Hey Everyone!

This is my first ever D. Grey man yaoi fanfic, so i am just testing the airs. I usually write about Naruto, but i couldn't stop thinking about how Allen was so spankable!

Anyway, I only watched 40 ep for reference.

BEWARE: Yaoi, Lemon, Spanking, mild BDSM, Yullan, Alternative universe, and Abuse(with a capital A).

Kanda appears towards the end of the chapter.

Please review if you want me to write more, i don't want to write something people wont read.

He laid there; his legs spread wide open exposing his privates. He felt so defenseless. He struggled not to cry because he didn't want to anger his master, but how can he not cry when the nauseating older fingers traced the insides of his thighs, rubbing the milky silk skin lustily. The old man looked at Allen as if he was a piece of meat… how pitiful.

"Relax boy and let yourself go. Daddy will take care of you," the repulsive geezer said but who was he to call himself 'Daddy' anyway, he was only a man trying to being body pleasuring with his money.

The silver headed boy started trembling when the man's saliva wet his skin. The man nibbled on the supple flesh next to Allen's groin hungrily. Please stop! Allen didn't understand why his master was giving him away cheap to anyone who was willing to pay the price. Why was he losing his virginity to such a man?

"So delicious," the man licked the throbbing pink member forcing Allen to weep harder until he almost choked.

"Please," Allen pleaded.

"Do you like begging, boy? Let me hear you beg more. Beg for me," although the man though Allen was beginning for him, Allen was prayerful to escape. Did this man ever look in the mirror before?

The man leisurely worked his way towards the virgin hole and pressed softy against it with his index finger's pad. Allen couldn't control himself anymore. He felt sick to his stomach from what he has become. He kicked the man away. He didn't mean to hurt the man; still the geezer hit his head on the bed post.

He waited next to the passed out man, baffled and terrified. He was so petrified of what his master would do to him if he finds out that he almost felt like wetting himself.

"Are you okay, mister?" He bent down and stretched his shaking hand to check the man's pulse.

Right then, he heard a voice that man his squeal, "Allen, you useless idiot".


Master Cross shoved Allen out of the way to get to the man.

"I didn't mean to," the pale boy blubbered and whimpered trying to explain. He was so scared that this time will be like the time master gave him the scar on his face. He was never supposed to disobey his master, what should he do now?

"Shut up"

The boy complied and waited until his master tended to the rich filthy man. Lucky (as lucky as an abused boy can be), the man wasn't dead. He had a stream on blood running down his forehead when he screamed out how he wanted Cross to punish the boy and show him his place. Cross nodded and said, "I know how I will put back some sense into him".


Allen stood in the corner of the room cold and nude, only his hand covering his limp member. He was waiting for his master to come and punish him for his mistake. He knew he was going to get it and he couldn't help it.

When Marian (Cross) came in, thankfully he didn't not light the fire place. Honestly, Allen was glad that the man didn't have a branding iron or some other torture tool, except of a leather paddle and a whip. He can handle flogging and spanking, but scorching was the worst punishment in his opinion.

The man took a seat over a wooden chair in the middle of the room, and signaled for Allen to come bend over his knee. The boy figured his is getting a warming up spanking, and conformed. He made his way to his master and relaxed his body over the man's lap, while his hand and legs finger tips stretched to touch the ground.


"One. Thank you, Sir."

Cross used his hand for the first smack, but don't get me wrong; his hand stung more than any paddle would. The prove was already obvious as a pinkish blotch smearing the milky left butt cheek.


Ten smacks followed, alternating between the two rear buns, not giving Allen the chance to count. He was howling in pain right now, but he knew better than to talk or lift his legs off the ground, because that would just irritate Cross more.

"How many so far?"

"Eleven, sir," his ass was really starting to feel like it's on fire.


"How many so far?"

To be honesty, Allen lost count. How can he count while his ass is being attacked mercilessly anyway?


"Again, and keep count this time, boy!"

The slaps and smacks kept coming; his hand came down again and again burning a crimson red tan onto the skin. Allen started wiggling but it only made his master switch to the leather paddle.

"You. SLAP. know. SLAP. better. SLAP. then to wiggle. SLAP. boy. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP."

"SORRY SORRY… I won't do-aaah- it again! AHH, please sorry," the boy yelped and moaned stretching back his hand to protect his abused rear.

