Oops haha forgot to add the new warnings/pairings *facepalm*

Characters/Pairings: Sam/Castiel, Sam/Dean, Dean/Sam/Castiel, Slight Sam/Ruby.

Warnings: Wincest. Slash. Dub-con. Voyeuristic angels. Angel drugs. Threesome. Double penetration




Sam jerks awake with a shout, hands scrambling for something to hold onto as Dean pulls back before thrusting full force back into him. Grabbing the pillow he bunches it under his face, smothering his screams, thinking he might kill anyone that tries to interrupt them.

"Sorry Sam. Need it. Need you" Dean moans, forehead pressed to Sam's shoulder.

Moaning into the pillow he fucks back to meet Dean, hips tilting to take him deeper, Deans hands on his thighs forcing his legs open more.

"That's it. Take it Sam. Fuck. So good." Dean whispers in his ear, pulling back onto his knees, dragging Sam with him.

One hand on Sam's hip, other hand fisted in Sam's hair, Dean pounds into him hard and fast. Setting a punishing pace, hands so tight Sam can feel the bruises forming under his fingertips, joining the marks Dean's already left.

A thrill rocks through Sam knowing nobody could look at him without seeing Dean's ownership all over his body, bite marks and bruises sucked around his neck, fingerprints dug into his hips and thighs. Sam moans, hands climbing the wall for leverage to fuck back harder, whining a protest when Dean's arms wrap around him dragging him back.

"Ride me Sam, fuck yourself on my cock" Dean says low and dirty in his ear.

Sam gasps, hips bucking, searching for just the right angle. Finding the angle that makes pleasure sing through him, Sam picks up speed, body bowing back against Dean as he rides.

He tries to hold back the shout, small sob escaping as Dean closes a hand over his mouth, finally letting go and screaming into his hand over and over.

"Fuck yeah, C'mon Sam" Dean gasps, hips thrusting to meet him, unable to stay still.

Sam struggles to pull his arms free from Dean, moaning when Dean finally let's them go, hand dropping to Deans thighs to brace himself on. God so close. So close. Just. A little. Bit.

Sam cries out in denial when Dean throws him back down, dragging his arms up above his head and pinning his wrists.

"Oh no you don't Sammy. Not without me your not." Dean says, huffing a laugh in his ear when Sam tries to curse him under his hand, arms fighting to pull free, hips bucking wildly.

All Sam's struggling has him riding the edge, moans and curses spilling from his lips, making Sam shout into his hand and squirm harder. "Won't leave you behind Sam, come for me" He gasps out, hand leaving Sam's mouth to jack his cock.

Sam buries his face in the pillow and moans long and deep as he falls apart, feeling Dean coming seconds later, teeth biting into Sam's neck. Dean fuck him lazily as they come down, hands loosening around his wrists.

"Toppy jerk" Sam moans turning his head, disappointment filling him as Dean slips free of him. He'd keep Dean inside him forever if he could, not that he would tell Dean that. Ever.

"You love it" Dean laughs, rolling Sam over and pulling him back against him.

"Closet cuddler" Sam grumbles, snuggling back against him with a sigh.

"Am not" Dean pouts.

"Right. This is just the Dean Winchester version of command and conquer" Sam snarks, eyes drifting closed.

"It's working isn't it?" Dean tosses back, leaning in to nibble at Sam's neck, hips slowly rocking against Sam.

Sam huffs a laugh, willing to concede defeat as long as Dean doesn't stop.

"The two of you should move on" Castiel says, startling them both.

"Damn it Cas, wear a bell!" Dean snaps, dragging a sheet up to cover them, glaring at Castiel.

"It's nothing I haven't already seen" Castiel says tilting his head curiously.

"Don't remind me. How long have you been here?" Dean asks, arms tightening around Sam.

"You were busy. I waited." Castiel answers walking over to look down at them.

"You were watching?" Sam yelps, dragging the sheet up, trying to block out the memory of how good his fingers had felt. It was the oil. Not him. The oil. Sam tells himself shivering.

"You better not be thinking about what I think you are" Dean growls in his ear, eyes shooting daggers at Castiel.

"You are jealous" Castiel states, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I am not. Cas! Personal space!" Dean snaps, trying to drag Sam closer.

Sam gasps out a breath, arousal burning through him at Dean's show of possession, cock twitching beneath the sheet drawing Castiel's eye.

