A Midsummers Night Dream (Not really, it was at 3a.m in January, but still)
I was skipping around the corridors of the 3rd floor, my lilac colored hair moving about and the badger on my Hufflepuff badge dancing (I charmed it to move and break out in dance moves at any given moment), singing a song Pro. Trelawny said would be a HUGE it for scene kids everywhere in the year 2009 (she sang us the song) called 'I'm I Slut' when I bumped into a male human being.
'Opppps! My bad.' I said to the person I bumped into. It was on of the Weasley twins. I've only talked to them once, because they asked me if my lilac hair colour was natural or not.
'Don't worry', he said, 'Its no problem'. He held out his hand to help me up, so obviously I took it. It would be weird not to, you know?
'I was wondering, which twin are you? I usually see you with the other…guy.'
'I'm Fred. George is of making passionate love to Angelina'. Wow, I needed THAT mental image.
'Good to know. I will remember not to ask next time :P' I said.
'I heard you singing some song before. Something about being a slut? Honestly, you don't look like the 'slut' type to me. I think that position has been filled bye Miss Brown.'
I laughed. 'I Completely agree with you three. No, it's a song that Trewlawny predicted would be the next big hit in crunk music in the year 2009'.
'What's crunk?' Fred asked.
'I have no earthly idea'. I said.
'Well, I better get to class. Don't want to be late for Umbridge'. Fred said.
'Well, then I'll be seeing you later, I'm guessing, since you DO sit only like, a table away from me in the Great Hall, and lunch is in 1 hour, 25 minutes and 24 ¾ seconds. Bye!' I said cheerfully, while waving. Gosh, I so enjoy my Huffle-ness! Great for parties!
'See you'. He said, waving back a walking to class. I continued skipping to wherever my feet decided to lead me.