DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything to do with Harry Potter. all credit except for the plot of this fanfiction goes to J.K Rowling.

Title: Serpent Personified

Pairing: Harry/Voldemort some Harry/Lucius if you squint.

Full Summary: There's something wrong with Harry; Hermione & Ron want answers. Why is he hanging out with Malfoy? What's he hiding under that Glamor? Why does he sneer at them when he KNOWS they're looking? why does he seem to jump at any sudden movements? How is he beating 'Mione in every class? And why, if he does come to the dorm at curfew, does he spend all night staring at the ceiling, unmoving? Little do they know, that Harry was murdered months ago...yet, still alive in every way. HP/LV some HP/LM OOC dark!Harry maybe Evil!Harry later

A/N: alright this is my first fanfic. so if it sux, please tell me so I can make it not suck.

"test" - regular speech

'test' - thoughts

~test~ - parseltongue

Serpent personified

Chapter one – "who the bloody hell are you?!"


Over strong hands held his arms down, two sets of knees accompanying them for a better hold. Laughter rang in his ears and flashes of shadowed light burst into his eyes. The sharp, sour stench of alcohol invaded his nostrils, making him retch. But he wanted this. He wanted to die…right?


"Come on freak! Let's see how freaky we can make you!" a sharp pinch in his arm gave way to an unbearable spreading burn that seared his veins like Feind Fyre. Someone was screaming.


"Oh, shite look, D! He's smok'n! heh! Looget his arm!"
"Do't again! Th'other one!"


'Please! Make it end!' he begged. He just wanted to die! Not be melted like his arms were doing! 'No! Stop the melting! Just kill me!' but he couldn't hear his voice over whoever was filling his ears with high pitched noise.
"Bloody hell!"
'Was someone there?' he thought deliriously. 'Good Merlin! Please stop them and kill me! Put me out of my misery!'
"Do it to 'is face!" slurred voices filled his head with the screams. "Want ta see his eyes fizz!"
"smash his specs! He won' need them anymore!"


Why couldn't he feel his arms? Why were his eyes burning?! Why couldn't he stop this? Where was his wand?! Why didn't they just A. K him and be done with it?! He'd never felt such pain! Not even the Cruciatus could compare!


"Just once more, Big D!"
"Yeah! Write something!"
"Take his shirt off!" cold air hit the boys cold sweated skin, just before the burning hit that too, seeping into his bloodstream, carving into his flesh like a liquid knife.

Voldemort was ripped from his vision by the desperate cry of his horcrux, as he realized what was happening. Before his better sense could recover itself, he apparated on the spot to the park just outside Little Whinging st.

* + * + * + *

~harry…~ a voice echoed in his head as he felt his consciousness half return. his body was no longer in pain, if anything, numb. ~Harry…~ the voice whispered again. ~awake, my snakeling.~

Ever so slowly, emerald eyes fluttered open to a bright light. So bright he should have been blinded, yet it only comforted him. Turning his head gingerly, afraid moving might bring back his agony, he saw the deep blue eyes of what he could only guess to be an angel. Was he dead? Would he finally get to see Sirius, his parents?

~am…am I dead?~ he asked the man as he came into focus. For the first time in his life(?) he saw the face of another, unhindered by the limitations of his poor eyesight.

The raven haired man chortled and brushed a strand of hair from Harry's forehead.

~No snakeling. You have not perished quite yet.~

Then…what happened? Who are you?~ he lifted himself up off of the ground, looking around him to see a magnificent and expansive, garden-like world. ~where am I?~ he asked eyes widening in awe at the indescribably beauty of this place.

~All in good time, child.~ the man stood and held a hand out for him to take. ~But, you may call me Salazar, if you wish.~

Harry, at one time, may have gasped, or shrieked, perhaps even attempt to run away at this. But strangely, he felt at peace.

~Come. We have much to discuss.~

* + * three days later * + *

"My lord." a tall, richly robed man gave a reverent kneel, "He is awake."
Voldemort ceased his pacing and waved his servant away, a pale, spidery hand clutching his right forearm. By Morgan le fey, what had he done?! What had he been thinking, bringing the Potter brat into his home; to heal, of all things?! He should have given the boy what he had asked for, and killed him while he was weak!
It was in no way his fault that the boy had been subjected to this! In no way at all! Gah! Why had he helped the damn child?!
~Perhaps master can relate?~ hissed his constrictor counterpart, tiling her head in consideration.
~Nonsense!~ the dark lord denied. ~My situation was completely different!~ nagini only glared at her master, causing him to sigh. ~No! Don't tell me! I already know what you're going to say! 'But it is! Your own scars prove it!' Well, I disagree! Those were made for different reaso-Don't look at me like that!~
Nagini smirked inside. She knew she'd won this argument the moment he had used her as an excuse to debate with himself. There was a long, drawn out pause before voldemort spoke again.
Fine! I'll see if he's sane! If only for the purpose of deciding to kill him now or later!~ he growled. ~If he is fine then I shall do so and be rid of him!~
~So eloquent with your planning, as always master.~
the serpent teased.
~Shut up, Nagini!~