"You like it. Having him so close to you. Watching you" Dean accuses, eyes following Castiel's.

"I like your reaction to him being so close." Sam admits, not wanting Dean to get angry and leave him.

"He will never leave you" Castiel says watching Sam closely.

Sam's eyes dart up in surprise to meet his, face heating slightly feeling Dean watching him, dropping his head Sam closes his eyes waiting for the mocking to start.

"Not leaving you Sam" Dean whispers kissing the spot behind Sam's ear.

Sliding his hand down Sam's stomach, smiling as Sam gasps twitching under his hand, he closes a hand around Sam's cock smirking at how hard he is. "Kinky bitch"

"Wh..why did you want us to...to go?" Sam asks gaze flicking up to Castiel, trying to deny how hot it makes him having Castiel watch Dean touch him like this, hips rolling slowly under Dean's hand.

"It can wait" Castiel says licking his lips. His eyes dart down to Dean's hand stroking Sam, up to Deans eyes, back to Sam.

"Kinky angels" Dean mutters into Sam's ear.

Sam's lips twitch, eyes glued to Castiel's, hand sliding back to curl over Dean's thigh to urge him closer.

"You gonna tell me it doesn't make you hot?" Sam asks licking his lips, moaning when Castiel's eyes follow the move.

"Would you believe me?" Dean asks, hand tightening, stroking faster.

"No" Sam moans head tilting back, Dean's mouth instantly moving to his neck.

Sam gasps when Dean lifts a leg, slowly working the sheet down, revealing them to Castiel. He tries to catch the sheet but Dean is quicker, dragging his arms above his head and pinning them before picking up where he left off.

Castiel's eyes follow the sheet as it lowers, watches Dean pin Sam's hands, tongue flicking out to wet his lips as he stares at Sam's body. "Why did you want to me take off my pants? Zachariah didn't say anything about taking off my pants" Castiel asks making them both go still and look up at him.

Sam remembers begging Castiel for more and blushes "I wanted you" Sam whispers, voice dropping in a sudden rush of shyness.

"Wanted me to what?" Castiel asks, head tilting in a way that Sam was beginning to find endearing.

"Yes, Sam. To what?" Dean asks, snickering at his embarrassment.

"Dean" Sam whines, cheeks heating even more.

Dean laughs, taking pity on him. "He wanted you to do what I did to him"

"He wanted to lay with me?" Castiel asks, eyes flicking to Dean and back.

"Yes" Sam admits, trying to tug his hands down to cover his face.

"It had to be Dean" Castiel tells him.

Sam bites his lip and nods, not knowing what to say that wouldn't offend one of them, jumping when Dean's hand tightens and loosens around his cock like a pulse.

Not missing the reaction Dean does it again before slowly starting to stroke him again, drawing a sigh out of Sam as his head drops back onto Dean's shoulder.

"I don't know what to do" Castiel says, eyes following Dean's hand.

Sam blinks up at him in surprise. "Are you asking me to lay with you?" He asks, feeling foolish as he says the words.

"You're not the one he has to ask" Dean tells him watching Castiel.

"I would like to" Castiel says looking up to meet Dean's eyes. "May I lay with him?"

Dean gives a slow blink thinking it over, unsure how he feels about letting anyone else have what's his.

"Are you actually considering this?" Sam asks shocked.

"Yes" Deans answers, eyes on Castiel.

"Yes you are considering it or yes he can lay with me?" Sam asks exasperated.

"Both" Dean whispers in his ear. "I know you want it"

"You cant just give me away to other men, Dean" Sam tells him in disbelief.

Dean slides his hand down to cup Sam's balls, hand tightening warningly, making him suck in a sharp breath. "Yes. I can."

Castiel's eyes jump back and forth between Dean's hand and Sam's face. "Tell me what to do"

"You can watch, wait till I finish what I've started, then I'll tell you what to do." Dean tells him releasing Sam's wrists to roll him over.

Sam stares wide eyed down at Dean when he is dragged onto his lap.

"We've run out of things to use for lube" Dean points out staring up at Sam.

Sam looks at the complimentary bottle of lotion and realizes Dean used the last of it when he woke Sam up. Sam stares at the bottle like it will refill if he just looks at it long enough. Feeling Deans hands caressing over his ass he pouts down at him. "What will we use?"

