First Boondocks Saints fic! Yes! I love this movie, I'm obsessed, it's awesome, truly epic movie. So I was watching it with a friend, and she nudged me (quite hard) in the side and was like hey hey, guess what, you should write me a fan fic. So yep here I am, not that I'm complaining though, I've been wanting to write a Boondocks' saint for a couple of weeks now.

Disclaimer: You know the drill, I don't own them, I forget who does, but none the less I do not own anything at all, if I did well let's not go there.

"Fuck!" Rocco shouted as he slammed into the brick wall of the school, for a second black dots popped in front of him, as he closed his eyes tightly. He could hear someone laughing in front of him, the laugh sounded very familiar, opening up his eyes he cursed again. "Fuck! That was not fucking funny!" Rocco shouted as he pushed himself off the wall "Dam it Connor what was not fucking funny, I thought for fucking sure you were going to fucking kill me."

Tearing off his black ski mask and through his laughter Connor mimicked Rocco's face as he had turned the corner to the back of the school and had seen someone with a black ski mask pulled over his face and baseball bat in his hand "Please please don't do it, I promise I'll get the package to Donny on time." Holding his sides Connor dropped the metal bat "Oh man that was fucking priceless."

"That was not fucking funny" Rocco said again pushing his shoulder length hair out of his face, at seventeen he looked more like twenty, his beard was starting to grow out as well as his mustache.

"I don't even know why you still do those fucking errands for the football team, you should just quite" Connor said stopping his laughing but keeping the grin still plastered on his face.

"It's money man, besides I'm going to get my big chance to prove myself soon, then I'll never have to worry about anything again, I will be living the good life." Picking up the brown package he had dropped on the ground he slipped into one of the inside pockets of his long black trench coat, even though he knew what was inside of it was illegal he still carried it around at school afraid that someone would find it inside his bedroom.

"Whatever the fuck you say" Connor said pulling a package of cigarettes out of his pocket, holding the pack out to Rocco he watched as Rocco took one and lit it up, "Why don't you just get a real job."

"Oh like you at that meat packaging plant?"Rocco asked sarcastically, letting the smoke come out of his nose. As soon as both him and Murphy had looked old enough to pass themselves off as eighteen they had gotten themself hired at a meat packaging plant in downtown Boston, it wasn't much but it was enough to keep food on the table for them and their mom

"At least it's honest fucking money" Connor said back, they had this argument at least once a month, and it always ended with Rocco telling him and Murphy to go fuck themselves, this argument would end that way too.

"That's fucking right" Murphy said rounding the corner, Murphy had gotten sent to detention again for fighting so Connor had waited two hours after school for him, messing with Rocco had been a way to pass his time. As soon as Murphy was standing beside him Connor slung his arm around Murphy's shoulder.

"Oh come one guys" Rocco pleaded "Doesn't this argument ever get old?"

"No" Connor and Murphy answered back at the same time.

Taking a deep inhale of his cigarette he handed it to Murphy who gladly accepted it "Besides" Connor said letting the smoke out of his lungs "I could use the help, this dickhead is always fucking causing trouble for me."

"Fuck you" Murphy said back light heartedly as he shoved his brother.

"Well I'd love to stick around and listen to you guys lecture me but I've got a package to deliver." Rocco said slicking his hair back with his hand, giving the brothers a wave he walked his long black trench coat trailing after him.

"He's going to get fucking beat one of these days" Murphy said taking the last drag of the cigarette and stomping it out on the ground.

"It'll serve him right" Connor said back, Murphy looked over at him and scowled "You know I was fucking kidding, there'd be hell to pay if that ever happened."

"So my brother" Murphy said throwing his arm over his taller brother "what you say we go get ourselves some beer eh?" Looking at Murphy Connor grinned.

"I'd say you got the right fucking idea."

