A/N: I don't own anything else than the idea for the story.
Have fun!
Warning: Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories!
How much do you care?
Nightmares II
Demyx woke up to a knock on the door. Roxas came in slightly ashamed. "Hey, Rox. What's wrong?" Demyx asked carefully when the Keyblader came to sit on the bed next to him.
"I… I had a nightmare and well…You seem always to stay up quite late and… I didn't want to bother Axel with this…" Roxas started. Demyx chuckled a little but nodded.
"Yeah, I know that. You wanna talk about the nightmare?" He asked while Roxas took a comfortable place on the bed. He shook his head and yawned a little. Demyx smiled and lay down too. "Goodnight, Rox." He whispered and was ready to fall asleep too when there came another knock on the door. Demyx sat up and called whoever was at the door to enter.
Axel walked in looking a little ashamed. "Ax? What are you doing up this late?" Demyx asked quite puzzled. "Is it that Rox is here or were we too loud?" Demyx questioned. Axel looked a little surprised and looked around.
"Oh, sorry, didn't know that Rox was here too… Um... No, I wasn't looking for him…" Axel said though he was having a little hard time to find his words. "Um… Dem, could we talk for a while?" He finally asked.
"Yeah, sure…" Demyx answered and stood up from the bed. "You can stay here, Rox. I'll come back soon. Don't worry." Demyx told out to Roxas who just sleepily nodded and dug deeper into the sheets. Demyx walked out of the room with Axel.
"Ax, what's wrong?" Demyx asked a little worried. Axel paced around a little seemingly being slightly off. Eventually Demyx had enough of the pacing and quietness. He walked next to Axel and hugged him from behind. "Come on, Ax, talk." He whispered quietly.
"Can we… Can we go somewhere else? A little privacy or something…" Axel whispered back and Demyx nodded. They started to walk down the hall before Demyx had an idea of where to go and created a dark portal while motioning Axel to follow. The red head did follow without questions. They came out on the roof.
"We'll be out of prying eyes in here." Demyx answered and sat down on the roof. Axel nodded and sat down next to him. "So, what's wrong?" Demyx asked carefully. Axel still avoided eye contact and sighed.
"I… I hate to say this but… I had a nightmare…" Axel whispered hesitantly. Demyx smiled sadly. It was first time Axel admitted it out.
"It's all right, Ax. Everyone has nightmares once in a while." Demyx stated and chuckled. "Heh, you know that I have those 'cause I come to fetch help from you…" Axel nodded still being a little off. Demyx sighed. "Come on, you know you can trust on me. I won't talk forward 'bout it."
"I know, I know… I just have never had this kind of dream…" Axel whispered defeated. Before Axel could go further Demyx hugged him carefully. Axel was little surprised but eventually leaned into the hug.
"It's all right, Axel. Whatever it was, it was just a darn nightmare and doesn't mean a thing…" Demyx whispered quietly. Axel nodded and sighed.
"I… I killed someone, Dem…" Axel whispered sadly. Demyx was a little startled but took a control of himself in seconds. He carefully started to comfort Axel the best way he could.
"It was just a dream, Ax. Nothing else." Demyx tried but Axel only sighed before he started to talk about it.
"I… I killed Zexion, Dem… Well, not fully… I mean… It's hard to explain!" Axel said and started to tremble a little. Demyx stayed quiet and kept on trying to comfort Axel. The musician was a little out of knowing what to do since it was first time Axel had broken down.
"Ax… It was just a dream… Besides, the two of you had a fight just a while ago, right? So, it's nothing bad. You probably went to bed quite angry and I guess that triggered the dream. I'm sure it's OK by the morning and you can always say your sorries to Zexy…" Demyx tried to reason. Axel tried to calm down a little and nodded.
"I… I think I ordered Zexion's death. I… I controlled this other guy… A clone… I think it was called Riku Replica and… I ordered it to kill Zexion…" Axel explained. Demyx nodded. "You won't talk forward, right?" Axel asked quietly while looking up to Demyx.
"Of course not! I don't talk forward this kind of stuff. And like I said, it was just a nightmare. You wouldn't hurt him, Ax. The two of you are friends! And friends do have fights once in a while and bad feelings 'bout it which, like in this case, turn into a nightmare. As simple as that." Demyx cleared out. Axel nodded.
They sat there for a while in silence. "Demyx?" Axel finally asked once he had fully calmed down.
"Yeah?" Demyx replied quietly. Axel smiled and sighed happily.
"Thanks." He whispered and stood up. Demyx smiled and stood up too. "I think everything's all right now. Really much thanks for listening." Axel said with a smile and a nod. Demyx chuckled and smiled back.
"It's nothing, Ax. Friends help each other and you've helped me more than I can ask for." Demyx answered happily. "I'm glad I managed to help you. And don't worry, I won't talk forward 'bout this." Demyx continued. Axel nodded.
"Thanks once again. See you in the morning, Dem. Goodnight." Axel said while turning to leave back inside but Demyx stopped him first.
"Wait up!" Demyx called out and Axel turned to look at him. "You wanna stay at my room over the night? Just to make sure the nightmare doesn't come back?" Demyx asked sheepishly. Axel chuckled.
"You already have one nightmare patient in your room. You don't need another to bother your dreams." Axel answered smiling.
"Oh really? I think I've asked from you if I could stay with you whenever I've had a nightmare and it hasn't bothered either of us. So, why don't you stay over?" Demyx countered with a grin while crossing his arms. Axel chuckled and shook his head.
"Okay, you win." He finally stated and the two of them returned to the Nocturne's room. Roxas sat up when he heard the sound of the dark portal.
"It's all right, Rox. Axel's gonna stay over, so… Would you move a little so we all can fit in here?" Demyx asked while walking to the bed. Roxas nodded and it didn't take long before the three of them fell asleep.
A/N: I'd be truly happy if you left even a short review! Thanks!
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Oh, and I do accept flames too but they're going for Axel's amusement or Demyx's practise. :P
After at least one review, I will update the story! =)