Chapter 1
It was the middle of the night, Sam and Dean had just gotten themselves out of a rather easy hunt. It was a usual haunting, two people had been found dead in their apartment, but there were no signs of forced entry while the door was locked and the alarm was on.
After about a week of hard digging, Sam and Dean found out that this particular spirit was tied to a cursed object – which in this case happened to be a painting of a rather depressing looking landscape with a black and white tint.
A dead black tree overlooked a rather drone looking mountain of sorts, or maybe it was just a large hill…? Either way, it was odd that the spirit found itself teathered to this painting.
It didn't matter much though, the painting was toast now and the spirit was finally put to rest.
Now, Dean was behind the wheel of his slick black Impala with Sam riding shot-gun, passed out and snoring loudly.
Sam had been spewing on about another hunt in the next town over saying that this was definitely something one of a kind.
And Dean wasn't disagreeing, it certainly was a hell of a case.
From the looks of it, vampires were taking over this small town of Hawthorne. But it didn't seem like a usual vampire hunt. Too many people had already gone missing.
Usually, vampires would take one or two people at a time in a town to avoid suspicion from the locals. But it was more than that this time.
Last week, ten people went missing in that town.
From their behavior, Sam and Dean guessed that this was a huge nest.
Or they just didn't care about being caught anymore…what with the world coming to a screeching halt and everything now that Lucifer has been raised.
Either way, it didn't really matter much. They were going to die.
By early afternoon, Sam and Dean made it to Hawthorne. Dean got out of the car to check a room out at their new temporary home, while Sam unpacked the car of their belongings.
Dean got a single key with the number 'four' on it, and headed back outside to where his brother was. Sam stood outside the car looking exhausted with five duffle bags laying at his feet as he waited for Dean to tell him which room they were staying in.
Dean held up the key and flashed his brother a cocky grin as he lead him to their room. Sam followed with two bags, one over each shoulder.
Dean unlocked the door, and opened it up for Sam to walk through with their bags. When Sam plopped the bags on the ground by the door, they both walked back to the car and gathered the rest of their things.
Moments later when all of the bags lay in a messy pile by the front door, Sam pulled out his laptop while Dean began going through one of the two bags full of weapons.
"What do we got?" Dean asked abesently as he pulled a scythe out of the duffel, flipped it around in his hands for a moment, and then placed it neatly on his bed.
"Same as before." Sam noted tiredly as his eyes scanned the computer screen, "I think these are definitely vamps though…no question."
"Why do you say that?" Dean asked as he pulled out a machette.
"Because…Amanda Marrok was just found..." Sam said with a look of disgust on his face as he still stared at the screen, "apparently she was found with a large bite mark in her neck, and her inner thigh."
"Amanda Marrok," Dean said in a whisper as he searched his mind for that name, "one of the ten that went missing last week?"
"Yep," Sam replied with a nod, "authorities say they're looking into it…but I doubt they are."
"Why?" Dean prodded.
"Because," Sam replied with a mirthless chuckle, "this is a small town…if all ten of these people are dead, then that officially counts in the books as a 'serial murder'. That's when the sheriff is supposed to bring in the FBI…but there's nothing. It just says 'the investigation is ongoing.'"
"Maybe it is," Dean argued, "I mean you and I know what happened. But to the local authorities there's no real evidence these people are dead."
"This town's too scared to go looking for something that was able to take ten people in one week, Dean. They know they're not in control of this situation." Sam said sternly.
"Whatever." Dean commented with a shrug, "We gonna get in to see her body?"
"Yea," Sam replied with a nod, "we should check it out for ourselves."
By late afternoon, Sam and Dean were dressed in rented suits and shined shoes. Sam went to far as to slick his hair back to play the part of a Private Investigator.
They made it to the morgue in record time and flashed their fake badges at the woman behind the front desk.
Sam playing the role as Detective Lee, and Dean as Detective Ulrich.
The woman, having been satisfied waved them quickly into the back room to wait for further instructions.
After waiting for almost a half hour, a man in his late thirties with short choppy brown hair, in a while lab coat waved the boys into the
The man closed the door behind the 'Detectives' and then turned to face them with a polite smile on his face.
"The sheriff didn't tell me you guys were coming." The man said simply as he walked past Sam and Dean toward the wall of shelves containing what Sam and Dean knew were dead bodies.
"One of the victims family members called us in." Dean fibbed, "I'm not at liberty to say who exactly."
Accepting the lie, the man nodded quickly before crossing his arms over his chest.
"So what brings you here?" He asked almost defensively.
"We were hoping to get a look at Amanda Marrok's body." Sam said in a calm, and even tone.
"What for?" The man snapped.
"Just to see the condition of the body," Dean interjected, "because if one of the ten people that went missing was found dead…then chances are that they all are. We just want to take a look and see what condition we might expect to see the others in."
