Title: Vera

Author: Chackers

Pairings: Holmes/Watson

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I do not own Sherlock Holmes or Harry Potter.

Author's Note: This is a Sherlock Holmes and HP crack-ish crossover I wrote for the Sherlock Holmes kink meme. The premise was that the pair somehow comes across a wand.


Chapter One

Watson opened the door tentatively, and stuck a foot in. The hinges squeaked in protest. Before he could slink though the gap, he heard Holmes' voice, sounding rather amused at his pathetic attempt.

"Went gambling today again, Watson?" He was sitting in his favourite chair, violin in hand, bow pointing accusingly at him. "Mary wouldn't approve, at all."

He knew that there was no point asking him how he deduced that. It would probably start off a long, smug lecture about the soil on his boots or the jiggle of change in his pockets. God knows his friend's ego was big enough without him stoking it.

"Alright… so I did. But don't tell Mary, I was on a veritable winning streak." Watson walked in, and realized his mistake. He had forgotten to put that nefarious thing away.

He saw the glint in Holmes' eyes whenever he noticed something unusual.

"Oh Watson, you cheeky minx, have you brought home some naughty device to experiment with?"

"Ye… Well, no." Watson stammered, flushing a bright red. "He told me that it was a wand of some sort, capable of powerful magic." He felt like digging himself a hole and hide in there forever. It did not sound this stupid when the cloaked man said it. Even when he had lost all those strange gold coins he had with him, the man, shabby and unshaven, had a certain presence not unlike his friend Holmes.

Said friend stared at him as if he had sprouted another head.

"Are you mad? The man who cheated you is probably either an opportunist profiting from this Blackwood ordeal or very much deranged."

Watson opened and closed his mouth indignantly, trying to think of a retort that would not make him look like a gullible idiot. "He was broke… and starving. You would have done the same."

"I doubt that."

In desperation, he waved the wand around a little.

"Stop it. It makes you look like a fairy --" At that precise moment, sparks flew out from the tip of the wooden stick, cutting Holmes' words short.

Watson looked at his friend with triumph written all over his face, the detective reached out and snatched the stick over.

"I do believe it's nothing but a miniature flamethrower, some well-designed little contraption used in theatre. No doubt." He examined it carefully, as if expecting it to leap up and bite his nose off.

"It apparently responds to Latin." Watson took it from him, eager to try it out.

He attempted to recall the Latin phrases from the classes he had to take in school and came up with none. The professor was dreadfully boring and tended to fall asleep while teaching. The classes turned out to be a riot.

"Ecce Homo!" He tried, waving the wand around experimentally.

Nothing but sparks. Holmes was looking less and less amused by the second.

"Maybe I need some sort of a command," he went to search for his old and tattered Latin dictionary.

"Yes you do, Watson. How about 'Stop this nonsense at once'?"

"Tergeo!" he pointed randomly at the desk, miraculously, some spilt ink was siphoned off at once.

Holmes gasped and grabbed the wand back, looking like a child who had found his favourite toy. "How ingenious!"

"Let's see…" he stroked its mahogany length lovingly.

"Rictusempra!" Holmes shouted while pointing at the dog. Watson's dog. A jet of purple light shot out from its tip and hit it. Toby yelped and rolled around desperately, while rubbing himself on the carpet.

"It is a tickling spell!" the detective looked delighted.

Watson had an ominous feeling, and his instincts were never wrong. They kept him alive through the war.

"I shall name it Vera." His friend nodded fondly at the inanimate wand, lying quiet and innocuous in Holmes' hands. "And you shall be my wand."


Author's Note: Was not a crack-ish as I hoped for, but anyway…. Remember to review! Next installment coming up soon.