Ch 16

It was two days later that Jake made his first kill. He came back to Hometree grinning like a fool. Emily could not help but grin alongside him, it was so contagious. The two had sat down over dinner, Jake telling her the story from beginning to end of how he made his kill. Emily listening with enthusiasm as she ate her meal. Eyes shinning with pride as she patted him on his arm in congratulations. Helen was sitting somewhere in the back, watching the two grow close like brother and sister. She was so enraptured at the two growing close that she did not hear Tsu'tey come up and sit next to her. A small gasp rose up from her throat and then she glared as a low chuckled escaped his lips.

" Must you always be so quiet? Can't you cough or something?" Helen asked regaining herself a moment later.

" Why? I like scaring you" Tsu'tey replied giving a canine grin in her direction.

Helen's head shook as her eyes narrowed in a glare, yet her lips gave her away as they grinned at him. In just a few days the two had become close to each other. Just like friends, yet something was telling her if this kept up the two would eventually become more than friends. Tsu'tey knew that as well. But he wanted to continue his friendship with perhaps the first dream walker to ever attempt to befriend him. Helen turned her gaze away from his smoldering eyes and looked at Emily just as she left to got to bed. Helen stood and prepared to leave, knowing Tsu'tey will follow. But something told her this was going to be different tonight.

Helen got to her hammock and sighed. The thing was way more comfortable than the beds back at Hell's gate. But she did not like the fact that she had to sleep while being suspended over the forest. That thought made her shiver every time she thought about it.

" This is where we part until tomorrow" Helen said turning to face Tsu'tey. she knew she would not seen till the afternoon since she had heard that Jake was going to tame his Ikran. Or die trying.

Tsu'tey could only nod and reach over and take a hold of her hand. The skin felt cool and smooth against his coarse hand that was marred from holding a bow for too long. He smiled as he raised the hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss on the top of her hand much to Helen's surprise and delight. Reluctantly for his tastes, Tsu'tey let her hand slip from his grasp as he turned and walked back to his own bed; Leaving Helen standing there shocked and yet smiling at the same time. With a shake of her head, Helen went to sleep and awoke in the Shack's cryo links.

She sighed deeply and went to the accursed beds and crawled underneath the blankets. Eventually coming to rest her head on the pillow and falling into a deep sleep.

Emily was up and moving early the next morning. The thought of Jake going to tame his Ikran scared her. She had heard that the way and Ikran would choose the rider, was if the Ikran tried to kill the rider. That made the hair rise on the back of her neck. But Emily continued about her normal tasks. It was around mid-morning when the Taronyu mounted their Pa'li and headed out. Emily waved good-bye to Jake and wished him well on his journey. Standing beside her was Helen, staring at the backside of Tsu'tey.

" You like him" Emily said as the two started towards the Hometree.

Helen's gaze went downward towards the mischievous grin Emily had on her lips and sighed in defeat. A squeal of glee could be heard coming from Emily's lips. She had won something for once. Usually her fights ended with Emily being the defeated one. But this time she was Triumphant. That could easily be seen in the way she walked and smiled for the first few feet. Then the shine was devoured by the darkness as she went back to her normal, expressionless and sober look.

Helen on the other hand was beaming on the inside just like any other love sick girl. But that was smothered as her mind reminded her of the night Grace was explaining what happens when you grow to close to the natives. It was slow the first time she had seen Grace on the verge of tears.

That is not stopping Jake from growing close to Neytiri. Helen shot back at the tiny voice inside her head. And that won't stop me.

The little voice though told her that it was way to soon since she had only known the warrior for about five weeks. Helen had to admit the voice was right about that, which made her groan silently. She was so caught up in her petty war with the little voice that she nearly tripped over a tree branch. Thankfully Emily had given her leg a hard poke to remind her to come back to reality.

It was in the afternoon when Jake came back on his Ikran. Emily was the first to greet him at dinner. He started telling her the story when he felt pressure at his leg. Light snoring made his eyes travel down to where the pressure was. Only to see Emily asleep; Using his leg for support. His head shook as he motioned for Helen.

Helen smiled and picked up Emily and made sure she was secure before heading to her hammock. Only then did she get a better look at Emily. Dark rings stood out against her eyes and her visage as a bit on the pale side, Helen vowed to let her sleep until noon or later since the waking up early and staying up late was taking it's toll on Emily's small body.. Helen set Emily in her hammock and made sure she was comfy and retired to her own.