A Bleach Story (FanFic)

---------- Location Soul Society -----------

"KENNY!" calls a small girl with pink hair while running up to a tall scary looking man. He looks down at the small girl with a grin. "Hey Yachiru" answered Kenpachi , Yachiru then sees a girl behind him with short raven hair (all but two long strains at the back). "SOI-CHAN TOO!" Yachiru looks at Soi Fon with a shocked expression. "What you don't want me here?" asked Soi Fon not really caring if she wanted her there or not. "Its not that its just been SSSSOOOOOO LOOOONG" answered Yachiru making a big expression that Soi Fon ended up giggling at.

Yachiru looks at Soi Fon kind of mad. "HEY!" yells the girl still looking super cute. "All come on we're all friends here" said Soi Fon giving an evil grin. "True, hey why don't you get along with everyone else like you do me and Kenny, I don't even think people know that we're bestest best friends?" Soi Fon looks at Yachiru for a minute then looks away. " If everyone knew then .." Soi Fon stopped herself thinking about what she and Kenpachi had done if anyone would ever find out they wouldn't trust herself or Kenpachi ever again and what would Yoruichi think if she found out. She couldn't bare the thought of that.

Soi Fon looked up at Kenpachi who knew what she was thanking about. "Hey Yachiru you wanna head out to the Human world and get some candy?" asked Kenpachi now looking at Yachiru. "YES" yells the small girl jumping onto Kenpachi's shoulder "LET'S GO! LET'S GO!" Yachiru then looks down at Soi Fon who was still deep in thought. "SOI -CHAN CAN GO SEE KITTY!" Soi Fon looks right up at Yachiru while having a soft blush on her face.

At Kisuke's Shop Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji all sat at the table talking as a black cat walks up. "Hey everyone" says the cat watching. "Hey Yoruichi" answered Ichigo and Rukia, "Well everyone I'll be off now I have some work to do back at Soul Society" said Renji getting up. Rukia and Ichigo look over at their friend with a puzzled face. "What are you guys looking at me like that for?" asks Renji starting to get pissed. "You all think I don't do anything!" Ichigo and Rukia both look away so doesn't Yoruichi but Renji didn't even noticed her coming in.

"HEY EVERYONE!" calls Yachiru while opening the door she had her usual cute hyper grin on, Yachiru then spots Yoruichi and with out saying a word she runs over and picks her up holding Yoruichi up in the air. "HEY KITTY" says Yachiru. Yoruichi looks at the hyper Yachiru and smiles and says "Hey Yachiru what's up?" Yachiru thinks then says "Me and Kenny are going to get CANDY and Soi-Chan came to see you." Ichigo face soon goes to fear of having to fight Kenpachi as he jumps up running out of the room yelling "I'M NOT HERE!" "Poor Ichigo" said Rukia after he leaves "I better follow him" Rukia gets up and runs after Ichigo telling everyone bye as she leaves. "HUH WHATS WRONG WITH ICHI?" but her wondering is short lived as Kenpachi and Soi Fon come in and out of breath.

"Yachiru!" where the only thing Kenpachi could say as he tried to catch his breath. "What's Wrong Kenny?" asked Yachiru innocently. "You could have wanted up for us!" said Soi Fon looking as she could pass out at any moment. Yachiru looks at the two like she didn't understand then remembers that she's holding Yoruichi who was giggling at the site of the poor state Soi Fon and Kenpachi where in.

"HERE" says the pink haired girl happily giving Yoruichi to Soi Fon. "Than.." was all Soi Fon could say before Yachiru yelled "LET'S GO KENNY!" while jumping onto his back and as if like magic he was able to run out of the shop only thing that could be heard was a "WHITCH WAY!"

Soi Fon just looked dumb found as she holds Yoruichi. "So you going to carry me all day?" asks Yoruichi grinning Soi Fon snapped out of her trans and looks down at Yoruichi. "Yo-Yoruichi-Sama" Soi Fon blushes like a red tomato, Yoruichi couldn't help but giggle at the site of her blushing. "She looks so cute when she blushes" thought Yoruichi.

"What's going on in here" calls a voice that could only belong to Kisuke Urahara, Soi Fon turned around and saw that he was right behind her. He ware his happy go lucky smile that Soi Fon wanted so badly punch right off his face. "Hey, thanks for letting me train here earlier" said Renji as he passed threw to leave. "No problem" Kisuke answered waving bye, after Renji shut the door behind him Kisuke looked back over to face Soi Fon and Yoruichi.

"So you two planning something for today?" he asked smiling, Soi Fon still didn't speak she was to busy trying to fight the erg to fight him. "Well?" Soi Fon looked back at Yoruichi who was still in her arms, "You have me so I'm at your mercy" Yoruichi gave a pervy grin that went unnoticed by Soi Fon as she had already started putting Yoruichi back down on the floor. "Sorry, Yachiru just gave you to me " Yoruichi gives a disappointed face as Soi Fon said this. "You know we could go to the hot springs and relax Soi Fon" said Yoruichi looking up at the girl, Soi Fon just blushed some and said " I can't right now I have to go help Kenpachi and Yachiru." Yoruichi just looks at Soi Fon then starts rubbing her leg with her cat face then body. "AW, come on Soi Fon they don't need you, plus it'll be nice … Just be the two of us you know." Soi Fon steps back shocked at what Yoruichi just said. "I have to go maybe next time" said Soi Fon as she lifted leaving Yoruichi there with a sad expression.