"Conditioner?" Dean asks looking up at him.

Sam makes a face but glances at the bathroom considering it.

"I could bring more oil." Castiel offers.

Dean smiles smugly up at Sam. "You can do that?"

"Yes. I still have it." He tells them.

"Dean, I don't know. They said"

"It's been hours Sam. It will be fine" Dean interrupts. "Go get it, Cas"

Sam hears the rustle of wings as Castiel leaves and leans closer to Dean. "What are you doing? That stuff is dangerous, they said too much can drive you crazy"

"You really wanna talk to me about using things that are bad for me?" Dean asks, eyes hard as he stares up at Sam.

Sam drops his eyes guiltily.

"I didn't think so" Dean says as Castiel returns."Put the oil on me Cas" He says hooking his arms under Sam's thighs and lifting him.

Castiel climbs up the bed, pouring oil into his hand and smoothing it over Dean's hard length, free hand ghosting down Sam's back making him jump. Biting his lip he lifts Dean's cock, watching as Sam is lowered over it, slowly removing his hand as Sam's sinks down on it.

"Can I touch him" Castiel asks as Sam lifts up and lowers back down slowly.

"Yes" Dean moans, eyes glued to Sam's, drinking in his reactions as need consumes them both.

Sam drops his head back as need roars through him. Hips rocking at a slow pace driving them both mad, gasping as Castiel slides a hand through his hair, another ghosting over his ass.

"Fucking knew it" Dean whispers watching Sam light up. Pre-come dripping from his cock, hands leaning harder on Dean as he starts moving faster, rougher.

Sam moans as Castiel moves up closer behind him, head lifting to look nervously down at Dean, worried he'll be angry.

"What can I do" Castiel asks, hands sliding around to caress Sam's chest and stomach before gliding down over his thighs.

"Keep doing what you're doing. Ditch the clothes. Kiss his neck and shoulders." Dean suggests, hands moving to grip Sam's hips, guiding him into a faster pace.

Castiel immediately obeys, standing to remove his trench coat, tilting his head when they both turn theirs heads to watch him. Lifting his arms, he uncuffs the sleeves of his shirt, working the buttons down the front open before shrugging out of it.

He walks over to sit in a chair, Winchester eyes following his every move, Sam gasping softly as he continues to slowly move over Dean. Sitting down he removes shoes and socks, setting them neatly aside before standing to unbutton his pants, both their eyes glued to his hands.

Unzipping his pants he pushes them down, folding them in half and laying them over the table before tugging off his underwear. Setting them aside he looks curiously down at his vessels arousal making Dean smirk, Sam's soft moan drawing his gaze back to find him staring at him like he'd just revealed a very tasty treat.

Sam gives a small needy mewl prompting Castiel to walk back over and crawl up behind him, hands sliding over his body, lips pressing softly to Sam's shoulder. He looks to Dean for approval.

Sam moans, head tilting to the side to give Castiel access, hips rising nearly all the way clear of Dean before rocking slowly back down. Pleasure thrilling through him, eyes drifting closed as both their hands roam his body.

Dean watches Sam tremble above him, biting his lip to hold back the need for more, trying to give Sam a few more moments of the slow pace he'd set. Sam is right there with him, slowly upping the pace.

Sam leans down, sucking on Dean's lower lip, coaxing him into a kiss. He cant get enough, Dean inside him, kissing him, Castiel's hands all over him. "Dean" He moans into the kiss.

"Harder, Sam, C'mon." Dean urges, hips rocking up to meet him.

Sam's breath hitches as Dean grips his hips, hands and hips urging him on. He curls his hands around Dean's shoulders, buries his face in Dean's neck to muffle his moans, riding Dean hard and fast.

"Come with me Sammy" Dean whispers, biting down on Sam's shoulder, making Sam shout and fall apart around him.

Hips rocking erratically Sam groans into Dean's neck, shooting his release between them, feels Dean's pulsing inside him as he follows.

Sam lays curled over Dean, breath shuddering out as he comes down, aftershocks rolling through him. He gives a protesting mewl when Dean lifts him off him, face snuggling between his neck and shoulder, contented sigh escaping.

"Get the oil" Dean tells Castiel quietly, hands rubbing up and down Sam's back as Castiel reaches for the bottle. "Put some on like you did me"

Castiel slicks oil over his vessels cock, slowly moves forward, nodding at Dean's warning to go slow.

