Author's Note: This project is proving to be a great undertaking. Your reviews are much appreciated. See if you can guess the crossovers at future points.

It was to have ended with the Fifth Heaven's Feel. The Einzberns had declared the collapse of the Great Grail, and the future of the Heaven's Feel was to only have its place in legend.

Indeed, without the wishing machine, there should have been no Heaven's Feel. And without Heaven's Feel, there would be no Sixth Holy Grail War.

Heaven's Feel had not occurred for over one hundred years. The Holy Grail had not elected seven Masters, and it had not summoned seven Servants in the massive melee that was the Holy Grail War. Fuyuki City was no longer on the radar of any magus worth his salt.

Yet here, on his arm, were definitely three Command Seals. Those hallowed miracles, the three magical tattoos that would grant a magus the capability to summon a Servant – a Heroic Spirit, legends of the past, present and future, brought into the world to do battle with others like them for the hallowed wish-granting power of the Grail.

He had searched various sources for any similar-looking patterns - maybe a unique manifestation of Magic Circuits, or perhaps a bad bout of rather creative cancer - but the only thing he had kept coming back to was that these things on his hand were Command Seals.

He had consulted with the head of the Kansai Magic Association, the leader with which his family was on good terms with, and he had said that the tattoos on his hand were indeed, no doubt about it, the mark made by the Grail.

He had finally resorted to researching more about the Holy Grail War – finding out exactly what had transpired, what happened, how the Great Grail had collapsed, and whether there had been any plans to resurrect Heaven's Feel – but still drew a blank.

Finally, he had had no choice but to find it out for himself. The Aria of Summoning in this case also served as a litmus test. If the Command Seals on his left hand were authentic, then a Servant would undoubtedly appear.

Shaking slightly with nervousness, he drew the Servant summoning circle in the centre of his living room. Grasping one of the rabbits he had bought from a neighbour by the ears, he made a cut near its hind leg, letting its blood drip slowly in the centre of the ring. Next, his own blood – a vial that hung around his neck, drawn seven weeks earlier, this he took and slowly spilled its contents onto the floor.

Participation in the Heaven's Feel - such a great privilege was usually reserved for magi of noble blood, like the Einzberns or the Tohsakas – yet he, Kishimoto Kayuki, had obtained it. The Grail had chosen him, a mixed-blood magus of low social ranking, as one of the seven Masters. It was giving him a chance to prove himself.

Finally – the preparations were complete. The actual summoning ritual was at hand.

The catalyst was a small, round Yin-Yang orb pendant that had been passed down through his father's line for years. It had been found in a derelict shrine on one of his ancestor's journeys through the countryside of Japan, and now it had taken on status as a family heirloom. Its capability as a Mystic Code was much higher than anything else he had – and as a result, he was now using it as an amplifier to augment his relatively small mana capacity.

" – Set.

Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade."

Unlike the Einzberns and Tohsakas, however, he had no vast network of connections to assure him a powerful Servant. Which was why he had to depend on his luck – that his personality would allow him to summon a Heroic Spirit of great standing, one similar to King Arthur, or even the ancient Greek heroes like Achilles or Hector.

"If thou submitteth to the call of the Holy Grail, and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond."

Which Heroic Spirit was to be his Servant, then, was now all down to his personality and his luck. The pendant held in his palm was glowing slightly, vibrating with the sheer amount of prana flowing through it. Kayuki felt the Kishimoto family crest on his right thigh start to consume prana as well, the magic pulsing through his legs with a disconcerting regularity as the crest started to synchronise with the magic circle on the floor.

" – I make my oath here. I am that person who is to become the virtue of all Heaven. I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hell."

This was the moment of truth. The pendant was now burning with frightening intensity. Kayuki felt his twelve Magic Circuits max out, sending a surge of pain through his body. He grit his teeth, hardening his will even as his entire body started to break out in cold sweat.

"Thine holy spirit, clad in a trinity of words, come past thee restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance – !"

For a moment, there was nothing. Then the rapidly pulsing chalk lines on the ground suddenly exploded into brilliance. Kayuki felt the stress of prana consumption suddenly disappear from his body, and fell unceremoniously onto his bum, his legs devoid of strength, shielding his eyes from the sudden burst of light.

Then, just as suddenly as it had come, the light faded into nothingness. Kayuki slowly lowered his hands from his eyes.

The centre room was in chaos. A huge cloud of chalk dust and smoke hung in the air, choking the air from Kayuki's lungs. He crawled out of the centre of the ring; the smell of vaporized blood lingered in the air, a nauseating stench he wanted to avoid as much of as he could. Through the corner of his eyes, he spied the rabbit he had used as a sacrifice, turned inside out by the power of the summoning ritual. Its intestines, lungs, heart, were all completely white; all the blood had been sucked out of it the instant he had started.

Propping himself up weakly against a nearby shelf, he turned back to look into the mess. The dust was already clearing. Already, he could see the silhouettes of his Servant -

– his mouth fell open. For there was not one, but two separate entities emerging from the dust cloud.

That wasn't right. He instinctively checked his left hand. No doubt, there were only three Command Seals – he should only have had summoned one Heroic Spirit.

Kayuki could only watch in silence as his three Seals slowly but surely split down the middle.

"I ask of you, are you the Master that summoned me?"

"And you the Master that summoned me?"

Kayuki was reminded once again of the presence of his two Servants. He looked up at the both of them, and slowly nodded.

Two Servants – that was something other magi could only dream of. That, however, wasn't what he was concerned with. What he hadn't counted on was his Servants looking no older than fifteen years of age.

The first of the two to speak had taken a seat in front of Kayuki and had shut her eyes, an image of serenity. She was dressed in an outfit he had never seen before – but it reminded him of ancient Oriental garb, especially those the shrine maidens at his local Shinto shrine wore. And it was overwhelmingly red.

The second of the two was now leaning against his console table, looking with interest at his various magical objects, lined up as display pieces. Her outfit was noticeably modern Victorian – what with its liberal use of frills and black, and the various buttons and implements that was reminiscent of America immediately after the Second World War. What was of notice, though, was the huge hat on her head – a witch's black pointy hat.

Kayuki was enthralled. These were Heroic Spirits that he had never even heard of. What surprised him was how ordinary they looked – they would not stand out at all. Given a change of clothes, they could fit right into a crowd and not give away their presence.

Perfect. At least he didn't have to worry about his friends talking about how he was cosying up to some foreigner.

Then again, if he had summoned Heroic Spirits that no one knew, did that not mean they would be ruthlessly outclassed by those that were well-known for their famous exploits?

As if reading his mind, the red Servant spoke. "You most likely have no idea who we are, as should be the case. However, we were still summoned by you, because the Yin-Yang pendant you used is inextricably linked to the both of us."

Her eyes fluttered open. Kayuki was struck by the quiet determination that shone within them. She stretched an arm out.

"From now on, we will be in your care as your Servants."

"Please take good care of us." The black Servant tipped her hat slightly.

Kayuki took the red Servant's hand and shook it. This seemed more like a contractual agreement than a Master-Servant relationship, but hey, if it made them happy, why not?

"One question, though – who are you two, really?"

The red Servant smiled slightly, then answered.

"We are both Servant Caster. Please address us as such."