Ten minuts later the dark lord found himself at the door of potter's temporary room. Why on Earth was he so nervous!?
'Get a hold of yourself!' he coached to himself. With an amazingly much needed breath of courage, he opened the door and walked in to see the brat sitting on the bed, his head turning to face him, his expression surprisingly blank, before twisting into a sneer.
"Why are you here?" he asked with a growl. The serpentine lord snorted at the blatant show of disrespect.
"Really, Mr. Potter, do you truly need me to answer that?" he scoffed. The boy seemed to calculate him a moment.
"Yes. Here I am, Merlin knows where, I'm still alive, and you're giving off a feeling of unease. I can smell it." This took the elder man aback.
"Smell it potter? Do tell."

'Heh.' Harry chortled to himself. 'I'll bet my wand and ten galleons that he tries to weed into my head for that comment.' And not a second later he felt a small, stealthy probe at the wall of his occulmancy.
"After you tell me what you plan to do, and don't bother being discreet when you try to get in my head, Voldemort. Honestly I don't give a bloody fuck anymore but it would be nice to get a warning." The boy's eyes were unmoving as he played with his fingernails, unperturbed by his captors growing irritation.
"Make no mistake, Potter. I'm going to kill you."
"Sure you are," he sneered, "Because you've done so well at that the last four times." he spat mockingly. "That threat got old five years ago." Voldemort's jaw clenched at the insulting cheek.
"The fact that you are still alive after what those children did to you, is in no way my fault or my problem." at this, Harry let out a snort, much like his own.
"I fail to see that." he threw back. "Otherwise, why would you take it as your responsibility to keep me nice and warm in this, I must admit, very comfortable bed." Riddle ignored his snark and pressed his point.

"Not many could withstand acid in their bloodstream, Potter."
"Call it bad luck."
"For yourself or I?" the dark lord retaliated. "Frankly I am quite baffled by your apparent lack of ability to die, potter." he held back a tempting chuckle. "What's your secret? I must know." Harry's faced looked strained for a split second as if attempting to suppress one of his own as well.
"I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you."
"Shame that." red eyes narrowed at the adolescent. "I'd prefer it the other way around."
~THEN KILL ME AND FINISH THE JOB ALREADY!~ The boy hissed with a furry the dark lord had never witnessed in anyone other than himself, waiving his wand to block the shards of the many exploding and, now, burning objects in the room. Though he would deny it, a feint shiver made its way a few inches down his spine. Something was not quite right about him. He couldn't get into his mind. He could tell however, that there was much internal conflict within the child. He could understand that. But why did it seem like there was more to it than met the eye?

An agonizing silence ensued between the bickering enemies, and several minutes passed by before a short sigh escaped the captive.
"…why?" Voldemort didn't reply, not for a good thirty seconds as he contemplated the necessity to explain his reasons he, himself had only just realized and admitted. But ever so slowly, he lifted his right sleeve and revealed the word "demon" crudely engraved into his pale flesh.
"I do not tolerate the mutilation of children." he muttered as if ashamed of his philosophy. "…not even those I intend to kill." Yet another pause in the discussion until Harry's head tilted in a strangely Nagini-like manor.
"Am I supposed to believe that?" The Dark Lord's anger burst forth at the brats shocking apathy at what he'd just been shown.
"Did you not see?!" he raged. "Is my showing you my most withheld secret not enough proof!?" Blank eyes stared at him, unblinking, and for the first time, Voldemort noticed their lack of movement and could not contain a small intake of breath at the sight..
"Ah. So you finally noticed my problem?" asked the youth with astounding flatness. The serpent growled internally at his own lack of perception on the child's condition and took a thin wrist in his grip.
"Don't touch," harry began before inhaling as sharply as the other man only moments ago. "…blimey." His fingers grazed the puffed scar upon the cold forearm. Tracing over every letter with…almost what seemed like pity; definitely understanding. "So…this is why you hate muggles." he muttered and removed his hand, eyes still stationary in their distorted sockets.
"One of many reasons." Harry nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Pardon if I prefer to stay ignorant of them." Voldemort sneered.
"Yes, you are quite good at that."
"Not my fault I don't have parents to teach me not to be, is it?"
"I didn't need them." The Dark Lord defended. Harry let out a mocking laugh.
"Oh, yes! And things turned out so well for you didn't they, tom?"
"Don't call me that sodding name!" He shouted venomously, with an unexpected twist of pain, turning around to leave.
"I…I'm sorry." the Dark lord stopped in his tracks, unsure if he heard correctly. "Being…" he turned to see the boy was visibly trying not to cry. "Being named for him would be like me being named for my uncle Vernon." He shuddered momentarily. "I'd…I'd hate it more than anything, so…yeah." he apologized genuinely. "I'm sorry."