Sam feels a cock sliding over his hole and squirms, blinking his eyes open when Dean's arms close around him holding him in place, reality sinking in making butterflies swarm through his stomach.

Castiel fills him slowly, so slow Sam whimpers and tries to push back to take him deeper, giving a frustrated whine when Dean doesn't let him.

"Stay still Sam" Dean orders. Pulling Sam's hands behind his back he crosses them, pinning them in place before giving Sam a swat on the ass, hand caressing the ache away before curving it around Sam's left cheek spreading him slightly.

Sam gasps as Dean spreads him open for Castiel, squirming at the feel of being held open for another man, Castiel's hand on his right hip holding him still as he bottoms out.

Eyes tightly closed Castiel slowly pulls back before thrusting, filling Sam with a long firm thrust.

Trembling he pulls back and does it again, building a rhythm the way he'd seen Dean do, small moan escaping him.

"Please." Sam gasps, struggling against Dean's grip, fighting Castiel's hold. Wanting, needing, faster and harder. "Dean, please" Sam begs.

"Harder,Cas" Dean orders, pleased Sam understood who he had to beg to get more.

Nodding Castiel pulls back and thrust in harder, eyes going wide as pleasure builds. Next thrust harder, faster, hands gripping rougher.

Sam shouts at the force of the thrust, moans spilling out against Dean's neck as they start coming harder and faster, quickly riding the edge of too much. He squirms, caught between more and escape, breath gasping out.

Dean get's caught up watching the hard snap of Castiel's hips, listening to Sam's breath hitch on every one, waits for a sign he needs to back him off. He kisses soothingly over Sam's shoulder, arousal curling in his stomach at Castiel's long moan, cock hardening under Sam.

"Give me the oil Cas" Dean says, need rocking through him.

Castiel pauses, eyes widening at the effort it takes to let go of Sam long enough to pick up the bottle. He ignores Sam's squirming and loud protesting as he picks it up.

"Pour some in my hand." Dean says, giving Sam another hard swat on the ass. "Quiet Sam"

Dean rubs his fingers over his palm spreading oil before rubbing his fingers around Sam's hole, edges ghosting around Castiel's cock making them both jump.

"Dean?" Sam asks nervously.

"Shh" Dean hushes, fingertip pressing slowly in next to Castiel. "Go slow Cas"

Castiel nods, eyes wide as he watches Dean's finger slide into Sam, rubbing against him every time either of them move. He rocks his hips slow, working less than half his length in and out of Sam to give Dean room.

"Dean. What are you doing Dean?" She gasps, hips trying to jerk away as a second finger presses in. "Don't"

"I'll be careful Sam" Dean promises, spreading his fingers a little, trying to work Sam open.

"Don't. Please, Dean. Cant" Sam moans softly, pleasure and pain a surprisingly addicting combination.

"You can" Dean coaxes, hand sliding down to slick his cock, knowing it's not quite enough prep but unable to wait any longer.

Sam's heart races nervously as he's lifted, Dean sliding into place next to Castiel, slowly pressing in. Sam whimpers, tries to jerk away. Too much. Cant.

"You have to relax Sam" Dean tells him, caught between trying to ease him into it and taking what he needs.

"Cant" Sam says, head dropping to Dean's shoulder as more of him presses in.

"Sam" Castiel whispers, slick finger ghosting over his lips, drawing Sam's head up to chase that scent.

Sam's mouth opens at the scent, need clawing through him with a thrill demon blood couldn't compare to. He gives a greedy moan as he sucks his finger in, taste buds exploding in satisfaction.

Castiel slides his finger deeper, other hand urging Sam to lean back towards him, Sam following blindly.

Sam can feel himself becoming overwhelmingly full, whimpers and moans muffled around Castiel's finger.

"Good, Cas, that's good" Dean whispers watching Sam ease back taking them in.

When they are in as far as they are getting Dean guides them into a slow rhythm, both of them rubbing against each other inside Sam, eyes locked together as they make Sam fall apart between them.

Sam sucks on his finger until he cant taste any more, letting it slip out and dropping his head back to Dean's shoulder, screams building up inside him as his prostate is hammered with a one two punch again and again.

He's leaking pre-come, cock rubbing over Dean's stomach with every thrust of their hips. Arms still trapped behind his back, hands holding him in place, helpless to do anything but take it.

