"Mmmm." Gibbs knew he hadn't slept long as his body was still buzzing. He was spooned up behind Tim, his cock tucked in the cleft of the other man's ass. Slowly he kissed his way down Tim's neck and onto his shoulder. "You okay? That wasn't too rough, was it?"

Tim wiggled his butt as he pressed back against Gibbs. "I'm going to feel it for a few days, but it was worth it."

"I don't think I'll ever look at a football game the same way again."

The two men settled as the Ohio State game started, Gibbs absently running his fingertips up and down Tim's arm as the teams took the field. The game wasn't nearly as exciting as the Auburn game had been, so they didn't move until half-time. Instead, they slowly kissed and explored each other's bodies until Gibbs caught Tim wincing as he moved.

"What do you say we try out that jacuzzi?" If he were to admit it, Gibbs was a little sore, too, and he knew that the hot water would feel good. He climbed to his feet, wrapping the blanket back around Tim, and wandered over to the tub. French door separated the bathroom from the rest of the cottage and opening them wide gave a view of the TV from the tub. Not that he was particularly interested in the game, but there would be way too many questions in the bullpen if he didn't have a vague idea of how the game had went. Eventually, their relationship would be public, but right now he wanted to keep his private life private and knew that Tim felt the same.

There was a note from the management reminding patrons to limit the amount of bubble bath used in the tub as the jets would increase the amount of bubbles dramatically. Heeding the warning, Gibbs just added a small amount as he turned on the water. When the tub was filled he went back to pull Tim up onto his feet.

Both men groaned as they eased into the steaming water, then grinned at each other. Gibbs pulled Tim close and started tenderly washing him as they kissed.


"We're going to turn into prunes if we don't get out of this water pretty soon."

Gibbs looked down at his fingers. "Too late." However, the water was getting cold, so he didn't argue about getting out and drying off.

Once dry, both men donned the pajama pants that had been their gifts from Ducky and Jackson before returning to the living room portion of the cabin. Gibbs was just starting a fire in the fireplace when there was a gentle knock at the door and Tim went to retrieve their dinner.

Ducky and Jackson had gotten them the full package weekend which included breakfast and dinner delivered to their cabin. Leaving the entrees covered to keep them warm, Tim joined Gibbs and set the platter of prawns on the hearth. Just walking through the cabin with the silky satin rubbing against him, had Tim half-hard by the time he sat down.

Gibbs shifted them so that Tim was leaning back against him, he legs spread enough for Gibbs' fingers to explore. They fed each other shrimp, licking the dipping sauce of each other's fingers and wherever else it managed to drip.

Once the appetizer was finished, they moved to the table, sitting side by side as they ate the steak with all the trimmings. Dessert was a chocolate mousse and Gibbs ignored the spoons and the sauce to scoop some of the mousse up with his finger to feed to Tim. Smiling, Tim returned the favor and they made a game out of sucking the sweet goodness off of each other's fingers.

When they were finished, Tim reached over and tasted the small pitcher of sauce. It was a white chocolate, infused with raspberry. "That was pretty good."

Gibbs just smiled and took the pitcher from Tim. "Got plans for that."

The meal cart with the dirty dishes was set out and the fire banked before Gibbs took Tim's hand and led him to the bed. The pitcher was set on the nightstand, next to the lube. As he had done the night before, Jethro closed the bed curtains, leaving just the one side partially open to reach the table. Tim was laying on his back in the center of the bed, Gibbs straddling him, enjoying the view.

Picking up the sauce, Gibbs dribbled a narrow stream across Tim's chest, circling both of Tim's nipples before trailing a line down to his belly button. Satisfied, he set the pitcher down and went to work, cleaning up every drop with his tongue, making sure each nipple was perfectly clean. By the time he made it down to Tim's belly, the younger man was trembling and panting, raising his hips up in his desire for more contact.

Smiling, Gibbs mouthed the satin covered shaft, enjoying the pants and moans as Tim begged him for more. Without stopping what he was doing, Gibbs loosened the drawstring and eventually eased the fabric down, shifting to totally remove them. "So beautiful and all mine."

"Yours, all yours. Tim was practically keening as Gibbs helped him raise his legs up and over until his ass was pointed straight up and his knees were up by his head. Gibbs' grin widened even more as he took the rest of the sauce and starting at the tip of Tim's cock, dribbled it down the back side of the shaft, then circled around each of his balls, working back to use the last of the sauce to spiral around his hole.

He repeated the path with his tongue, listening to the pants and moans. First he licked Tim's penis until not a molecule of sauce could possibly remain, then he moved onto his balls. Left, then right, his tongue circled around over and over before sucking each one into his mouth.

Nipping and licking, sucking on the skin, Jethro worked his way from the back side of Tim's balls to the sensitive skin behind them before starting to rim him.

Tim was wailing and keening, his head thrashing back and forth as he begged to be taken. "Need you now."

He ran his tongue over the twitching hole. "Need me to do what?"

"Take me."

"Take you where?" He slid one hand down to bounce Tim's cock up and down with just the tips of his fingers. The night before he had gotten Tim so worked up that he cursed and he wanted that again. Wanted to see him so out of his mind with lust that he'd totally lose it – to turn his mild mannered man into a wild thing.

Grinning to himself, Gibbs continued to flick his tongue over Tim's hole as he reached out and snagged a condom. By the time he had it rolled onto place, Tim was babbling and begging, finally shouting out the magic words. "Damn it, Jethro, fuck me."

Tenderly, Gibbs kissed the inside of his thigh as he slid a finger deep inside the other man. "See, all you had to do was ask." Tim really didn't need much prep and as soon as Gibbs was satisfied he shifted them around again before slowly sliding inside him. "Mine, all mine."

Tim wrapped his legs around Gibbs' waist, pulling him in tightly. "Yours, always yours, for always."

Gibbs leaned forward, kissing Tim's lips as they slowly rode towards their climax, the mood shifting as they pledged to each other. "For always."


The arc concludes with I'm Yours, Valentine. The lovers have special plans, but when Kenny Clayton escapes, heading for Stillwater, all bets are off. As if that wasn't enough, the team is coming along, to the one town where everyone knows about Gibbs' and McGee's secret life.