It has been many years since he left me.

Pronouncing his name feels like thousands of needles piercing my heart; just thinking about him makes me want to die, again.

I have been alone for so many years that I lost the count; the last thing I remember from my human life is walking to my dormitory one night. I was coming back from a friend's birthday party in the college campus; it was almost midnight and I was walking alone down the corridors.

-"Finally, you are all mine"

Then I saw a pair of red ruby eyes in the dark and the last think I heard was my own scream. Victoria tortured me for days or maybe months I don´t know, I was to busy screaming because she bite me over and over again and then she´ll cut my skin so the venom wont reach my heart; finally she got bored and left me changing alone in an abandoned fabric in the middle of nowhere. Carlisle said that the process takes 3 days but it felt like a week because all my bones were broken.

When it was over I felt so thirsty.

I couldn't stop myself from being a monster; my first and last victim was a little girl.

I stayed deep in the woods away from the humans for months; I didn´t hunt ether.

I though I was safe…

…but he found me.

-"What do we have here? A little muggle girl lost in the woods"- he hissed every word like a snake, his voice dead cold.

He wasn´t alone, a woman and an animal like men stood by him.

-"Just another filthy muggle, my lord please; allow me to get her out of your way"- with a cynical smile the woman walked towards me.

A deep growl escaped from my chest making her freeze and the men began to growl at me; I sat at the entrance of a cave watching them carefully.

-"If you don´t want to be my next meal I suggest to walk away"- I get up snarling.

-"You filthy…"

-"Enough, Bellatrix"- her lord stops her and walked to me.-"It´s been a log time since I saw one of your kind, leech"

"Well, you aren´t the queen of England ether"- I crossed my arms sneering at him.

His subjects make their way towards me but he stopped them.

-"You are brave child, I could use someone like you for my benefits"

-"And what makes you think I´ll go with you?"- He gave me a very bad feeling.

His smile was more cynical than Bellatrix; he raised his robed arm and pointed me with something he held in his hand.


And that was the day I met Voldemort and I was introduced to the magic world.

He forced to do horrible things, he told me that I couldn't denied my nature; I was a killing machine and I had to do was I was created to do.

For so many years he had me under his control but then we were attacked by the members of the order or the phoenix; he ran away like always but I was held prisoner. They manage to chain me to a wall and cover my eyes and keep me under some spell that makes me feel weak.

-"I say that we need to get reed of her; it´s a risk to have her with us, she could be giving her lord our location right now"- a men with a deep voice said.

I couldn´t help but laugh.

They stood in silence watching me and then one of them uncover my eyes.

-"You think killing innocent people is funny, murderer? I´m sure your master must be waiting for you."- He had long black hair and eyes. Behind him stood a pale brown haired man who had scars on his face and looked really weak. I keep on laughing keeping my head down.

-"Please, the day I recognized him as my master is the day I admit that Bellatrix looks like a Playboy bunny"

I heard sneakers in the room; I guess I make myself clear.

-"I love Voldy like I love Malfoy´s charisma; that skinny snake bastard forced me to work for him for decades"- I raised my head and glared at him with my red eyes.-"He found me when I was still a newborn; with just the smell of blood I go crazy"- he step back and he and his friends pointed at me with their wands.

-"Wait!"- A female voice yelled.

A petite red haired woman make her way through the crowd and walk to me; now I could see she was pregnant.

-"Lily!"- A black haired man with glasses called her but she ignored him and stood in front of me.

-"She can hurt you and the baby Lil´s, please go back to James"- the black haired man plead her but she was staring into my eyes, looking at me with her green emerald eyes.-"She´s a bloodsucking leech"

-"At least I don´t smell like a mutt"

It was like if she could see inside me. She took a step forward and all the people in the room were watching me carefully. With her hand –which was on her swollen belly – she touches my face and places it over my dead heart.

-You didn´t wanted to be like this, didn´t you?"- She said in low voice. I think she read my mind. She pulled out her wand and pointed at the chains; immediately I fell to the ground.

-"Step away from her Lilly!"- Now everyone was stepping closer to us. Lilly bend down and try to help me to get up but I held her by the shoulders and got up.

I looked at her for a moment before sighing.-"You shouldn't do that; you can hurt your back and the boy".

-"A boy?"- Her husband, James, hurried to her and stood behind her placing his hands on her belly.-"It´s a boy?"- He asked exited.

-"I´m pretty sure he is; I can smell him"- I said stretching my arms and rubbing my neck.

-"I won Pad foot; I want my galleon´s"- he said to the black haired man who growl at him.

-"I think we need to introduce ourselves".-Lily said.-"The black haired one is Sirius Black, next to him is Remus Lupin and this is my husband James Potter and I´m Lily"

-"Isabella Swan; but call me Izzy"- I said shortly before turning around.-"If you don´t mind I´m thirsty, I need to hunt; can someone take me to the woods please? I´m changing my diet".- they look each other before nodding.

Lupin was the one who took me out to hunt; James and Sirius staid with Lily. After an hour and 10 deer's later I was satisfied, Lupin waited for me and took me back with the others.

-"How long have you been…, well you know"- he asked breaking the silence.

-"I was born in 1987, do the math"- I said looking the night sky.-"And you? I can smell what you are".