Sweat coats them making them slide against each other, Sam feels his legs sliding wider opening him up more, taking them deeper and cant hold back the scream anymore. Pressing him mouth hard to Dean's shoulder he gives in, muffled scream torn from him, body shuddering drawing taut.

"Soon Cas" Dean warns, thrusting harder, hands tightening.

Castiel follows his lead, thrusting harder, head falling back in pleasure. It takes every bit of willpower he possesses not to burst out of his vessel, take Sam with all that he is. His hips stutter as Sam tightens around him. He can feel his control slipping fast, eyes widening in panic even as his hands hold harder.

"Now, Cas!" Dean shouts as Sam comes between them, body clenching impossibly firm around them, dragging him along.

Dean's shout startles him, control snapping, hips bucking hard into that firm grip. Pleasure rips through him making him scream, power rising like a tidal wave ready to tear free, lighting up his eyes.

"Close your eyes!" He warns, barely having a second to see them curl in on each other, heads buried against shoulders before he bursts free. Light fills the room for a long moment before spilling back into his vessel, leaving him blinking wide eyed at Sam and Dean.

"Is it always like that?" He asks awed.

They both look at each other and burst out laughing, adrenaline slowly easing away leaving them happy and sated.

Castiel slowly pulls free, not missing Sam's wince of discomfort. They both carefully lift Sam off of Dean before the three of them curl up. Moments later Castiel is left watching them sleep.

They don't sleep long before Sam's cell phone wakes them up.

"It's Ruby." Castiel informs them watching Sam.

Sam goes very still, breath catching in his throat as he waits for Dean to blow up at him.

"Answer it Sam" Dean demands coldly.

"Wh..what?" Sam asks stunned.

"Answer it. Set up a meet." Dean orders watching him. "Now,Sam!"

Sam jumps at the shout, reaching out and answering the phone without another thought. "Hello?"

"Sam. Ditch Dean, we need to meet." Ruby orders, impatience clear in her tone.

"Where?" He asks unable to look away from Dean.

"Under the bridge at the edge of town" Ruby answers smugly.

"I'm on my way" He tells her hanging up.

"Very good Sam." Dean praises, pressing a kiss to his lips before rolling out of bed.

Sam moves to follow, pain tearing through him making him go still.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Dean snaps tugging on his clothes.

Sam blushes, humiliation rushing through him, not wanting to admit what's wrong.

"I can help Sam" Castiel says, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips just like Dean.

Sam slowly coaxes Castiel into another kiss and another, comfort spreading through his body as the ache eases away. Sam's so caught up in the kiss he jumps gasping when Dean snaps. "Hate to interrupt you two with the whole hunting evil thing but can we get a move on?" Sarcasm making Sam feel guilty.

Sam ducks his head, slipping out of bed to go clean up, hearing Castiel saying Dean's name reproachfully as he closes the door. Cleaning up quickly he hurries out, surprised when Dean shoots him a guilty look.

"I'm sorry, Sam, I didn't think. Are you ok?" Dean asks concerned.

Sam looks at Castiel and back, face heating in embarrassment, nodding as he ducks his head.

"Good. Now get dressed and let's go." He says stepping hurriedly away.

Sam snickers watching Dean rush to escape the dreaded chick flick moment before hurrying over to get dressed. Finally dressed he walks over to Dean nibbling his lower lip. "Dean? What are you going to do?" He asks fearfully. So much rides on Ruby. What am I suppose to do?

Dean gives him a long look and walks away. Swallowing hard Sam turns to Castiel, eyes closing when Castiel looks away and follows Dean.

The drive to the edge of town is overwhelmingly silent considering the music blaring to keep Sam from asking questions. Tension is so thick between them Sam is amazed he doesn't choke on it.

Dean pulls over a short distance from the bridge, getting out and motioning Castiel to follow him. Leaning in the open door as Sam slides behind the wheel he grips Sam's chin, jerking his head up. "Don't even think about giving us away" He warns.

Sam flinches, hurt flaring at the show of distrust. "I'd never do that to you" He whispers.

Dean nods once, pressing a hard possessive kiss to Sam's lips before releasing him and walking away.

Sam closes the door fighting tears, hands trembling as he starts down the road, struggling for control. Digging deep he set's everything aside, determined not to give them away, to make Dean believe in him again.

