Disclaimer: I own nothings!

Everything seemed hazy to Wolfram as he blinked his sleepy eyes awake once more, like everything was covered in a thin film preventing him from seeing the entire picture, yet still allowing his gaze to settle. He looked around his room, only vaguely processing what he was seeing. He was alone in the room, the room he had not visited since Yuuri became king and he his fiancé. He could spot the tiny wooden sword and the worn knitted animal. This was the room where he had spent the majority of his life playing in.

He closed his heavy eyelids for only a few moments before he snapped his eyes open and attempted to sit up, his sleep ridden state preventing him from remembering the current state of his health. He winced in pain as the sore spots shifted and rubbed harshly at the nightgown he was dressed in, causing him to immediately fall back into the arms of the bed sheets. He groaned in pain when he tried to shift a little to gain just a bit of comfort. The act was in vain for he still felt the affects of the previous attempt to move.

He frantically looked around, the sleep wearing off, and caught sight of the looking glass on the bedside table. He was hoping to see his shining perfection looking back at him, but instead was met with a beaten and bruised face, the green orbs dull and the high cheek bones sunken in. The ugly sight caused him to flinch away from the table, edging as close as he could to the opposite side of the bed where the looking glass wouldn't haunt him with its ghastly image.

For some childish reason, Wolfram wished to lift the bed sheets up and hide beneath them, if only to escape the troubles of reality for only a few moments. He wanted to hide for only a little while, and was just about to follow through with that act when he heard a soft knock on the heavy wooden door before him.

The intruder didn't bother waiting for an answer before opening the door, revealing Sangria and Doria, both wielding dusting tools and both sets of eyes wide at they beheld Wolfram's awake state.

"L-Lord Wolfram?" Doria asked gently. "Are you awake?"

Wolfram looked at her with glassy eyes, his face taking on a distant expression. Doria and Sangria didn't notice the look and only continued to chatter to him, smiles on their lips.

"Oh Lord Wolfram! It's so great that you're awake!"

Sangria nodded enthusiastically at Doria's statement. "Yes, it is! I'll go alert His Majesty immediately!"

But just as Sangria was about to turn and head out the door, they noticed the panicked look that Wolfram had now taken on. His green eyes wide, pupils dilated, his mouth opens just a tad, bottom lip quivering. It was only moments after the maids had noticed the look that a piercing noise erupted within the room. Wolfram shrieked loudly, his lungs almost giving out with the force of the scream. He just continued to scream, when he ran out of air, there was a quick break from the screaming before it was revived anew. Both maids leaned heavily onto each other, their hands clamped around their eyes and their eyes clenched shut as they tried to keep out the noise.

Wolfram's wide eyed stare remained distant as he just sat there and screamed. It wasn't long before a gaggle of guards burst through the door, weapons armed and bodies ready for a brawl, only to be disappointed by the shrieking blonde on the bed. A blonde woman suddenly swept through the room, running to her son and sitting next to him on the bed and reaching out to touch him. He backed away from the touch almost instantly before Celi reached out and gripped onto him more firmly, not allowing him to escape. She whispered and murmured comfortingly into his ear until he finally calmed down.

"Shhh…you're going to be alright…You're safe."

It was only moments after this scene that Gisela and Yuuri pushed their way through the crowd, shoving their way to Wolfram and Celi's side.

"What happened here?" Gisela asked, whipping her head around the room as if asking a witness to stand forward.

Sangria suddenly piped up from the crowd.

"I don't know what happened. Doria and I walked in and saw that Lord Wolfram was awake and just as soon as we had started inquiring about his health, he started screaming."

Gisela nodded and seemed to ponder this for a little while. "It seems that Lord Wolfram was having a panic attack…I'll need to check over him of course so I'll need all of you to leave."

Wolfram was disentangled from his mother after a few moments of wrestling with him and finally laid back on the bed for Gisela to examine.

"Heika…what do you plan to do?" Celi asked after the door was shut.

Yuuri gulped and looked uneasy. "What do you mean?"

Celi looked frustrated for a few milliseconds before she wiped the expression off of her face. "You're his fiancé, you're the only one who can help him."

Yuuri thought about this with sudden realization. He would be doing this all on his own…he would be the one responsible for healing Wolfram…Wolfram needed some outside force to help him through this…

It didn't take Yuuri long to come to a conclusion and with his goal in mind he set off to the Royal Baths.

"Tell everyone that I'll be gone for a little while."

And with that being said, he turned the corner, entered the baths and dunked himself into the suddenly swirling water.

Hiya strangers! Sorry I've been AWOL for so long, finals are killing me! I also apologize for the length of this. Once summer gets here, everything will be a lot easier.

Wish me luck!