Dedicated to The One Called Demetra, just to piss her off. She's the one who got this thought train out of the station.

It was a dark and stormy night – no, seriously, it was. I didn't write that just because I've always wanted to – well, yeah, maybe…

Okay, so it was a little rainy, but there was no storm, and it wasn't that dark. Ruin my fun, why don't you?

My name is Marco. The incredibly smart, funny, handsome one that always begins his narrations like that in every book and fanfic ever written –

What? Nothing. What?

Anyway, we were all gathered at Rachel's place, because her mom was out of town and her sisters weren't important enough to be included in this story. 'We' being the Animorphs; Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias, Ax and ME!

As you may have guessed, we had a little bit of sugar… okay, a lot… and, well, things aren't going all that well…

"COKE!! CO-KA!!" Ax screamed as we all sat on his various limbs to pin him to the floor so he couldn't harm anything or anyone. Stupid Bird Boy. It was his idea to feed him Coke, and I told him not to… Okay, Jake told him not to, I was egging him on.

But I knew it wasn't going to end well!

Suddenly, a plot point appeared above Ax's head, causing his eyes to bulge before he fell into an author induced coma. Oh well. We all scrambled off him and went back to the couch where the rest of our sugar/grease/fat stash was, leaving Ax to his fate.

We all sat in a circle around the food, possessively holding select items, when all five of us simultaneously spied the last bottle of lemonade in the middle. A tense silence filled the room while we each thought about the best way to go about this. Then, completely abandoning those 'best ways', we all leapt forward, screaming and shouting and scratching and biting and punching… well, you get the picture.

Five minutes later, four exhausted and bruised kids lay around one triumphant blonde girl who was dancing around chanting "I got the lemonade, I got the lemonade, I got the lemonade…"

Jake shoot out his hand and grabbed his cousin's ankle, tripping her up and dragging her down with them. I gave a little cheer but silenced at Rachel's frighteningly realistic grizzly bear impression.

Suddenly, a time skip occurred. We were all sitting in a circle again, this time in Rachel's bedroom. This led me to make several brilliantly funny comments about Rachel and Tobias' supposed 'secret' relationship, but apparently they didn't appreciate the humour, judging by the dog pile I was suddenly buried under.

Anyway, we all sat in a circle thinking of something to do, when I came up with it: the most brilliant, genius suggestion since… well, since the last brilliant genius suggestion was made!

"How about we play Spin the Bottle?" I said excitedly. Faintly I heard hundreds of readers groan at the prospect of another clichéd Spin-the-Bottle!fic, but I dismissed it, as I've already broken the fourth wall too many times for it to be funny any more.

"No way!" Jake replied instantly. I sighed.

"Okay…" I continued relentlessly. "What about Truth or Dare?"

"I'd play that," Rachel said, eyes glinting dangerously. I decided that maybe it wasn't a good idea to agree with her when she got that glint.

"Or, um, you know…" Dammit. I needed to think of another highly hated/clichéd party game, quickly.

"Well, Marco, truth or dare?" Rachel said, glaring at me while an evil smirk slowly began to appear on her face,

"STRIP POKER!" I shouted. Everyone stared at me.

"Sorry Marco, but I don't swing that way," Jake said with a straight face.

I resisted the urge to bang my head repeatedly on a wall. Tonight wasn't going to end soon, was it?

Um… if you're still alive, I THINK this is going to be a twoshot. Unless I don't get that many reviews. Ah well, never mind. Reviews are appreciated, as this is my first fanfic.