Voldemort gazed at the boy in disbelief at his, rather, beyond age reasoning. This was the true Harry, he realized. Harry was no mere boy; he certainly was not a sarcastic adolescent child. He was compassionate and civil, perhaps a bit self hating, by the sound of his tone. This was the real boy-who-lived. But thinking it best to let the boy alone for a while, and again, wondering why in the seven levels of hell he even cared, he once more turned to depart.
"Voldemort?" Morgana's Tits! Would he ever be allowed to leave?
"Yes?" there was a small shuffle behind him and before he could protest he was captured in a painfully weak and desperate hug, as if it took every ounce of strength he had to attempt it.
'Though,' reasoned the snake, 'it probably is.'
"Thank you…" he felt the boy whisper into his back. The boys arms droped like dead weights as a small grunt sounded behind him, sending a pang of guilt through his little-known-to-exist conscience. He refused to feel sentimental for the boy! He refused! This was Potter!
"I will send a house elf with a meal for you." he stated flatly and strode out of the room, locking the door behind him. He stood outside the room pondering his situation when he remembered the boy's words.
"You're giving off a sense of unease. I can smell it."
He'd never gotten the answer as to how. Ah well, he'd find out soon enough. As he floated down the hall his mind strayed to the boys eyes. He remembered how vibrant his green eyes had been…how sa…er- comical. Yes. Comical, that they were no more than congealed orbs of blood, now.
Voldemort sighed in shame. He was going soft, for Harry bloody Potter of all people! He couldn't deny it. Why him though?
~Didn't I tell you he's just like you, master?~ Nagini slithered up to him and wrapped around his arm as he lowered it.
~Sure, gloat all you want, you damn mother hen!~
~And you'd hate it any other way.~ she hissed a laugh. ~Admit it, master. This has changed your opinion on everything, hasn't it?~ Voldemort hesitated before nodding.
~I admit, the boy holds a significantly more personal position in my life, now, than just a nuisance to rid myself of.~
~What do you intend to do?~ Voldemort considered his many obvious options, discarding most involving the child's death. In such a short time, the boy had seemed develop a strong and bitter aura. Perhaps…
~Yes…perhaps I shall.~ he chuckled to himself. "Lucius!" he called out and, with a small pop, the elder Malfoy appeared and kissed the hem of his robe.
"You asked for me, my lord?"
"I have need for my potions master, and your son." he stated. "Fetch them for me."
"As you wish, my lord." and the blonde departed. Nagini hissed approvingly.
~What are you up to?~ she asked rhetorically knowing exactly what was up.
Nothing my dear, why ever would you ask such a thing?~ He pat her on the head and gave her a rare smile. ~Tell me, Nagini, what do you think of the eyes of a pit viper?~

Tom's eyes snapped open at the sound of three small pops.

'When did I fall asleep?' he wondered before spotting his guests. There at the door were Severus, Lucius and his poof of a son, Draco. 'About time.' He never liked that boy; spoiled rotten by his father who, ironically, never paid him any attention except when being whined at.

'Desperate times call for desperate measures, however.' He consoled to himself. 'Think happy thoughts. There is a good chance he will be killed. That's always a plus.'

"Lucius, wait outside the room with your," he didn't bother to hide a sneer as he looked at the young half-veela. "Son." He waived a hand to dismiss them. "I wish to speak to Severus alone." The two Malfoys bowed reverently and left the room, Draco looking a bit frightened. 'What a cowardly little whelp.' He thought observantly and held back a chuckle. 'Just like his father.' He waived his wand at the door behind them, effectively locking it, and turned to face Severus who was now on one knee at his feet as he lounged in his plush, velvet armchair.

