A/N- This is five years after The Everafter War

Sabrina Grimm had a pet peeve.

She had a lot of pet peeves.

But essentially, all of her pet peeves were tied into one disgusting, smelly blonde package.

Robin Goodfellow.

Otherwise known as Puck.

She hated that he wasn't smelly anymore.

She hated that he appeared to be the same age as her.

She hated that she didn't hate him.

She couldn't help the non-hatred. She wanted to hate him. She really, really wanted to hate him.

But he was really cute at 17.

Really, really cute.

He flirted.

A lot.

Then she flirted.

A lot.

They didn't do anything.


He would grin at here, that mischievous grin that made her heart thump and everyone assume they liked each other.

They may be right.

Everyone seemed to think they were secretly dating.

If only.

Sabrina, of course, would not admit this thought. She refused to be one of those girls who let a crush rule their entire world. Especially a crush on Puck.

But she so was.

It didn't help she knew what he looked like in his thirties-

Muscled, ever mischievous, and married to her.

It didn't seem like such a bad deal anymore.

Not that she was going to initiate anything. Nuh-uh. Sabrina Grimm didn't chase boys. Boys chased Sabrina Grimm.

She'd dated a cute boy who was the child of Aladdin and the mortal girl he'd left his princess for. His name was Kevin.

She broke it off.

Plus his dad hated her.

Cinderella, whose Tom had died, leaving her a sad but wise Grandmother type, gave her dating advice.

Sabrina took that as an all time low.


Maybe Puck would finally come to his senses.