First attempt on Final Fantasy. Nothing much to say.

Disclaimer: I own nothing here except my OCs.


It was a monday. Kiero, a normal teen, had just moved to an apartment alone at St. Ivalice. He is clumsy and has few friends but life goes along pretty smoothly for him. Today is the first day he going to school in the local high school in St. Ivalice.


Kiero is asleep.


Kiero is still asleep.


"Just a minute Mo-woah!" shouted Kiero as his body peculiarly balanced at the edge of the bed, fell.

"Arrrgghh! My head hurts." Slowly, he tried get up on his two feet and literally dragged himself to the bathroom. He slowly brushed his teeth while thinking. "Good thing school doesn't start until-" Then he saw his clock.

"What! I really need to get that fixed. " He quickly took a bath and dashed for his clothes. "Come on, come on, come on, come on! You can't be late now!" he thought as he quickly packed up his things and ran to school.

"Oh no, I can't be late on the first day!" he said while running past the last corner towards his school. He quickly climbed up the stairs, sprinted down the hall and then stopped right in front of the door of his first class. And just in time too as his teacher called out his name.

"Kiero Maliender." said the teacher.

The day went on tiresome for Kiero. He just wanted it to end already and go home. Lucky for him the bell rang and class ended. He walked home dragging his backpack. He then finally reached his apartment door and reached for the keys.

"Keys. Keys. Keys. Keys!!!!"he said shouting the last word out of realization. "WHY did I even put them in my locker? -sigh- Better go get them while afternoon classes aren't starting yet ."

Time Skip

"Okay, got the keys now."

He went outside and saw what he thinks is somewhat of a P.E. class in the snow ( He also came from a warmer tropical place ). He watched, and listened to the instructions of the teacher to the kid who is obviously a new kid too ( And yes, that was Marche. If he's not really in high school, then sorry. But then again it's my fic not yours ). But he doesn't have all the time in the world and needs to have lunch too you know. So he went home, did whatever he has to do and went to sleep.

Later that night

Actually, he tried to go to sleep, but just couldn't.

"Maybe a glass of water or warm milk could fix this." So on to the kitchen he went. But ( Oh great, another but ) everything started disappearing around him. The whole apartment unraveled into darkness. The ground started shifting into an empty void. His clothes changing into a different attire.

"Hey, this is kinda cool."

The void below starting moulding into a shallow swamp. And Kiero started falling facedown into the mud.

"Well, could have been worse, I could have fallen into poop."

He then started hearing hissing sounds from behind. He turned around and saw a what seems to be half-human and half-snake.

"This is so not cool anymore."

Well. What do you think? Please review. Constructive criticism is accepted.