Hello everyone. This is my first Vampire Diaries story so I hope you like it. This idea wouldn't leave my mind so I had to write it. I like Stefan but I love Damon and the thought of how he could kill Elena in two seconds I love it lol. The story is a little dark and has to due with abuse so if it will bother you please don't read.
Damon walked through the door of his and Stefan's house and the smell hit him like a ton of bricks. He knew that smell any where it was blood and it was making his mouth water. It wasn't animal blood it was human which sent his mind into a tail spin. His brother has not had human blood in a long time why would it change. Going right for the stairs he started to call out to his brother.
"Stefan you here?" Damon walked up the stairs slowly looking around the house trying to find where the smell was coming from. Going right for his brother's room he opened the door to look around. The room was completely empty but the smell was defiantly coming from here. Looking around the room he noticed a picture on Stefan's desk. It was of Katharine the women that ruined the relationship they once had. Looking at the picture he couldn't help but think of Elena and how much she looked like her. No matter how hard he tried to fight it and would never admit it; there was something about that fragile human that got under his skin. Turning to leave the room he noticed that on the door knob there was blood. Running his finger over it he gave it a sniff then licked his finger clean. Yup it was human.
Elena was sitting on the floor of her bathtub hot water beating down her back. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead on them. The water all around her was red from the blood coming from her face. Stefan had hit her hard. Ever since Lexi was killed he was never the same. He became harsher and always yelling at her. He never hit her until today. She had been at his house and everything was fine. They were up in his room lying on his bed talking about his life when he started kissing her. She was all for it until he started pushed for more. She tried her best to turn him down gently but he wasn't taking no for an answer. Getting off his bed she started to straighten out her clothes when he was right behind her.
"What you don't want me?" He was starting to raise his voice and Elena had no clue why.
"Of corse I do but we just can't right now." she was hoping by saying they can't right now he would get it but he didn't. Before she knew what was happening Stefan back handed her his ring busting open her lip. Raising her hand to her face she was so in shock she didn't know what to say or do. She hadn't noticed her face was bleeding until she started to see his face change. That's when she snapped out of it. Not even taking a minute to speak to him she pushed pass him and ran down the stairs. There was no way she was gonna let him see her tears. The drive back to her house was tough she was gone off the road a few times because she could barely see through the tears. Once she got home she sent up a silent prayer that nobody was home and she wouldn't have to answer any questions. Elena stood up off the floor turning the water off and wrapping a towel around her. Her face was killing her and she could feel how swollen it was. Elena was thankful that it was a weekend and by the time she had to go back to school it would look better then it did now. Slowly she walked into her room trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened. Her room was dead silent and it was starting to bother her. Elena turned to the mirror above her dresser to finally get a look at her face. Her mouth was three times its normal size and there was a huge cut of her lip. Looking at it for the first time was making her want to cry all over again. Closing her eyes she thought to herself how he could have done this. As if he knew she was thinking about him Stefan came in through her window. As if knowing someone was behind her she opened her eyes and screamed. Taking a step back she was almost on top of her dresser.
"What are you doing here?" She was trying her best to keep the fear out of her voice but she wasn't doing a good job of it.
"I needed to tell you how sorry I am and that I never meant to hit you." Stefan's eyes were full of unshed tears. Looking at his face Elena knew he was sorry and there was something in her that broke the minute she saw his face. Without even thinking she rushed into his arms.
"It's ok I know you didn't." being here didn't feel right anymore. Him holding her felt out of place but she put it to the back of her mind. Everything was going to be ok again. Getting dressed quickly the two laid on her bed and started to drift off. Today had been a hard day and she was dead tired. Stefan couldn't sleep he was running his hands through her hair. He couldn't believe what he had done. Everything had been nuts since Lexi died and Vicky changed his brother was to blame for all of this. He was so deep in thought he didn't even feel his phone vibrate it was Elena's voice that snapped him back.
"You're phone is shaking me." Not even waiting for him to say anything she was back to sleep. Laughing slight he fished it out of his pocket to see it was a text from his brother.
"Why is there blood in your room?" Shit he thought to himself he hadn't cleaned the door handle that Elena had touched with her bloody hand.
"Elena cut her hand on glass." He knew it was a stupid lie and he was hoping his brother would believe it.
"Whatever." With that the messages ended.
Damon was sitting at the table in their house with a glass of vodka in his hand. He knew his brother was lying like a cheap rug but he couldn't prove it. Now that he knew that the blood came from Elena it made him mad as hell. He really bothered him that he felt this was for a fragile human he could snap like a twig but there was something about her that got to him and it wasn't that she looked like the woman who destroyed him.