Disclaimer: Although I do wish I own these marvelous characters…I do not :(

After re-reading my story I noticed a few errors. Therefore, I have decided to re-uploaded the chapters with the errors.

Anyways enjoy!

This story takes place two years after Shadow Kiss. Dimitri was never turned into a Strigoi so Blood Promise is nonexistent in this story. Rose and Lissa have graduated and are now living at the court. Being that Rose and Dimitri are considered to be great guardians, the Moroi's and Dhampir's choose to accept their relationship in fear that they may run away together. In the recent years of an on occurring shortage of guardians, the Moroi and Dhampir population can't afford to lose great guardians like Rose and Dimitri. This story is written in Rose's POV. This isn't really a summary but a setup for the story.

The story has not begun quite yet. I wanted to further set the up so the story so that the readers know what is going on. Here are a few paragraphs about what has been happening for the past two years.

After retrieving Eddie and the others who were being held captive by the Strigois, Rose and Dimitri decided to keep their relationship a secret until Rose graduated. They had promised not to become public about their relationship due to the bad attention it would cause until they were away from the school and residing at the court. However that didn't mean they didn't sneak around from time to time.

Rose, along with Eddie, have both been guarding Lissa for the past two years. Being that Dimitri was unable to protect Lissa, due to his conflicting feelings for Rose, Eddie seemed to be a fine replacement. Since Eddie showed how dedicated he was to protecting Lissa in the field experience, the powers that be felt he had proved himself worthy of filling Dimitri's position as the second guardian of Lissa Dragonmir. Since the court is surrounded by wards and is one of the most protected places in the world, guardians don't have to be on guard all the time. Being that Lissa has two guardians, Rose and Eddie don't have to both be on duty at one time. Only one guardian is required to watch over Lissa while at the court. This opportunity allows Rose the freedom to spend time with Dimitri during her free time. Rose and Eddie have made a schedule which involves Rose being on duty four days out of the seven one week and Eddie watching Lissa the remaining three days. To make it fair, Eddie and Rose alternate their guardian duties every other week. Therefore, they each are given the opportunity to have their own time.

Dimitri, on the other hand, decides not to be reassigned to another person after choosing not to protect Lissa. If Dimitri were to be reassigned there is a chance he would have been sent away from the court and ultimately away from Rose. Instead Dimitri has become an extra guard at the court who expects the wards and keeps everyone safe.

At the court Rose and Dimitri own a small two bedroom apartment in which they reside when they're not busy with their guardian duties. The only reason they are allowed to reside in an apartment so close to the Morois and Dhampirs is because they are good guardians and in a way are receiving special treatment for it. The court needs guardians and is willing to ignore how wrong it is for two Dhampirs to have a relationship.

Lissa and Christian have been together for the past two years at the court. At first when Lissa and Christian first moved to the court the queen tried her hardest to break them up. However, Lissa and Christian were able to get past the queens antics and have a stronger relationship today. Christian and his aunt Tasha have been helping Moroi's learn how to defend themselves and aide their guardians in battles with Strigoi.

Again this is just a preview chapter that fills you in on what has been going on for the past two years. The next chapter is where the story starts.