"My Lord," the potions master murmured with a hint of desperate flattery, before kissing the hem of his dark green robes. Voldemort loved how this man thought he could so easily fool him into thinking he was that submissive in his services. But he watched as the small thought pass by and placed a hand to his obsidian hair.

"You never fail to amuse me, Severus." Tom couldn't resist a chance to throw his false level of devotion back at him. Not many knew this side of him, but he did so love a good prank. "One would think, with the way you tremble at my presence, that you felt more than simple loyalty." He felt his servant tense beneath him and once again forced back an impulse to laugh. 'The effects of innuendo on him are boundless.' he thought smugly. 'Poor man must be so deprived.'

"What say you, Severus? Do you feel …close to your master?" Snape looked up, just below Riddle's eyes and placed a look of confusion on his face.

"I'm not sure I understand your meaning, My Lord." But the confusion missed his eyes, which glimmered with discomfort.

'Oh! This is superbly rich!' the serpent sang inside. 'Why did I never think of this before?' he decided to take it a bit further before stating his real reasons for summoning him. He quickly searched his mind for something to picture as he proceeded to rake his spidery fingers through the man's ever so slightly greasy hair. 'He must have been in his potions lab when Lucius fetched him.' He mentally paused and pictured the Legolas look-alike. 'Hmmm.' He let his mind wander over the thought of the blonde sprawled out wantonly over his bed, slit orbs glazing slightly as he purposefully looked at the man he was fondling. Crimson darkened to mahogany with a slight spark of amusement when snapes eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight of his masters growing libido, and discreetly darting to the door

"Severus," he purred, sliding a finger down the side of his jaw before taking the defined chin between his thumb and forefinger, teasing him. "Do you lust for your master?" again the deep onyx eyes flashed to the nearest exit as if begging for a chance to escape through it.

"Answer me." He commanded softly, with a small leer, as if daring him to deny his "suspicions".


"Uhhm…am I interrupting?" both Voldemort and Snape switched their gases to the young raven gawking at them from the bedroom door, overlarge, silk pajamas draping over his arms and legs. Severus' complexion paled; his expression one of complete and utter shock.

"P-potter!?" he stammered. Tom smirked at the sight of the boy when his mouth opened amazingly wide at the sound of his potions professor's voice.

"Professor?! Is that you?" Severus snorted, his snark immediately returning at the presence of his pupil.

"Indeed Potter." He sneered at the boy, standing and straightening his robes. "Whose privacy did you assume you were so rudely invading?" he watched as the boys face fell momentarily before spitting back at him with his reply.

"Pardon if I wasn't expecting Voldemort to be mouth buggering my greasy git of a professor." Tom's efforts to suppress an amused "hn." failed him. Snape however, through an amazing display of self control, withheld a gnawing urge to leap over and strangle the boy.

"I fail to see how you would make such an accusation when you were watching nothing of the sort." Once again Potter's expression seemed to falter before twisting into an uncharacteristically bitter sneer, unmet by his normally, over-expressive eyes. Upon closer, split second examination, he noticed why.

"Good Merlin! Your eyes!" Harry's expression turned, if possible, darker.

"As observant as always, Professor; one never gets anything past you." He spat contemptuously.

"Now, now, Harry." Voldemort cut in, sensing the possibility of a nasty brawl. "No need to be so hostile. Severus is, after all, here to help you." The potions master debated weather or not to give his Lord an incredulous glare when he once more saw the, now, useless pair of eyes that Potter now sported, his face instantly scrunching in half disgust, half pity. One could not blame him; the brat's eyes were quite rancid to look upon in their current state.

"Help me?" Harry asked sarcastically. "Tch! As if I'd need his help. And for that matter, as if he'd consider helping James Potter's Brat." He turned to the direction that Voldemort seemed to be. "No offense Marvolo," he crossed his arms defiantly. "But I've learned to adapt with the shite my life shoves at me pretty bloody damn well!" his face expressed a hint of anger before it straightened apathetically. "I'm sure being blind, won't affect me too badly. I didn't use my eyes much in the first place." Voldemort hid his surprise at his tone. How anyone could talk of being blind as if referring to the weather?

"Potter, do let's be serious." he requested stoically. "How could you have-"he was interrupted by Harry's sudden burst of laughter. Snapes face stretched into a state of alarm at the manic tone to the boys screaming cries of hilarity.

