm down Sakura, I didn't say I was going to do anything…You know I'm not in any position to do anything."


"Kurogane…Hey, are you okay?" Syaoran was trying to get his friends attention. The raven seemed to be staring off into space.

"Hey Kurogane, if you don't want Yuuko to bust you for being late to class - again - then you might want to get a move on," Ryuuoh told him, pushing off of the wall. Shogo and Primera were already on their way into the building. Syaoran was just hoping down off the wall. Kurogane snapped out of it, and grabbed his bag off of the ground. The three of them headed towards the school.

Once they had entered, Ryuuoh and Syaoran headed off for their first period class. Kurogane was about to do the same when a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Mr. Suwa…Perhaps you could spare me a few moments. In my office."

He grumbled something unintelligible, and turned to face the woman he knew too well. The Principal - Yuuko. She was standing near her office door, smiling. Annoyed, the raven made his way over to her, and followed her into the office.

"So…I hear Subaru is staying home today. Broke his arm. How did he manage that, I wonder? He's always been such a good kid…"

"Che. Maybe he's just not as good as you think he is."

"Oh? I don't think that that's the case," Yuuko answered, knowingly.

"Well, what are you going to do about it? You going to expel me?"

"No. I won't do that. I'm simply going to advise you that I believe it's time you made some new friends. Get to know some new people, Mr. Suwa."

Kurogane knew she wasn't done. But he wanted her to be.

"One more thing," she spoke again.

He knew it.

"I want you to spend your time in the arts hallway."

"The arts hallway?" He look skeptical. Yuuko couldn't be serious…He wasn't artistically talented…At all. He doubted he ever would be.

"There's so much going on down there. Singing, dancing, drawing, painting, writing…They're quite the group of people."

'Quite the group alright. Full of people like that Sakura girl, and that Watanuki pest,' he thought bitterly, his scowl as deep as ever.

"And, you might want to bring up your French mark a little more. It's looking rather poor."

"ARE YOU DONE YET?!" Kurogane shouted, standing.

"For now," Yuuko agreed, smiling,

"Art hall, everyday, noon 'till one."

"Che. Whatever."


"Art hall?" Fai questioned, curious.

"You'll see!" Sakura tugged him through the double doors as they rounded the corner. The blonde stopped. Music flooded from every direction, artwork lined the walls…

He smiled. Sakura dragged him into one of the many rooms.

"Watanuki!" Sakura called, waving. The male glanced up from his note book and scanned the room. He waved when he saw them approaching. He had abandoned them shortly after being introduced to Fai - someone had told him he was needed for something, and when his task was complete, he went to the art hallway. Now they were here. He checked his watch.


He should probably warn Sakura…

"Sakura!" He called. She grinned, releasing Fai, who scanned the room that he was in. Everyone appeared to be writing something or other. He stepped back out into the hallway, and began to follow the sound of music.


"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Well uh! You see…I have to tell you something!"


"Well…I think…I mean, if I heard correctly…" Sakura turned her head around while Watanuki continued to stumble in his attempts to form a coherent sentence.

"Hey…Where did Fai go?" She spun around to face the door. Watanuki deadpanned behind her at the complete turn around of their conversation. Sakura ignored his reaction, and wandered over to the doorway. When she saw Fai walking away, she called out to Watanuki, who hurried to follow her.


"Why do I have to go to the stupid art hallway, when I don't even like art?" He grumbled, as he strolled down one of the schools many hallways. There would be a right turn up ahead, and a set of double doors.

"Get to know people? In there? Che. Yeah right."

When he finally reached the doors, he pulled one open. He waited for it to close behind him. It was so unnaturally quiet…Minus the sound of a single piano…And a beautiful voice.

He followed the sound.


The keys beneath her fingers created the familiar tune. She remembered having played this before. This was Fai's first ever song. Something they had worked on as a team.

The blonde was standing a little ways away from her, singing his heart out. His blue eyes had closed, and he looked content…

"…You're my only hope," the male was singing, as she turned her head to the doorway. Oh no…What was he doing here? She quickly looked to Fai, who was waiting for the moment in his song, where his voice was to return. She played it out, still shocked.