Pulling to a stop he get's out, coldness rising up like it always does around her, wondering why he never noticed how dark she makes him. Hands in his pockets he walks over to her. "What do you want, Ruby?"

"French fries, a Barbie dream house, oh and maybe for Dean to stop riding my ass. What do you think I want?" She asks annoyed.

"Sorry Ruby, I'm all out, maybe you should hit up a crossroad." He snarks back.

"Oh that's cute,Sam. That your way of telling me to go to hell?" She asks, spinning on her heel and walking away. "That's nice Sam, I go out of my way to help and you treat me like this?"

Sam curses under his breath catching up with her in three long strides, tugging her around by the arm he pulls out the puppy eyes. "I'm sorry. Ok? Don't go."

"That's better." She says flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Now. Where do you want to do this?"

Sam nods at her car, knowing damn good and well Dean would kill him if he puts her on his baby.

Smirking Ruby turns and heads for the car, Sam trailing slowly behind her wondering how far he should take this. Ruby turns and hops up on the car her legs spreading sensually, hand sliding down her inner thigh, trailing down to pull a knife from her boot.

Sam feel a small pulse of want, quickly overshadowed by the taste and feel of Dean. Tilting his head in interest he steps between her legs reaching for the knife, eyebrow arching when she moves it out of reach smirking. Hands dropping to her hips his pulls her roughly against him, hips rolling wickedly, leaning in and kissing her.

After a moment he slides his hand up her body, caressing up her arm, plucking the knife from her hand and stepping back. Giving her a slow smirk, his eyes roam her body. Where the hell is Dean? "Where do you want it?"

She holds her arm out, other hand reaching out to caress through his hair. He remembers Castiel doing the same and her hand suddenly feels heavy and clumsy making him want to jerk away.

Taking her arm he presses the blade down firmly, hesitating for a second before sliding it down, blood rising to the surface.

He moves to set the knife aside. Right and wrong screaming through his head, not surprised when she takes the knife, holding the blade in front of his lips.

"Don't want to waste it" She whispers, hand tightening in his hair to tug him closer.

His breath hitches, body trembling, his lips part.

"So this is what the two of you do in the dark. Should have known it was something skanky." Dean says leaning on the hood of the impala. "Get away from her Sam"

Sam moves to pull away instantly, Ruby's hand fisting in his hair stopping him. "No Sam, he doesn't understand. You want to stop Lilith don't you?" She asks looking earnestly up at him.

"Of course I do" He snaps.

"Then ignore him, get in the car and we can finish this. No more sneaking around, no more waiting. You can be free Sammy" Ruby tells him, hand lifting to caress his cheek.

"Don't call him that!" Dean snaps stalking closer. "And get your hand of him"

"He doesn't want you to do it Sam, to be better than him. He wants to keep you under his thumb forever. Don't let him come between us Sam" She begs

"There is no us. Never was. Never will be." Sam tells her, stepping back.

"Sam. Don't let him do this to you. You are so much better than him. Stronger. Faster. We can finish this together" She tells him.

"Your wrong" Sam tells her softly.

"He's mind washing you Sam! Don't you see what he is doing to you? Just get in the car and leave with me!" She begs, hands fisting in his shirt.

"Your not going anywhere" Dean growls, pulling Ruby's knife free.

"Sam, we can be unstoppable. We take out Lilith no demon would ever dare touch you again." She whispers.

Sam closes his eyes, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers. "What about Dean?"

"Sam" Dean warns.

"He'd never let us do what needs to be done." She tells him warily.

"What do you want me to do?" Sam asks pulling back to look at her.

"Sam, no" Dean whispers.

"If we leave him behind he'll just follow. Get in the way." Ruby hedges.

Sam looks away, jaw clenched, staring out at nothing. "You want me to kill him." He says dully.

"It's the only way Sam. Lilith has to be stopped. I'm sorry Sam" She lies, hands holding on tighter.

"Dean was right about you" Sam whispers, hands gripping her arms and dragging her against him. "I'd never pick you over him" He tells her, holding her in place as Dean stabs the knife through her heart from behind, the taunt behind the blow unmistakable.

Ruby stares up at him in shock, one tear trailing from her eye, sparks dancing over her body.

Stepping back Sam drops her to the ground, staring at Dean. "Cutting it a little close there don't you think?"