"Please spare me the jests, My Lord!" he mocked as his speech grew more intelligent. "Do you honestly believe for one moment, that my dear relatives would actually spend time and money on buying me the correct prescription of lenses?" he chortled bitterly. "They found my glasses in a pawn shop and bought them for three shillings. It was more than they wanted to pay." He walked over to Riddle with no problems and leaned in close; mauled eyes staring unseeingly into his. "I haven't seen more than a giant blur since I was less than four years of age. I depend on everything but my eyes. In all honesty," his mouth twisted into quite a nasty sneer. "I am damn well sure that if I could see, I would have been killed many times over. I find my complete loss of sight a blessing." both Voldemort and Severus looked at him incredulously. A short pause ensued before the latter hesitantly broke it.

"I don't understand." He spoke carefully, so as not to provoke him. He knew from experience, when a person laughed like his Lord, they were one step from the edge. He wasn't sure he wanted to tip the boy over it. "How could the loss your remaining eyesight be a benefit?" Harry turned his neck to him and scowled.

"It took what little confusion he had, away." the Dark Lord answered for him. "Though, I highly doubt you would have that opinion if you remembered the benefits you've missed out on."

"Pardon my disagreement." Harry pulled a lock of his hair back and his mouth scrunched to the side as if contemplating something. "I think I should grow it out long if I survive my stay here." he said as if their previous subject was of no importance. "It may help tame it. What do you think?" Tom shook his head in partial amusement.

"I hardly see the significance of the length of that mop you call hair." he went along with it, nonetheless. He was no fool and he knew that he would get noting from pushing the boy. "However, I believe you would look quite stunning if your hair reached Lucius' length." He passed off his compliment as banter. Though, why he felt a sliver of agreement with his own mechanized statement, he was unsure. The boy was; he allowed himself to admit, a moderately good looking adolescent. Fill out his malnourished body a tad and he'd be undeniably breathtaking. Not unlike himself at that age; though, he had been better fed.

"You think so?" Harry looked off into space as he tried to picture himself with Lucius' hair and a tiny smile allowed itself to appear. "I think I will then, giving, I live long enough to accomplish that."

"Would you like me to help?" offered Voldemort.

"Would you please? My wand seems to have vanished, though you may have some part in that." Harry smiled though not for the reasons his two companions believed. He had no reason to feel crippled by his lack of a wand. Not with his new… circumstances.

"Well you couldn't expect me to let you keep it." Tom pulled out his wand.

"Touché." Severus only stood there, speechless. Hell must have frozen over; Potter and the Dark Lord, partaking in casual small talk? It was unreal! He watched as his master flicked his wand at the Gryffindor and his messy, flyaway hair lengthened into a straight, yet just as feathery, arse long sheen of silk. He could most certainly see what the Dark Lord meant. He really was stunning.

"So, Potter,"

"Harry." the teen insisted. "Please call me Harry." Voldemort shook his head.

"Potter, let us not fool ourselves into believing we are friends." he tisked. "I am destined to kill you, and kill you I shall."

"Who's fooling whom, Marvolo?" sniggered Harry with a smirk. "If you had discovered what I have, you would not be so quick to think I'll just stay dead." Both Severus and Voldemort raised a curious eyebrow.

"And what, pray tell, have you discovered that would so effectively change my mind?"

"I'm not the only Horcrux in this room." Voldemort snorted.

"I can't deny I am impressed at your knowledge of the Dark Magicks potter. But Nagini is not in this room." Now it was Harry's turn to laugh.

"I'm blind," he retaliated. "Marvolo. Not mentally disabled." He walked fluidly over to the love seat by the glowing fire and sat down, making himself comfortable. "And I don't believe you are either. Although, I might ask you how you failed to point out my miraculous recovery from the acid in my veins." Tom froze at this statement. He had, indeed missed the painfully obvious change within the last hour; though, in that spit second his surprise changed into an expression similar to greed. This child had healed from severely crippling injuries in the course of an hour. He had not recovered in the slightest while unconscious. The only explanation was that the brat knew something, some magic, he, himself did not.

"Indeed." Tom admitted. "So tell me, Potter." He moved forward with the conversation with a false smile. "Who is the other Horcrux? I cannot imagine it being Severus, and I highly doubt there is a presence in this room I am not aware of. The only conclusion I can come to is you think I am the Horcrux. Am I correct?" He chortled at the very thought.

