Ten Years Later
Gaara and Misaki walked along the balcony that encircled the tower. They laughed as Gaara told her about how boring work was. The twins, who were currently seventeen, had been sent out on a mission with a friend and their uncle a while back, were expected home anytime soon.
After turning a corner, Misaki heard footsteps behind her and the voices of her older children. 'Well that was quick.' She thought to herself. The two turned around and looked at their children who were walking quickly towards their parents. "Hey Mama!" Minoru shouted at his mother as he continued walking closer.
"Hi Daddy!" Mizuki shouted at Gaara as they carefully came to a halt before their parents. "Where's Aiko?"
"Taking a nap. She'll be up in a while." Misaki replied. She couldn't help but think how her older children had changed over the years. Mizuki had grown to be a beautiful young woman. She resembled Misaki in many ways, especially physically, but she had her father's eyes and hair. She kept her hair long, almost as long as Misaki's, and in a braid. Minoru, on the other hand, was a lot like his father physically, but had changed his hair so that he had black streaks to feel close to his mother more. When they had come of age to choose jutsus, Mizuki chose her father's and Minoru chose his mother's. It definitely wasn't a hard choice. "How was the mission?"
"It wasn't too hard. We got it done quick." Minoru answered.
"Where's your uncle?" Gaara questioned the two.
"Checking on Aunt Matsuri. She has two months till their baby is born right?" Mizuki told him. A few years back, Kankuro married Matsuri and now they were waiting for their first baby to be born.
"We thought that we would take the family out tonight. You two have been doing well with your missions." Misaki said as she hugged the two suddenly. "Oh I have missed you two. Even though you were gone for the afternoon."
"I think you two need a break for a while. Mama and I are planning to go to Konaha soon. Would you like to come with us?" Gaara asked.
"Yes! It's been forever since we've been." Mizuki shouted.
The four heard more footsteps and saw Aiko coming up to them. She yawned and asked, "What is up with the shouting?"
"We're going to Konaha soon." Minoru told his younger sister.
"Well i'm glad, but did you have to shout?"
Gaara and Misaki laughed at their youngest daughter. "Come here Aiko." He told her, turning around and letting her climb on his back while wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She laid her head on his right shoulder and slowly began to fall asleep. They made their way back to the tower, asking questions, but more quietly as not to wake up Aiko, who was snoring on her father's back.
Although, later in life Misaki and Gaara never had another child, they were very happy that the children they had were happy and healthy in life. Their family expanded and they became cousins, aunt, and uncle to Kankuro and Temari's children. After such a terrible childhood, Gaara felt so blessed to have a wonderful life with Misaki. He would never exchange her for another woman. Love is love, and the two were fated to be lovers on the day they met.
Author's Note: I really didn't know how to end this. I hope you enjoy the ending anyway. Please review if you like. Thanks for reading the story and let me know what you think.