Dean shrugs, rolling Ruby over with the toe of his boot to stare down at her.

"You doubted me. Thought I'd kill you for her" Sam whispers, unable to look at him.

"You're surprised?" Dean asks looking up at him.

"You really think I could kill you?" Sam asks, tears filling his eyes he looks away. Stepping around Dean he walks to the car and get's in.

"I'll take care of the body. You go fix this" Castiel tells Dean looking at Sam. "He wasn't going to do it. He was stalling waiting for you." He tells him.

"He kissed her. Touched her." Dean whispers turning to Castiel, seeing an echo of displeasure in his eyes.

"You told him not to give us away. Refusing to touch her would have done just that" Castiel points out.

Nodding Dean fights down his jealousy, walking over to the car and getting in. Starting her up he drives silently back to the motel, guilt filling him when he sees how hard Sam is fighting not to fall apart.

Getting out they walk into the room without a word, Sam stopping just inside the doorway, eyes on the floor. "Do you want me to leave?" He asks softly.

Dean spins around, gripping Sam's shirt and shoving him hard against the door. "You're not going anywhere Sam"

Sam stares at him wide eyed, heart in his throat, back throbbing as he wonders what Dean is going to do to him.

Seeing the fearful look in Sam's eyes Dean breaks, lunging forward to kiss him hard and fast, hands dragging his layered shirts off. Ripping his last shirt off in frustration, tugging his pants open so rough he almost rips them too.

Jerking Sam away from the wall he drags him over and throws him face down over the edge of the bed, hands dragging his pants down to his knees before reaching to open his own.

Sam cant catch his breath, need thrilling down his spine at the sound of Dean's pants unzipping, nerves hitting as he realizes how far away the oil is.

Spitting on his fingers he rubs them over Sam's hole, spreading what he can before pushing two in deep making Sam yelp in pleasure and pain. Putting a hand at the small of his back he holds Sam still as he works him open.

Sam gasps, trying to ride out the burn with the pleasure, face pressing down on the mattress.

He feels Dean pull away, more spit, three fingers sliding in. Whimpering he stays as relaxed as he can, need overcoming discomfort. Do it Dean. Just do it.

"Sam" Dean says desperately, fingers working him open as fast as he can.

"Dean. Do it. Need it" Sam begs.

Closing his eyes Dean slips free, spitting into his hand, spreading spit and pre-come over his aching cock. Lining up he shoves deep, stilling at Sam's broken moan.

"Don't stop. Keep going" Sam says, desperate to adjust, squirming back on him as much as Dean will let him.

Dean pulls back and thrusts deeper, angling and hitting Sam's prostate, relief filling him at Sam's shout of pleasure. Dean drags Sam closer, fucking into him as hard and fast as he can, hand fisting in his hair to drag his head up.

"You're mine Sam, nobody touches you without my permission ever again. You're mine" He growls in his ear.

"Yours" Sam whispers back, satisfaction singing through him at the claim.

Moaning Dean holds on tighter, hips stuttering, fucking into him in long deep thrusts rocking them forward and back. He bows over Sam, head pressed to Sam's shoulder. "Come with me Sam" He gasps, body going tight, feeling Sam clamping down at the order.

Sam drops his head to the mattress when Dean lets go of his hair to curl his hands around Sam's shoulders and drag him back on his cock with every thrust, working a hand under him he fists his cock, no room for more than that. Moaning desperately, he fists his other hand in the sheets, screaming into the mattress as he finally spills over the edge.

Dean follows Sam over the edge, gasping his name in his ear, hand clenching bruisingly. Rocking slowly to a stop, he holds on tight, pressing slow kisses to his shoulder.

He takes a minute to catch his breath before pulling free, dragging his shirt over his head to clean them up before urging Sam up the bed.

Dragging the sheet over them, Sam curls up around Dean, sleep dragging at him. Hearing the rustling of wings they look up to see Castiel at the foot of the bed watching them.

Dean watches him for a long moment before scooting over, pulling Sam with him, giving Castiel room to join them if he wants.

Castiel sits on the bed behind Sam, back against the wall, fingers reaching out to caress through Sam's hair. "Sleep. I'll keep watch" He says quietly.

Sighing Sam closes his eyes, cuddling down between them, asleep in just moments. Dean watches them for a long moment before closing his eyes and following. Castiel sitting sentry through the night.