I got the idea for this when I was reading a story by 'The Infamous Katie', which is on my favourite stories list.

Discalimer: I don't own iCarly, and I can't be bothered to think of anything witty to add on the end. So there you go.


"And that's it for tonight's iCarly!" I said cheerfully, jumping around in a circular motion.

"So tune in next week when we will be giving Gibby a haircut!" Carly exclaimed whilst waving her hand frantically.

"And we're clear." Freddie said, setting the camera down on his cart. "You were great tonight." He added, smiling in our direction. I ignored the fluttering feeling in my stomach as he caught my gaze.

"I know." I said, giggling slightly. "Sorry Carls, I gotta go. My Mum just bought a new pair of jeans and needs help getting out of them. Wish me luck." Carly laughed weakly; she knew I was lying.

"Kay. Bye, Sam." She gave a half-hearted wave before plonking down onto her respective bean bag chair.

"Cya later, Demon." Freddie said playfully.

"Good night, Dorkface." I said, grinning cheekily in his direction before slipping out the door. I smiled to myself as I got into the elevator and it slowly began to crawl downwards. It dinged once and then opened up to the lobby, with Lewbert sleeping peacefully (well, as peacefully as a Lewbert can) at his desk. I fought the urge to draw a moustache and glasses on his face with a permanent marker and walked on through into the icy winter air.

Ah, now for the sneaky part. I scanned the area around me for any signs of people before whipping out my phone.

James – the coast is clear, but be scarce. I texted, and almost immediately a red mini showed up round the corner. I checked around me swiftly prior to hopping in the car.

"Sup James." I said, popping the p.

"I'm good thank you, Miss." He said, although not tearing his eyes from the road.

"How many times have I told you to just call me Sam." I pushed, and he smiled in my direction.

"I am under order from your father to treat you as my superior and guard you with my life, Miss." He said, which caused an exaggerated sigh to escape my lips.

"Is my father here right now? Are you being watched?" I asked sarcastically.

"Miss, it is my duty to follow your fathers orders, and yours. I would never be unfaithful to him or I would not be doing my job." He answered calmly, pulling into our ridiculously long driveway. I sighed overdramatically, but was silenced when we pulled up to the big black gates. James rolled up his window and typed in the code, causing the gates to creak open and reveal the massive mansion I call home.

"This isn't the end of this!" I said stubbornly as I hoped out the car and up the door steps. I turned the detailed doorknob of the looming double doors and entered my house. I wiped my shoes on the doormat – not due to manners, but I already hated having people working for me, and so refused to make the maids have to clean up after me. I sprinted up the ridiculously long marble staircase and into my room, throwing myself down on my bed.



"Bye Dorkface." Sam said with a grin before she slipped out of sight. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I turned back towards my laptop.

"Freddie." Carly said, shocking me out of my thoughts. I hadn't noticed her get up, and she was now standing right in front of me.

"Err, hey Carly. What's wrong?" I said nervously, taking in the stern look on her face. I took a sip out of my water bottle.

"Do you love Sam?" She questioned in all seriousness, and I choked on my water. I could see her hiding a smile.

"What?" I asked, feeling the colour drain from my face.

"Uh, never mind. We don't have time for this! Okay, look, do you want to get to know Sam better?" She looked me in the eye and I knew she meant business. All I did was nod my head.

"Then go follow her. If you're too late, then go to this address." She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and gave it to me. I stared at it blankly for a second; this was a house on the rich side of town. I looked back at Carly to see an impatient frown on her face.

"Go!" She shouted, and I scrambled to my feet. She gazed at me meaningfully for a millisecond before I ran out the door and down the stairs. Lewbert was soundly asleep at his desk and I couldn't help but ding the bell on my way out.

"AAHHHH HOOLLLIIIGGAANNN!" He screamed, and I chuckled despite myself. Sam was rubbing off on me.

When I stepped out of the door, I saw Sam step into a red mini, and watched dumbfounded as it drove off around the corner. Sam's house is the other way, I thought to myself. Where is she going? A taxi rolled lazily round the corner and I hailed it.

"To this address please." I gave him the slip of paper and sat back in my seat. The frisky-looking driver drove fairly slowly, giving me a chance to take in my surroundings. We were past the rich part of town, now we were getting into the ridiculously wealthy part. Suddenly, the taxi stopped, at the largest mansion so far. I handed the guy his money and stepped out of the taxi hesitantly.

I set off on the long driveway, and marvelled at the mansion in front of me until I was stopped by a great black gate. I glanced to my right and saw a metal box with a number pad, speaker, microphone and a blue button. I lifted a shaky hand and pressed the blue button. It made a buzzing sound and I saw a camera point towards me. I inched back towards the box.

"Freddie Benson?" An astounded voice asked.