Kisuke who had been watching looks down at Yoruichi. "You want me to turn her into a cat?" he asked Yoruichi laughed thinking he was just joking but when she looked up at him she could tell he wasn't. "You have to be kidding she would never let you turn her into a cat!" Yoruichi though did like the idea. "Hey she mite and I could make sure she'd stay female then you two could have kittens" Yoruichi eyes widen. "Awe come on you know you'd love to make little kittens with her." Kisuke laughed while Yoruichi still stood there speechless.

Mean while, "KEEEENNNNYYYYY!" called Yachiru as she ate her bag full of candy. "What's wrong?" asked Kenpachi, he was setting down beside the girl waiting for her to be done. "My tummy hurts" Yachiru replies laying down with her eyes closed on the bunch that they had been setting on. "You ate to much candy huh?" said a voice Yachiru opened her eyes and saw Soi Fon standing in front of her with her arms crossed. "SOI-CHAN, YOU'RE TO BE WITH KITTY!" complained Yachiru, "You know I feel hurt that you don't want to spend any time with me anymore" answered Soi Fon to the complaining girl. "Don't pay her no mind Soi Fon" said Kenpachi as he moved over some so Soi Fon could set down.

"I won't, just she does make me feel bad I haven't done anything wrong …. Have I Yachiru?" Yachiru looked at Soi Fon with one eye opened then sighed. "I was doing what I was asked to do" said Yachiru now closing her one opened eye. "What do you mean by that?" Soi Fon cocked an eyebrow. "Well you see Kitty been wanting to spend time with you Soi-Chan" said Yachiru starting to raise up. "She has?" Soi Fon blushed some the shocked her head a little. "Nah, your lying" Yachiru crawled over Kenpachi just to look at Soi Fon with sad eyes "No I'm not lying she REALLY wanted to be with you SOI-CHAN!" Soi Fon could tell that the girl was truly telling her the truth , but just thinking of Yoruichi wanting to spend time together alone made Soi Fon blush hard. "So you going to head back?" asked Kenpachi snapping Soi Fon from her thoughts. "I don't know I already had told her no so I better just stay with you guys" replied Soi Fon "I'M NOT A GUY!" yelled Yachiru getting worked up Soi Fon and Kenpachi laughed at the girl she was just so cute.

"HEY ICHIGO HOLD UP" called Rukia she still had been chasing after Ichigo trying to catch up to him. "Huh" Ichigo finally stopped and turned around, "How long have you been following me?" "Well since you lifted Kisuke's shop" answered Rukia. Ichigo looked around to see where they where he'd hadn't been paying any attention to where he'd been going. "Do you think we are safe?" he asked turning back to Rukia. "Well not that he was following us in the first place I say yes." Rukia walked pass Ichigo some, "Come on let's go site seeing." "Yeah ok" Ichigo walked beside Rukia down the street some Ichigo had thought of holding Rukia hand but decided against it. When they passed a corner Rukia felt her arm being pulled to the side out of site. "ICHIGO WH..!" "SHHH" Ichigo motioned Rukia to shut up he looking carefully. "What is it?" asked Rukia, she looked also and saw Kenpachi and Yachiru also that Soi Fon was with them. "Wonder what's going on?" Rukia kept watching them. "I don't know but they seem to be having a good time" said Ichigo.

"Well we better get going" said Soi Fon stretching "Yeah we'd better got stuff to do" replied Kenpachi getting up they both saw that poor little Yachiru had fallen asleep on the bench. "She must have had a good day" said Soi Fon watching the kid sleep. "Yeah I think she did too" Kenpachi replied smiling, he picked up the small girl in his arm. "When she sleeps and all the cute thing she does makes me want to have kids someday" said Soi Fon, she had hung out with Yachiru before mostly anymore though they only get to hang when at The Shinigami Women's Association. "Oh? I can help with that." joked Kenpachi but Soi Fon didn't take it as it she stomped on his foot hard. "Hey!" Soi Fon glared at Kenpachi he knew it's his sign to now shut up.

"Wonder what's going on over there?" Rukia hadn't stopped watching them for sometime, same went with Ichigo who replied with "same here." They watched as Kenpachi and Soi Fon took off and was out of site before coming out of hiding.

"Do you think that.." Ichigo thought for a minute with a shocked expression then continued "That their dating!" Rukia who was thinking the same didn't answer back but Ichigo knew that she was. They stood in silent's till Rukia spoke up with, "We'd better be getting back."

Back at Urahara shop Rukia and Ichigo both entered sat down they both deep in thought. "Hey what's going on?" asked Kisuke joining them. "We … We saw Kenpachi and Soi Fon" started Ichigo wondering if he should tell. "Saw them what?" Kisuke asked watching the both of them. "I think that Kenpachi and Soi Fon are …. Together" finished Ichigo he looked at Kisuke who's mouth dropped. "That's impossible!" replied Kisuke not believing them thinking that maybe the two must have hit their heads or something. "It's true Kisuke we saw them and they seemed well friendly.." Rukia stopped her self and thought "Well we hadn't seen them kiss they could have been just hanging out" but thought again "they never even hung out before have they?!" Rukia glanced at Ichigo "You know we really didn't see them doing anything they could just be hanging out Yachiru was with them after all." Ichigo nodded in agreement after all they didn't want to start anything.

"Hey you two you'd better get going ok it's getting late." Kisuke looked over at the clock that was reading 7:30 pm. "Yeah we'd better" said Ichigo getting up. "Right behind you" replied Rukia following him out. Kisuke thought about what the two had said hoping that they where just hanging out. "I'd better tell her" said Kisuke as he got up walking to the outside at the back of the shop.

Yoruichi had been looking up at the stars when Kisuke walked up to her. "Hey Yoruichi I think we'd better turn Soi Fon into a cat."