When they got drunk their Irish drawls always got heavier, they were pretty heavy when they were sober, but when they got drunk they were even heavier, it always comforted Murphy to hear his brothers thick drunken Irish drawl call him names as he stumbled into their small two bedroom apartment. Always it was Murphy dragging Connor along as he leaned all his weight on Murphy, his arm heavy around Murphy's shoulder and his other hand pressed against Murphy's chest.

"These fucking people now of days don't have any fucking respect" Connor nearly shouted, Murphy tried to get him to quite down, but he was drunk himself so it came out just as loud. "Oh fuck you, you arshole, I'll fucking be as loud as I fucking want." Murphy was just about to tell him that he was going to wake their mother up when a bedroom door swung open revealing one very pissed off Irish women.

"Oi, where the fuck have you two little fuckheads been, huh? Out fucking drinking again?" With her red hair all frizzed out and the bedroom light behind her, she almost had a demonic angel look to her. "I fucking see how you two are, here I am fucking laboring away, fucking cooking dinner, and working my arse off for you two and you two don't even have the fucking decency to come fucking home on fucking time for fucking dinner."

"Ah ma" Connor said steadying himself against Murphy "don't worrying we bought a bottle of whiskey back for ya." Leaning heavy against Murphy who was trying his best to steady himself against the kitchen table, Connor pulled a big bottle of Whiskey out of the pocket of his black jacket.

"Oh and you think that's fucking going to make it better, give me some fucking alcohol and everything will be fucking okay" even in her pink nightgown she looked scary, her big frame filling up the doorway, her thick hands on her hips, made Connor and Murphy feel phantom pain on the back of their heads when their mom had slapped them for being stupid.

"Ma" Connor said trying to calm her down.

"Don't fucking ma me" their mom shot back "I work my fucking ass off to put you through fucking school, make fucking sure you two have a chance at life. So that you're not rotting with the rest of the fucking swill in this city, and what do I fucking get in return, nothing that's fucking what."

"Ah ma don't say that" Murphy said as he tried to keep both him and his brother up by holding onto the back of the chair "we fucking do work hard. Both of us know five different fucking langue's, we're passing all of our fucking classes. Tied for first of the fucking class we are, you're doing a good job ma. You are doing a wonderful fucking job."

For a few seconds their mom simply stared at them, then a huge grin broke out on her face "Fucking right I am" she said laughing "I just love to see your faces when I say shit like that." Laughing she walked over to Connor and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from him "Now you two get to bed, you have school tomorrow."

"Fuck ma" Connor said staring at her "that's messed up, you really had us going there."

"I know" their mom said as she lightly slapped the side of Connor's face "and it was funny. Oh ma, no ma, you're doing a good job ma. HA!" Opening the bottle she took a big swig out of it and set it down on the table.

"Shit ma" Murphy said sagging against the chair, which in return made Connor sag against him.

Laughing she took another drink "Yeah yeah now get to bed, it's late and you have school tomorrow."

Falling down on one of the mattress that was on ground for Murphy and his brother to sleep on, Murphy pushed his boots off with his toes "That was fucked up man."

Repeating the same action as Murphy expect on the other mattress Connor nodded his head in agreement "Yeah, that mother of yours has a mouth on her."

"It's your mother too" Murphy said struggling to pull his shirt over his head without sitting up.

Trying to get his shirt off as well Connor rolled on his side and let out a loud yelp "Fuck my beds fucking wet."

"Aren't you too old to pissing your bed still?" Murphy joked as he threw his shirt across the room, he'd pick up later.

"Fucking funny" Connor sat up and threw his shirt across the room as Murphy had, "the roofs leaking, and now my beds wet."

"Sucks to be you" Murphy said as he pulled himself up the bed and threw the thin blankets over him.

"Murphy" Connor said in the dark.

Sighing Murphy held open the blankets "Hurry the fuck up" as quickly as he could while he was still drunk Connor slipped into Murphy's bed and pulled the covers up as far as he could without having them cover Murphy's face. Turning away from Murphy closed his eyes and didn't think about how warm his brothers body was, and how close it was it his.