Hey all! Its me again! I'm so terribly sorry for the long wait, I've had trouble finding my muse=) but I've found it and I'm sooooo happy=) so here is the 3rd chapie and I hope ya enjoy it^.^
My Sadness: I do not and will not ever own naruto, but if I did some how just some how, I would have a crossover with Harry potter! TOTALLY
Shikamaru looked out the window that gave a perfect view of the street below. He was worried and he knew he wasn't hiding it well but, him not being the one to lie to himself, he missed the medic. The team had been stationed at the dingy pub called "The Leaky Cauldron" to wait for the client, charge, and Sakura to arrive at and from there go toward "The Burrow" and meet the Weasleys which to him sounded like the Uchiha's older brother's name.
And if there was one thing in the world that he hated more in the world than fan girls it was the oldest Uchiha. The troublesome man was the only one to see through his strategies at the shogi board and they had yet to win against each other.
He shook his head and crossed his arms 'How troublesome, when is that woman going to get here?' he glared at the people below he couldn't help it. The woman just made him feel; well as Ino would put it, whole. He thought it sounded weird in his head but it fit in a odd sort of way.
The shogi expert stood straight and sighed, he needed a smoke and that woman wasn't helping it. He nodded to the dog lover and ducked out the door way and walked down the stairs into the smoking section of the pub.
Kiba looked over at his solitude captain who obviously had something on his genius mind, 'Jeez the dude needs to chill'. Both he and naruto knew of the "hidden" relationship between Shikamaru and Sakura and he thought they both needed to stop the crap and come out with it, it was annoying and hurtful. Didn't they trust them?
He rolled over the bed lazily to look at his best friend who was chasing cats in his dreams, but after a small smile a frown hovered across his lips 'after all the four had been together in Anbu for the past 3 years and what hell the first had been.' He shook his head attempting to get the images of seduction training out of his head, he never ever wanted Anko as a sensei again. Copying his friend lying on the floor, Kiba relaxed and tried to catch some "cats".
Apparently Karma didn't love him today and he then heard a yelp and curse.
Well damn.
Naruto came careening around the corner to the bedroom tossing a pink thing in his hands.
What the hell?
" I just know we had to have packed it! I just know it!"
The blonde kyuubi container searched frantically for the prized cup 'o' noodles he knew he had sneaked in the bag holding sakura's "supplies". But before he could reach his goal he, for some reason unknown to him, bought his hand up and saw something pink and silky wrapped around his wrist.
He poked his face toward the mysterious thing and gasped.
Oh Kami, Sakura was going to murder him.
Cursing all the way, he jumped up and ran toward the bedroom to hide under the bed and hide the evidence that he was looking through Sakura's private "supplies" and didn't count on a sleeping Inazuka and their dog to be in the way.
Which he fell over and yelled at Kiba for being in the way.
To which Kiba retorted and Akamaru growled at.
And to which Sakura, Shikamaru, and their clients opened the door to.
"Do you all have a death wish? You idiots!"
Sakura was still yelling at the two after Dumbledore had left and Harry had retreated to his appointed room.
The boy looked thoroughly scared after the underwear had slipped from the blondes flailing wrist and on to his face, and then had the thing ripped off by a steaming Sakura.
She glared at the Nins one last time and then smiled "I love you guys."
They both looked up at the sudden mood change. She was used to their doings by now and quickly got over things now a days. Kiba cocked a smile "Hey Pinky, aren't you going to reprimand know it-all-over there for smoking?"
The know-it-all glared daggers a Kiba before gulping and turning toward the medic. He knew she didn't like smoking, though she knew the reason behind it, but couldn't help himself from saying something he shouldn't have that brought that calmed down wrath apon him. "Jeez it was because you took so long, you annoying woman." And he smiled, walked over to hug the woman he longed for. She quickly wrapped her arms around Shikamaru.
"Come on give it back." He frowned at Sakura's childishness.
"Nope!" she smirked " This is your punishment Shika-kun"
"Troublesome woman"
"What was that Nara?!"
The blonde and brunette sighed and settled down to watch the lovers quarrel.
Okay! Cut! That chapie didn't really have much on it but I had to write it! It was some fluff for shikasaku lovers=)
Yall know what to do review review review!!=)
P.S. Amber I got a chapie done happy?