Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me. I know, i checked everyday ;o(

Here's a series of drabbles on Harry/Hyorinmaru, for the obliging ones that voted on my poll ^^


He blinked, staring at the clear blue sky that spotted fluffy little white clouds. Dimly he registered the sounds of waves crashing against rocks and shores. It was oddly soothing. He closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the sea breeze and breathe in the salty air.

He opened his eyes and lifted his hands to stare at the long graceful digits. Slowly, he sat up, mindful of the pounding headache that was persistently making itself known against the walls of his skull. As his vision cleared, his emerald eyes darted around to identify his location and current situation.

He was seated amidst the white sands of a peaceful beach; which he observed was like a circular island that housed sparsely any plants. The ocean seemed endless from where he sat. And there were no signs of life. Not even a bird.

Where was he?

What was this place?

Where was everyone?

More importantly, who was he?


The last he remembered was blood. Lots of it. Splattering onto his vision as screams of terror and pain filled his ears. He remembered seeing green light, cries of sorrow and a single whisper of a wish. He sighed, opening his eyes to will away the hazy memories of death and destruction.

He stared into his image reflected in the hip-deep water he stood in and assessed his appearance. Black hair that gleamed with a hint of blue fell in thick uneven locks down to the small of his back but his front and side bangs was cut short to frame his small face. His features, he decided was nothing interesting, small but high nose, slightly tanned complexion and high cheek bones. Nothing impressive or striking, except his eyes. He touched his face, wondering why he felt as if something was missing. From the undulating waters, emerald green orbs gleamed, hinting mystery and wisdom.

Only one of which if true, he decided. For even to himself, he was a mystery.

He sighed, pushing a wayward strand away from his face and resolved to get something to tie all that hair to the back the first chance he could.

He raised his eyes to the islet behind him, taking in its beauty, its peacefulness and its overwhelming solitude.


It took a while before he found another being. He didn't know how much time has passed as there appear to be no nights here in these everlasting shores of paradise.

The first time she came, she was merely a child of perhaps five. She ran around delightedly, as if reveling in the freedom of having an entire island to herself. She didn't seem to notice him, standing shadowed beneath the solitary tree within the islet. Finally, he called out to her, willing her to catch sight of him. But she heard nothing and continued to wander on her own, until her dream ended and she disappeared.

The second time she appeared, she was slightly older and weeping heartbreakingly. He approached her gently and enveloped her in his comforting embrace till she disappeared back to her own world.

Then the third time came, which was the charm. The girl, now a teen, was clad completely in black, staring around the shores in wonder when he stumbled upon her.

A Shinigami, his mind automatically offered that little bit of info. He didn't know how he knew it but he knew immediately what this young lady was. And that she was his ordained partner, ready to claim her destiny. No longer was she the child who came seeking for solitude and comfort. For the first time, he had a good look at the person she had become.
The teenager had slanted eyes the colour of the night sky which reflected strength and determination. She too had long bluish black hair but it reached only her shoulders in choppy locks. The way she stood and held herself gave him the impression that she was slight tomboyish and was likely to fight her way out if ever she was in a pinch.

He found that he liked that fire in her. And it was obvious from the way she was assessing him back that she was impressed with him.

She held herself ready as he approached.

He noticed that she was only a head shorter than him; moments before he lashed his sword out at her.

It was time to test his Aruji.


He laughed to himself in delight as she grinned at him from above. The little brat was gloating!

She had all the rights though. She did defeat him. It was time to tell her his new name.

He pulled himself up carefully, a smile still etched on his lips.

"My name is Hari," he told her, still breathless from their exhilarating fight. "Call my name, Kurosaki Karin."

End of Name

Here's the story: the Karin didn't survive the hollow attack during the first episode. ^___^` i'm not sorry for killing her even tho i like her. There's a reason for it.

I dunno why I suddenly felt like writing this. Maybe it's because of the popularity of this pairing in the recent poll I had in my profile.

Anyway, in case u need some guidance in basic jap:

Hari - can be needle, acupuncture or crystal. In this case it s Crystal. I choose this because I wanted to maintain Harry's name, or at least the pronunciation.

Aibou - partner

Asuji - wielder