A/N: I was going to sort of stick to what happened in the movie, but I got bored and so I'm going to switch it up, change it. To be honest it wasn't entirely my choice, my imagination hijacked my body once again and forced me to change it for its own demented pleasure.

Disclaimer: You know the drill, I don't own them, I forget who does, but none the less I do not own anything at all, if I did well let's not go there.

The thing with Boston was you could never predict the rain, one moment it was clear and sunny then the next moment the sky was grey and pouring rain. And the thing with Murphy was that he was a little bit of a kid, which meant he would stand out in the middle of the rain, the rain that was tainted from the grime in the cities air. He would stand out there staring up at the sky, a small smile on his face as the rain soaked him through.

Connor would either sit on the steps of their apartment building watching him or watch him through the window from their fifth floor. It was kind of odd to see a seventeen year old man get such a kick out of the rain, but it was also something soothing about it as well.

After a while Murphy would trudge back upstairs sopping wet and grinning like a fool. Most of the time Connor would simply throw a towel at him and tell him to stop acting like an idiot. But for some reason today when Murphy walked back in the apartment Connor walked over to the door with a towel in hand stopping Murphy right after he closed the door.

Looking at Connor Murphy grinned the water from his hair dripping down into his face and eyes, Connor wasn't sure if Murphy was happy because of the rain or from seeing him. Placing the towel over Murphy's head Connor began to dry his hair off; keeping his hands by his side Murphy let Connor dry his hair.

"One of these days you're going get sick" Connor said as he dropped the towel down to Murphy's shoulders.

"I never get sick" Murphy said back still grinning, lifting his hand up he patted Connor on the cheek, but didn't remove his hand once he was done. "You just worry too much."

"My dear brother I fear if I didn't worry about you no one would." Smiling Connor shoved Murphy back so Murphy landed hard on the ground. For a moment Murphy was shocked not expecting the small act of violence. But he recovered quickly, with a huge grin on his face Murphy launched himself forward and tackled Connor to the ground. Without missing a beat Connor retaliated and knocked Murphy away from him, grabbing Connor by the shirt Murphy tired to pull him back.

"Hey arshole you're ripping my shirt!" Connor shouted as he pulled at Murphy's shirt.

"So are you!" Murphy shouted back, the harder Connor pulled on Murphy's shirt the harder Murphy pulled on his.

"Let go!" Connor demanded as he kicked Murphy in the thigh.

"You idiot" Murphy kicked Connor back in almost the same spot. Yelling at each other the two pulled harder on the others shirt successfully pulling off both of their shirts. Once their shirts were off they went at each other again punching, kicking, and pinning each other to the ground.

After twenty minutes of wrestling with each other Murphy finally got Connor pinned to the ground, both of them breathless Murphy grinned down at Connor. "Looks like I'm the stronger on eh?"

"Whatever I just let you win" Connor said back, letting Murphy pin down his arms by his forearms.

Leaning down closer Murphy stared Connor in the eye "You just don't want to admit that I'm better."

Grinning back up at Murphy Connor shifted his body; he could feel Murphy clenched his thighs a bit keeping Connor's legs pinned between them "You wish."

With the grin still on his face Murphy sat down on Connors hips and straightened himself up "Today in the gym…"

"What about it?" Asked Connor as he put his hands behind his head.

"Rocco has bad timing?"

"Huh?" Connor asked a bit confused, it took him a moment to remember what had happened.

The way that Murphy looked at him was the way other people looked at him, mainly girls. And even though he knew he should be concerned about getting out of the school, so the janitor or someone else didn't walk in on them. Swinging on the rope a bit Connor moved towards Murphy, so there was only a few inches between them.

"Yeah it does kind of get you going." Connor agreed.

Smiling at Connor Murphy leaned forward a bit putting his hand on Connor cheek as he was about to open his mouth to say something the door swung open revealing a disheveled Rocco.

"Yo guys, I thought it was you guys I saw come into the school" Rocco raised his hand in greeting but quickly dropped it back to his side when he saw all the unconscious people on the ground. "What the fuck happened?!"

Swinging back away from Murphy Connor looked over at Rocco and grinned "Enjoy our handy work?"

"We did get a recruit for our mission" Connor stated moving his hips a bit to accommodate the weight from Murphy's body.

"Yep…" agreed Murphy. For a long while they sat in silence the only sound in the apartment was the sound of their breathing. Watching each other's chest fall and rise almost caused a hypnotizing effect on the brothers, they simply sat staring at each other.

Raising his hand up Connor took a hold of the hair around Murphy's belly button and pulled at it, hard. Letting out a loud yelp, Murphy pushed his hips down into Connor's stomach causing Connor to grunt. Pulling harder on Murphy's body hair Connor steeled himself against the push of Murphy's hips into his stomach.

When pushing his hips into Connors stomach wouldn't work anymore Murphy reached down and twisted the hair on Connor's chest, letting out another yelp Connor pulled harder on Murphy's hair.

"Say uncle" Murphy yelled, twisting Connors hair harder.

"Fuck you" Connor yelled back pulling on Murphy's hair harder as well.

"Say uncle" Murphy said back, a grin spread from ear to ear.

"Not on your mothers life" letting go quickly of Murphy's body hair he raised his hips up and flipped Murphy over so he was sitting on top of Murphy now. Pinning Murphy down by the shoulders Connor leaned in close to Murphy's face "Whose the strongest now?"

"You cheated" Murphy didn't look away as Connor stared down at him, there was no reason to, they had done this a thousand different times, one of them sitting on the other so they were pinned down. Not letting them up until someone interrupted them or one of them got bored or distracted. This was nothing new, the feeling in the air was nothing new, no it was always there between them.

That night before they went to bed Murphy still sharing his bed with Connor, even though the mattress had dried days ago, Connor scooted a little bit closer to Murphy so when he let his hand rest between them it barely touched Murphy's back. Murphy who lay on his side turned over to face Connor and scooted a bit closer as well letting the entire side of Connor's hand come to a rest on his chest. Murphy gave Connor another one of those looks, the ones that he had seen girls give him over the girls before slipping off to sleep.