When Hikaru laughed, the sound was the kind that made Kaoru freeze on his way out the front door and immediately rush back upstairs to his brother's side in less than a minute—quite a feat for someone with a mansion as large as theirs.

"What's wrong, Hikaru?" he asked upon reaching their room, his voice somewhat tinged with panic.

The only response he received was a deafening peal of laughter. He looked on with a pained expression at the sight of Hikaru, the man that he now was, suddenly doubled over on the carpet and clutching his sides. He was rolling around, unable to speak for hysteria.

"Well, if you're not going to tell me," Kaoru said, a little annoyed. "Then I'll be off. I'm going to be late for work…"

He turned around to resume business as usual at the same time when Hikaru screamed.

"Five years!"

This outburst was followed by another raucous toll of mirth.

"What the hell are you going on about?" the younger asked, his brow rising slightly.

"Five years, she's been in America!" Hikaru gasped. "And not once has she sent an email!"

In an instant, Kaoru knew what this was about. "If you're talking about Haruhi…"

"Of course I'm talking about her! Would I wait for anyone else for half a decade?"

"You mean she actually sent you an email after all this time?"

"Yes!" Hikaru practically yelled in his ear.

Kaoru grinned. "Good for you, bro. But I really have to get going now… See you later." And he left.

After a while, Hikaru's laughter was replaced by hysterical sobs that racked through his body like seizures. He grabbed some paper and a pencil and began sketching haphazardly, teardrops staining his work all the while.

"All this time I've waited for you!" Hikaru screamed again, his voice reverberating on the walls. "And now you finally decide to remember that I'm still alive!"


The floor was littered with crumpled papers and broken pencil lead. Hikaru was asleep over his open laptop. The monitor displayed his inbox screen. Two open messages were there; the first was some invitation of sorts, and the other was a short email that read:

From: Fujioka Haruhi

Subject: Hello there, Hikaru


Hello! It's really been a while. I'm sorry I lost touch. I haven't talked to anyone for a while, actually; being a lawyer and all; it really takes up a lot of my time!

So how are you? The news I've been getting is that your designer line is really in the big leagues, huh? That's great!

Me, I'm fine. Guess what?

I'm heading back there to Japan!

Hikaru, since we've always been really great friends (right?), I want to ask you a really big favor. It sounds weird, but… Could you please design my gown? I would be very happy if you could. I don't trust it with anyone except you. Will you do it?

I can't wait to catch up with you and everyone else.

See you at the wedding!


A/N: Drabble... I don't know, I just felt like I had to write something like this. It's been a while since I wrote any thing angsty. Sorry if it sucked. :(

Please tell me what you think, anyway. Your opinions are highly appreciated and shall be cuddled until they scream "NO MOOOOOOOORE!!!"