"Very ominus of you." The man commented before nodding feverishly in agreement.
He then turned around and looked at all the labels on the shiny doors looking for Amanda Marrok's corpse.
Finally after only a moment, he opened the third one on the second row and slid the shelf out – revealing a mass under a white sheet.
The man pulled the sheet back to show off the petite, gray skinned college girl with short blond hair that only came up to her shoulders.
The most disturbing thing about this picture, was not what Sam and Dean were expecting. At all.
With usual vampires, there were numerous puncture marks in a half circle, or the neck was torn out completely depending on how aggressive the vampire is.
But the girl only had two small puncture wounds in her neck.
Sam's eyebrows knit together in confusion as he stared down at the girls' neck.
"What the hell?" Sam muttered as he leaned in for a closer look.
"I know!" The man exclaimed with a shrug, "This doesn't make a lick of sense."
"So whoever her killer was…he obviously couldn't have been working alone." Sam noted as he dared lower the white sheet to get a look on her condition.
Bruises and red sores assaulted her battered body. On her torso, her arms, her legs, even her hands – suggesting she was in some way tortured before she died.
Disgusted, Sam lowered the sheet – covering Amanda's poor body back up.
"What are your thoughts, doc?" Dean asked the man hotly.
The man shrugged.
"Personally, I think it's a cult. I mean like you said this wasn't a one man job, and those puncture marks in her neck look like something you'd see out of some…vampire movie or something."
Dean nodded, before turning to Sam and patting his shoulder.
"Well thanks for the sneak peak, doc. But we gotta get back to work." Dean said with a tiny smile.
The man nodded simply, and flashed Sam a small look of what looked like interest. Not like arousal, but the man seemed curious about him. But before Sam could make the expression out, the look was gone.
Sam flashed an uncomfortable smile, and then he and Dean headed for the door.
That night, Sam and Dean were sitting in the Impala both holding their machette's just out of sight. They had been scoping this building out for almost an hour now.
It was some old abandoned mill, no one ever came here.
But after visiting the morgue, Sam and Dean went to the bar to maybe have a talk with some of the locals. And wouldn't you know it, right there at the bar – front and center sat Mr. Marrok, Amanda's father.
The older man had been staring down at his bottle with great emotion showing in his eyes. He rubbed his balding head as Sam – the more sympathetic of the duo, came and sat with him.
Sam had asked him what he thought about Amanda's disappearing. Who did he suspect of killing his daughter.
And without hesitation, Mr. Marrok said flat out that it was 'those damned kids who hang out at the abandoned mill, just outside-a town.'
Apparently, the mill had been abandoned for years until about a month ago when all the disappearances and murders started happening. A group of twenty or so kids were squatting at the old mill.
"I don't even know what we're doing here." Dean complained with a sigh.
"What do you mean?" Sam prodded.
"These aren't vamps! Two puncture holes in the neck? Last time we checked on something like this – it turned out to be a psycho backwards shapeshifter, remember?" Dean argued.
"Yea, but shapeshifters are pretty solitary," Sam said calmly, "all these kids cant be shapeshifters. Something's not right here."
"So we're going in there half-cocked like it is a vampire hunt?" Dean snapped irritably.
"Yes." Sam said sternly, and then dropped the argument.
Just then, an old looking truck pulled up to the mill with its headlights off. Sam and Dean took notice of it instantly and ducked down just out of sight so they could see who these people were.
Out of the drivers side, a kid came out – and by kid, he couldn't have been older than nineteen. And out of the passengers' seat was the man who showed them Amanda Marrok's body. The man who worked at the morgue.
Dean's eyebrow quirked at seeing the man, finding the case a little more interesting.
The men hopped out of the truck, and walked toward the front door of the mill. The kid knocked on the door twice, before it opened revealing three other people who Sam and Dean couldn't get a good look at.
"Already outnumbered." Dean muttered.
Sam nodded feverishly, signaling to Dean to get them out of there.
Taking the hint, Dean started up the Impala and drove off toward their motel…not seeing that they had been noticed by the man.
Almost an hour later, they finally made it back to their motel room. Dean tossed the keys to the Impala on his bed, while Sam went and took the bathroom for his shower.
Immediately after closing the bathroom door, Sam had a creeping feeling crawling up his spine that made him really uneasy.
He felt as if he was being watched.
He turned his attention to the showers closed curtains, and quickly pulled it back to reveal an empty bathtub.
Sam smiled at his stupidity. This hunt must have been getting to him.
But then there was a loud hiss, and a heavy pressure that connected with Sam's temple – sending him into the bowels of unconsciousness without even knowing what hit him.
All he saw was white.
This is just something else to keep the creative juices flowing. This wont get in the way of 'Hells Bells'. I'll be doing both of them at the same time. :)