Hi all!
FirstxLove here. I know this will probably annoy the hell out of you (especially since I know there are a lot of story alerts out there and some have been waiting forever), but I just wanted to give a heads up. I haven't left this in the dust, promise. I've just been having a tough time with school. Anyway, it's been a while, I know (like May, right?), and I really shouldn't have left this hanging for so long. But I've just finished my fall semester and I finally have time to sink my teeth back into this so expect an update soon! I'm just tweaking the last few bits of the upcoming chapter. Again, I apologize for taking so damn long, but it's coming. And just as a note for new and/or old readers that haven't clued in quite yet, this'll keep up with season 1, but I'm throwing it off of a different cliff after then. I know, not a good time for those of you who have liked seasons 2 and 3, but I don't want to follow that so closely. It'll be a different spin on things, if you will. Some things might rise up, but like I said, this is going to be a whole other can of worms. Oh yeah, not following the books either, considering the TV show is a different story and I'm following that one closer. Anyway, see you all soon and thanks for keeping up with me despite my ridiculously slow and inconsistent updates!