"I give you my destiny.

I'm giving you all of me…

I want your symphony;

Singing in all that I am…" Fai drew in his breath, ready to belt his lungs out,

"At the top of my lungs!

I'm giving it ba~aa~aa~aa~aaack!

So I lay my head, back down!

And I lift my hands and pray,

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours,

I pray to be only yours, I know now…

You're my, only hope…"

Now the male turned over to a hum,

"Hmmmmm…Hmmmm-mmmmmm…" And his voice returned shortly,


The male opened his brilliant blue eyes, nervous for the reaction. The people around him clapped. Feeling his cheeks light up slightly, he allowed himself to look among them. But as he turned his head towards the right, he noticed that a few people were looking to the doorway, confused. He followed their gazes. Standing in the doorway, was a rather bewildered Kurogane.

Embarrassed because he was being stared at by the male, Fai turned his head away - quickly.

'Oh god…How long has he been standing there?!' He glanced at Sakura, but her eyes were locked on the doorway. She looked both surprised and irritated.

"Didn't know you could sing," a deep, rough sounding voice told the blonde from his right. Fai didn't have to look in order to know. Sakura was still watching. He swallowed,

"It's no big deal…I've been doing it for years."

"You sound good," the raven mumbled the compliment, before turning his attention to Sakura,

"Will you stop staring at me?"

"Why are you here?"

"Yuuko." Kurogane didn't seem to think that there was much need for expansion on the subject, because he left it at that. Not sure what to say next, the blonde turned his attention to Watanuki, who was sitting on the floor,

"What're you up to, Watanuki?"

The male turned his attention to the blonde,

"You sing so well, Fai! And I'm just working on a poem…"

"Is it for Doumeki?" Sakura questioned, turning her gaze to the male, grinning.

"…Wh-Why would it be?! I mean, he's so…He's! He's such a nuisance! And he's practically a mute! HE HARDLY SPEAKS! EVER!" The male had paused in his writing, to have a miniature spazz attack, which came full package with a flail.

Sakura giggled, and Fai grinned,

"Doumeki huh?" The blonde was amused,

"Who's that?"

"He's Watanuki's boyfriend," Sakura explained, grinning.

"HE IS NOT!" Watanuki announced, his cheeks bright red. Fai took the chance. While Watanuki experienced a panic attack, he carefully swooped down to steal the males note book. The blonde was fortunate that the male remained so oblivious. His eyes scanned the page and he giggled,

"Aww, this is so cute!"

"FAI! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO READ THAT!!!" Now Watanuki was lunging at the blonde - who easily dodged him.

"Now, now, calm down. I wasn't showing it to anyone," the blonde answered, but his features turned devious,

"But maybe I should…Sakura," he sang, tossing the notebook over to her. Watanuki would have retrieved it from her, but Fai pulled him to sit down beside him,

"Watanuki, tell me about this Doumeki boyfriend of yours," he ordered playfully.


"Hmm," Fai didn't look convinced in the slightest. Sakura joined them, handing Watanuki his notebook. He muttered a thanks, and sighed in defeat.

"He's handsome," Sakura informed Fai, giggling at Watanuki's reactions,

"And tan…He's really tall too…"

"Tall?" Fai stood,

"Is he taller than I am?"

Watanuki spoke up,


The blonde smiled. He'd secretly been hoping for that answer.

"Is he taller than Kurogane?" He stole a glance at the raven, who looked dumbfounded by the blondes direction of conversation.

"Uh…He's…" Watanuki didn't know the height difference between the two, but he knew Doumeki wasn't quite as tall as Kurogane happened to be.

"He's about here on me," the raven spoke, holding a hand up beside his ear. Watanuki stood and then nodded in agreement,

"That looks about right."

Fai grinned,

"Hyuu! Watanuki likes them tall!"

The male blushed furiously at the blondes words, and tried to hide his face in his notebook.

Fai snuck another glance at Kurogane.

'Well,' he thought to himself, knowing that only he alone could hear what was being said in his silence,

'Watanuki isn't alone on that one.'

(A.N: I'm going to end Chapter 1, R&R? And yes, that song was Mandy Moore's "Only Hope.")