-"I was a child when I was bitten; I'm sure you know who did it"

Fenrir Greyback

-"I have a feeling; that pedophile mongrel"

We walked the rest of the way in silence when we got back to the house I found 5 new people with Lily.

-"I´m glad to see that she didn't eat you, Remus"- Sirius teased us and I growled.

-"Bit me Black"

-"I´m sure you are the one who wants' to take a bit from me, sugar"- He blew me a kiss and Lily smacked his head.

-"Leave her alone, Sirius".- she warned him.-"Isabella, I want you to meet Frank and Alice Longbotonn"- she pointed at a brown haired couple.-"Arthur and Molly Weasly"- they were a red haired couple with freckles.-"And finally, professor Dumbledore"- she pointed at the elder man.

They talked to me to convince me to join them; Dumbledore understood my feelings and the reason why I stayed by Voldemort´s said for so long. Of course more than one member of the order was against the idea of me joining the order; vampires are dark creatures so I couldn´t blame them. Dumbledore and the Potter´s were on my side; Lupin and Black support they´re decision.

Dumbledore ask me to be a double spy; I´ll stay in the dark world paying attention to any rumor. When James and the rest of the men went on a mission I had to stay and take care of Lily and the rest of the women.

The night of July 31…, my life changed forever; again.

"I´m bored…"- I was on the couch downstairs; the only fun I got was watching the flames in the chimney. I could hear Lily moving on the second floor like a caged lion; James hasn´t report in a while.

Suddenly she stopped and then I heard a splash.

-"Bella…"- she only called me that when something happened.

I ran upstairs to her room and found her standing in a pool of water and blood.

Baby time.

I turned my head and took a deep breath and hold it.-"Ok, let´s calm down and you need to lay down"- carefully I guide her to the bed.-"I´m going to call the professor; he´ll bring help".

-"No!"- She grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to her.-"He´s coming and I don't think I hold him ba…Ah!!"- A contraction hit her and she sat up the on the bed.-"You are going to deliver him"

No way Jose.

-"That´s insane Lily; I´m holding my breath right now, I don´t want to hurt you and the baby".- I said stepping back.

-"You won´t, I trust you; we trust you"- she scream again holding her stomach.

A few years ago I read a few medicine books buy I don´t think I can do it…, but I don´t have another choice.

Another scream brought me back to reality; she bent her knees on the bed and rests her weight on her elbows. I sat on the bed in front of her and pushed the fabric of her dress up; now I have a clear view of the top of a head with messy black hair. The smell of blood hit me in the face and I swallowed the venom down my throat: at this point my eyes must be black for sure.

-"Please Bella, you can do this; I trust you, please"- she had tears running down her cheeks.

This little guy is ready to come out and nothing is going to stop him.

-"Ok, take a deep breath and when I tell you to push you push"- she nodded bracing herself.-"Ok, here we go; push!"

She do what she was told and pushed with all her strength.-"Ok, stop"- she fall on the bed gasping and I counted to ten.-"Here we go again; push!"- She pushed and I could feel the baby´s shoulders.

-"Stop; one more push and he´s out, ok?"- She nodded and took another deep breath.-"PUSH!"

She pushed and scream letting out a piercing scream and the baby cover on blood fell on my hands crying; I gasped and immediately the venom began to fill my throat.-"Bella…, please; you are not a monster please, you help me with my son"- Lily said gasping and I struggle against the hunger; then the strangest thing happened…, he open his eyes and I found Lily´s eyes looking back at me.

I felt a wave of calmness filling my body and the hunger and thirst disappear; he just stared at me before yawning and closes his eyes.-"Bella?"- I snapped out my shock, cut the umbilical cord and grab one of the bed sheets wrapping it around the baby.

-"There you go"- I gave him to Lily; just then I heard the front door open.-"They are back".- I ran downstairs and found the three idiots laughing at the entrance; I stood at the bottom of the stairs with my arms crossed. James was the first in notice me and froze.

-"Why are you cover in blood?"

-"Well, that´s because you are officially a dad"- I pointed up the stairs and he just stared at me.-"Go to your wife and son you bloody idiot"- he ran upstairs –tripping –living me with Sirius and Lupin.-"Call Dumbledore and tell him to bring a doctor or something; I need to hunt"- I pass them and ran out though the open door.

I hunt for almost two hours, when I got back I went directly to my room and changed my clothes and throw the ones cover in blood in the closet. I hear them on Lily´s room; I walk down the hall in silence hopping they wont hear me.

-"Bella"- Damn.-"Can you come here please"

I open the door and lean on the door frame; James sat next to his wife on the bed while Lupin and Sirius where standing at the end of the bed and the professor was sitting on a chair next to the bed. Lily was holding a little buddle wrapped in blue sheets.

-"Lily told me about the strength you showed when you helped her; I must say that I am amazed, not many of you king show´s that self-control"- the professor began breaking the silence.-"I was always curios about you diet; I never thought that vampires could live of animal blood"- he said and I chuckled.

-"That´s because you never met the "Freaks" of my kind; I could tell you about them but that means remembering my human life"

-"Is that a bad thing?"- Lily asked rocking the sleeping baby in her arms. In all this months I have never told them about my past; but I think is time to do it.

Sighing I made my way to the bed and sat next to the professor.-"It all began when I was 17…"