Yet, Cross restrained the hand pinning it down. He also tucked Allen's legs between his so that he could curb the boy's squirming. Through out, the disciplining hand didn't not miss a second without punishing the boy.

The brutal man halted for a few minutes. He gawked at his piece of art, rubbing the skin and scratching it.

"I hope you are learning your lesson, Allen,"

"I a---m, S----iir," Allen blurted between the sobs.

"You are always forcing me to punish you. Why can't you just obey like Lavi or Linalee?"

When Allen didn't answer, he received a strike, "be-cau-sse I am a u---sless id—ioot wh—ose paren-ts didn't eve-n staa-nd lo-oking in the fa—ce, they lef-t me and you to--ok me in, there-fore you ow--e my soul and body-ii, and I sh-sh-ould be your servant forever," you can't imagine how much it hurt saying those words. Even since he was five, Master Cross taught him how to demean himself as a punishment. He broke him alright!

"Good, Now kneel on the ground, and put your forehead on the ground. That's it… Ass up and out," he stood behind Allen with a cane.

"One---Two---Threeeee---four-five-six-seven-please slow down-nine-aaah-ten-eleven—twelve"

A few more blows left long thin marks of a darker shade of red than the rest of the bottom. Two of them broke the skin, while other just made his skin swell and tender. He was left with a sore rear.

"Stop your crying, and be a man. You are getting off easy because a special client is coming in tomorrow, and I doubt he will like you if your ass is as ugly as your face is. Tomorrow, you will give the man whatever he wants, or else! Don't ever think that you have anything other than your body to offer, boy," He ordered dragging Allen back to the corner for his time out.


The next day, Allen waited on his bed hearing foot steps approaching the door.

I should just do it with this one, I have to redeem myself or master will punish me and throw me out, the boy figured.

When the voices were just outside the door, he needled looking beneath him. The door opened and Cross escorted a man in.

"This is Allen, he will take care of anything you want," Cross explained.

Allen didn't lift his eyes up, so he couldn't really see the man or how he responded. He guessed that the man nodded or something cause he couldn't hear a reply. Shortly, he heard the door shut.

"I am yours, please be kind to me," the extent the boy held in his tears was almost brought forth by a miracle.

"You can look up now"

Here he was, a noble looking man; long dark raven hair, dusky eyes, but a slim muscular figure. The man looked filthy rich. Allen jaw almost fell down open.

"I am your servant," the boy might have not noticed it, but his voice was quivering.

"Relax, I have no need for you. Like I would ever sleep with a disease packed money slut like you"

Well his words weren't as charming as his looks, but at least I don't have to do sexa-(blush/ the boy is bashful!) acts today, Harsh words didn't hold any value to Allen anymore; he was used to them.

"I just want this business deal to be over with," slightly older young man mumbled to himself, looking dagers at Allen for the suggestive cloths he was wearing, "Why don't you cover yourself, eyesore."

I must be really ugly for a man to come to such a place and still not want me. He doesn't even want to look at me.

The boy stumbled and stuttered looking around for something to cover with. However, apparently whore houses don't have spare clothes in rooms, go figure!

Suddenly, a peace of cloth hit him in the face. It felt expensive from the texture of it. It was man's coat.

"Thank you"

"Whatever, just don't tell anyone that we didn't do anything," the raven frowned. He seemed to frown for no reason.

"If you'll excuse me, can I know your name, Sir?"

"I don't excuse you," the aloof man replied throwing back his head and whispering under his breath, "Kanda"

"Thank you, Kanda-sama. I was worried about today"

"Can't you shut up, and spare me the lip service"

"Sorry," the boy stopped talking but then a thought passed his head; what if this was a test? May be he should try to seduce than man, at least to have something to defend himself if Master was really testing him, "so you are here on the business deal?"

How did Levi say I can seduce a man? Should I let the coat slip off my shoulder?

He started slipping the coat off his shoulder until his left nipple was exposed. Kanda was staring at the ceiling meanwhile, not giving the seducer the time of time. In fact, he didn't seem to even notice Allen.

"It's none of your business," he hated the way his father did business. You see, his father always believed that you act as if you share the same life style as a potential client or a business partner so that he'd consider you from the 'in' group. That included going to bars if the client or partner did, doing shot out of the stripper's belly button, or going to the whore house for a young piece of ass. 'Pretend' as his dad used to say. Now, he was stuck in the room with a boy, who seems incapable of keeping his clothes off, until his business partner finished his favorite man slut, Levi.

---To be continued---