Me: Oh my glob.

Ikuto: 'Bout time.

Me: Oh my glob.

Amu: Oh dear. Here it comes.

Me: OH MY GLOB I AM SO SORRY MY POOR READERS! DB *sniffle* I had more written, never updated cause exams and school and crap, and then over the summer my compy got reimaged and I saved the story on a flash drive I just don't know where that flash drive is and-and- and-

Amu: She's sorry she hasn't updated, but she's not- repeat NOT- discontinuing this story.

Me: I have the next chapter written somewhere, I just need to revise it and upload it. It may take a month or so cause freshman year is hell-

Ikuto: -try junior year-

Me: But it will eventually be updated! Sorry, ya'll… *hugs everyone*

Amu: *is hugged* …d'awww~ Char, it's okay! 3

Ikuto: *is hugged*… Oh, please get off of me =3=

Me: So yes! Await it with open arms, friends! Next chappie's a-coming! 8D