A few short poems and random notes that I wrote for Lisi's brilliant characters to pass on to each other. It's a simple story. Just a one-shot that was inspired by my English class. It's not all about love. It's not all cute. It's just there to amuse me, and hopefully amuse you too. I actually wrote the poems for Claire and Derrick on FictionPress, and if you like it enough, check them out on there and review it. It's under the pen name ElegantEcstasy. Enjoy ;D


Mr. Meyner's eighth grade English class at Briarwood-Octavian Country Day School had always had problems paying attention, and today didn't seem to be any different. Mr. Meyner cleared his throat to attempt to gain the attention of his students, who all just glanced at him with annoyed looks on their faces.

"Today, class, we will be doing a very simple assignment," Mr. Meyner said to them. "We will be writing notes to each other, which I'm sure most of you already do while I'm teaching you."

A few of the students smirked while others fought to hide their laughs.

"These notes will be anonymous and you'll be able to write whatever you want, as long as it's school appropriate. You will them hand them to me and I will pass these notes out to you before the class is over," Mr. Meyner said, looking around the room for any questions. And, since he didn't see any, he shouted to the class, "Let's get started!"

Anything I want? Cameron Fisher smiled to himself. He reached for his blue pen and two pieces of paper. He knew exactly what he wanted to write.


Massie Block;

I keep losing myself in the depths of your beautiful amber eyes.
I'm trying so hard to stay away from you.
To keep myself from loving you.
But it's an impossible goal, because everywhere I turn, you seem to be.
I just hope you feel the same way and end up loving me.


Claire Lyons;

I had to do this
But I'll always love you

We weren't meant to be
I should have told you

I was breaking your heart
But I felt the same way

As I watched you walk away


Josh Hotz;

I wake up each day and smile, because I know that I'll be seeing you today.
My life has so much meaning in it now.
All because of you.


Dylan Marvil;

You're beautiful and I can't help but lose myself in your eyes.


Kemp Hurley;

You drive me insane.
But I can't help but love you.


Alicia Rivera;

I think that I like you for more than your boobs.
You're exotic looks make my heart beat faster.
But don't worry, I know you'll never love me 'cause I'm such a bastard.


Chris Plovert;

You are such a pervert.


Kristen Gregory;

"There are so many things,
My heart wants to say.
I love you sweetheart,
There is no other way.


Cameron Fisher;

I love your taste in music.
As well as the way your green eye hypnotizes me and the way your blue one calms me.
But most of all, I'm in love with you.


Derrick Harrington;

You have no idea how much you mean to me.
Please don't let us be a mistake.
Please don't disappoint me,
because I'm not yet ready to break.
I'm not ready to hurt again,
because it is way to soon.
I love you so fucking much
I'm doing everything I can to keep you.
I'm glad that you were the one to catch me when I started to fall.
Because I have no idea where I would be without you.
No idea at all.


If you can guess who the pairings are, I promise to update & give you a shout out.
It's a two-shot at most. Not a story, sorry. I just don't have the time.