"Actually, that is exactly what I am saying." Harry spoke as if at a business meeting. Tom wondered why the brat was acting so formal. It was unnerving the way he seemed so at ease, as if he was in no danger. Perhaps he was wrong before. Was this the real potter? With the boy being a new and particularly strong O cculmens, he couldn't be sure. "When your spell backfired off of my person, by magical law, I am the one who threw the curse. Thus my own soul was split at the killing of that particular shard of your own."

"But surely you realize that an incantation must be said to seal the shard into a solid form."

"And yet, your soul was sealed into my body with no such incantation. It was a mutual reaction." He continued, enjoying the thought of teaching the great Dark lord Voldemort as if he were a school boy. "Do you think we would both be able to see into the others mind if only you had placed a Horcrux? If that was so, then I would be unable to enter your mind, only you into mine." Once more the Dark Lord was struck by amazement. Potter was right! How could he not have seen this?

Severus listened with fascination at the astounding show of Dark knowledge Potter was displaying. How did he learn all this? And how did he know this while the Dark Lord did not? He had to ask.

"How did you learn this?" he blurted out, regretting his overly excited tone. Harry turned to him and smiled.

"I would tell you outright, but I'd rather pull a Dumbledore and answer your question with another. It's more fun for me that way." He gave a short laugh at his tame pun. "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"What does reincarnation have to do with anything?" Snape asked back.

"Everything." Voldemort cut in. "The significance of it would astound you, Severus."

"But how would that help him with the knowledge of Horcruxe's?" Harry looked at him again though this time, his blank gaze had a strangely paternal twist.

"That I will let you discover yourself; so much more satisfying if you figure it out on your own." He hummed throatily in ammusement and wandlessly conjured a glass of port, taking a sip as if he did this all the time. Riddle was becoming quite irritated with the many surprises being throw his way. Harry had only moments ago questioned about his wand as if he needed it, which, he could see from this small display, he most certainly did not. The boy knew more of Horcruxe's than himself. What was going on inside that prepubescent mind?

"Though I will say this. The power the dark lord knows not is indeed, not love as the prattling old coot wishes me to believe." Voldemort blanched. Now he was speaking in riddles? This was not Potter! And how much more startled was he when Harry burst into that manic laugher again.

"I assure you, Thomas! I am Potter." He took another sip of his drink. "Though not the Potter I was."

Harry was still laughing inside at the irony of his situation and was glad he'd acted his old self until now. It had made this game far more entertaining. He did not doubt he had the patience to wait for the two children to find out what had awakened in him during his three days in Valhalla. But still their ignorance was frustrating in the least.

"Dammit Potter! Cease this ridiculous rambling and explain yourself!" Voldemort stood up the fire roaring with raging magic, his wand pointed at the child as his red eyes blazing of furry.

"I would, yet somehow I feel it would be more beneficial to my amusement if I kept going." He crossed his legs and placed his linked hands upon his knee. If Voldemort had been angry before, he was fuming now.

"How dare you mock me with your manipulative riddling and avoidances?!" his entire body shook angrily as the insolent brat moved not an inch.

"Because I can." He said, simply un-phased. "And I seriously doubt you could do anything to me I did not want." His lips curled into a sadistic grin. ~Not anymore my snakeling.~ That was the icing on the cake. This was definitely not Potter. There was no way in heaven, hell or fucking Purgatory that this was him!

"If things were so simple as being or not being myself." Harry's smile grew wider and he took on an heir of self wonder, watching as his "captor's" mood calmed down over the course of a few seconds. He knew if he did not react that Tom would not continue his raging. So he waited until the Slytherin Prince sat back down, linking his fingers in front of him.

Voldemort peered at the not so adolescent youth before him, silently begging for him to drop his shields, if only just a little. He had to know who this was! He forced his mind to probe the other none too gently, and amazingly he felt a conscious effort to let him, no; inviting him in.

Rapid flashes and dizzying dialogue sped through his mind, he sensed more than two people inside, yet there was still only one. It was as if the two had murged and become one with each other. He'd never seen such a mind before. Groaning, he wrenched himself away before a headache started to form and, with wide eyes, stared at the enigma before him.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Harry hissed a laugh rejoicing the reaction he knew he would receive in only moments. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. If he let the man find out on his own, the reaction, he knew would be far less satisfying. Standing up he walked over to his former enemy, towering over him despite his stunted height; a smug and utterly triumphant aura surrounding him as he quoted his past life.

~You surprise me hatchling. One would think you would recognize the great Salazar Slytherin.~

sooo? what did you think? tell me! what should happen later on? I'm open for suggestions! I AM A REVEW WHORE! SO SCREW MY STORY'S BRAINS OUT! -^^-