Here Marina, this is for you. Just as you requested 3

Awaking with a start, the red head felt the strange urge to look around the room like a paranoid freak, but he just closed his eyes resisting the urge. George was wrong not to look around his empty room at the Joke shop that he and his dead brother had owned after they had dropped out of Hogwarts.

As he fluttered to start falling asleep, there was the slightest noise of board creaking under something or someone's weight. George stirred just the slightest, turning over in his sleep before pulling his blanket up a little more tightly up against his chest.

Staring down at the sleeping figure, black-gloved hands reached out from the shadowy figure above George and wrapped around his mouth to stop him from screaming. One of the hands slid down to George's waist and before he could struggle, the shadowy figure took George from his home and his shop.

Struggling as much as he could, George tried not to panic... It was so hard not to panic. But no matter how hard he struggled the kidnapper held firm, not letting go of him.

After a long walk, George was forced into a cramped space and he was surrounded by darkness, he tried to move for his wand to only realize that he left it in his house, fear started to grip at his guts as he tried to squirm around. "LET ME OUT!!" George screamed, tears stinging at his eyes as he tried to move out of the confined space.

Looking back at the red head as he tried to move from within magic bound bag, shaking his head the kidnapper kicked up the broom with the bag bound to the broom, and he flew off with his kidnapped victim.

He didn't know how long it had taken, but he was sure it was over an hour, until he felt himself land down on solid ground, he knew it was a wizard now… but why would anyone want to kidnap him? George shifted uncomfortably.

Again, he looked at the magic bag, wondering if he should let the red head out now and show who he was or just let him be in the bag until they got to the small cabin that the kidnapper was living in.

Deciding to keep him in the bag he pulled the bag up two miles to the cabin, and dropped the bag on the floor in the living room, brandishing a wand (one that was not his), the kidnapper lit a fire and opened the bag. Because of the fire, shadows over stretched the kidnapper, his appearance obscured.

Falling out of the bag, George moved swiftly and stood up. He turned from the fire and turned to the wizard who kidnapped him, he clenched his fists ready to fight if he had to come down to Muggle fighting.

Watching George move, the kidnapper remained still. He did not freak out when the twin readied himself to fight, because he had the wand. The wand came out of the darkness and pointed at the chair. George looked at the chair before looking over at the shadowed kidnapper, he felt like he had no chance in fighting so he gave in and walked to the chair. Standing near it nervously, like it was going to attack him or something; he slowly sat down in it and realized… he could no longer see his kidnapper. Worry and fear continued to grip at his guts as he sat there. Suddenly, iron clamps slammed over his wrists and ankles, he couldn't move them or get them away. "P-please stop this!" He said hurriedly, pleadingly. George didn't want to die.