Perhaps this fic is born on account of how much I value the time I waste in class, my love-hate relationship with school, and how I wish my life were a giant musical. Or Perhaps, this was born on how easily my mind wanders off.

For my friends.



Nick- Love-stoned


Nick scoffed. He couldn't help it. It was an impulse. He was designed to scoff at ignorance and the usual stupid things his brothers come up with. It came with his extreme intelligence- three points shy of a genius to be exact. And not only was he smart and wise beyond his years and had the skills of a baking master BUT Nick was bless with the gift of music. Take that Thomas E. and Albert E.!

Could a light bulb bake a batch of cranberry tarts? Could the theory of relativity swoon a crowd of girls with the sound of their voice?

The hell they can't.

So what if Nick was a bit arrogant than most people thought he was? He didn't parade it around. He knew exactly how to hide it...with the occasional slip here and there. The scoff couldn't be helped. It was genetic. Joe scoffs at loose jeans and Kevin scoffs at the cartoons he watches on Saturday morning. In fact, Nick was planning on studying genetics when he enters college and hopes to earn a degree in BioMedical Science to operate on his genes to rid himself of the scoff, all while touring around the world for his multi-platinum seventh album. Seriously, brains and baking and business? Nick was the perfect catch. Everybody knew that except for one girl who he had sit next to this fine Thursday morning.

Nick crossed his arms and leaned on the back of his desk chair to get a good look of the substitute teacher. Today was the day Nick was supposed to dissect into the workings of a pig. Unfortunately, his teacher was at home with the cold. Nick scoffed again, if it wasn't for this unnecessary obstacle called high school, Nick would have been on the scientist team that found the cure for the common cold. But because Macy was beside him, it made it tolerable.

The sub that stood in for their sick teacher was making small talk with the students. He rambled on about traveling and whatnot. Nick didn't care. He had stop listening since the substitute checked attendance.

"What was the most memorable place you've visited?" Macy asked, lowering her hand to her chin and propped her head on it, looking lovingly sick. Nick made a face. Macy was swooning over the sub? To think that she had a refine taste in men (and when Nick meant men, he meant his brothers, including himself). She was a fan was she not? She has to think they're hotter than a bowl of hot sauce... not that Nick actually thought that. He's heard it some where along the grapevine. JONAS is known for their music, songs, and ravishingly good looks... Nick was told... by fans. Which is why Nick assumed Macy had good taste in men unless she really digged his sub dude, then Nick was ready to take that back.

The sub, whose name was Mr. Habs (not that it mattered), grinned at Macy who returned the gesture with a sloppy smile she used to give Nick at the beginning of the school year. Before she fell for him. Once again, he assumed. Macy did take a fall that immediately caught his attention that first day of school. Ever since then, her bubbly and sporty side won Nick over (as if the fall wasn't cute enough...). Every man needed his equal other half and Macy just happened to be that other half. His genius self needed a sporty girl. Besides, Nick loved golf. Macy golfed. It was perfect except for the man who was hogging Macy from him. Nick glowered at the man.

"Well, depends. Brazil is fun The Mexican beaches are spectacular. The Italian food is delectable..." He rambled on.

Nick rolled his eyes. Anybody with a brain would tell you that the Aztec ruins is the best place to tour in Mexico. Beaches are overrated. And Italian food? It's a bunch of pasta and cheese! Brazil? Don't let Nick get started on Brazil. And besides, why would anybody want to be in a place where he and his brothers aren't?

"...Every culture is beautiful but if I had to choose. Mexico. Hands down. The invention of the taco tops my list." Mr Habs chuckled while Macy sighed.

Nick grinned as he took out his guitar, "Mr. Habs, has it ever occurred to you that you left out the one most important thing that makes up a culture?"

Mr. Habs curiously looked at Nick as he harshly strummed out some chords.

"Music," Nick said as simply as he could. At that, Nick climbed on top his desk about to belt out his favorite Enrique Iglesias tune when Mr. Habs rushed over and pushed him back down to his seat.

"I will not allow you making a spectacle of yourself during my class hours." Mr. Habs turned beet red. When Nick looked around he found twenty pairs of eyes staring at him in wonder.

He cleared his throat, "Forgive me , I thought you would enjoy one of my favorite songs by Enrique Iglesias. When I'm feel like dancing some salsa or when I feel like eating some salsa I always pop in a his cd and it adds some Spanish flare to my regular life."

Mr. Habs glared at Nick, "Do you want detention?"

Nick cocked his head to the side, "Absolutely not. See detention is for students that actually are bad students, not for the occasional mistake. I'm sure you've made a mistake once in your life. Like for example, you drive the gray Sedan? You parked in the teachers lot instead of the visitors lot. Now I'm just saying, if you're surprised by a parking ticket don't say nobody warned you. Now wouldn't life be a lot easier if that tiny mistake would have been overlooked and we could go on as if nothing has happened?"

Before he knew it, Nick found himself walking to his first detention.

Nick muttered under his breath. Wildly throwing insults at Mr. Habs who was nowhere around to hear them. He knew it was partly wrong but it wasn't entirely his fault that the sub was misinformed and Nick was only trying to help. If anybody knew Nick he was always trying to help in his own way.

Mr. Habs was making a fool out of himself. Anybody with a brain could see that, except for Macy but Nick was pretty sure there was a good explanation for that. There was no way Macy could like an idiot like Mr. Habs, she has to know that when Nick Lucas is in crush mode every female in the population swoons.

Nick growled. Not because Macy wasn't swooning but because even he thought that was an arrogant thing to say. Nick then smirked, if that statement were true he wouldn't be on his way to detention.

Scoff- so much for swooning girls.

Nick glanced at the classroom he was assigned to but before he knew it he walked past it without giving it another thought. Nick was a rebel when he wanted to be. Nick headed for the library where he could have space to think- more specifically, think about Macy. He made himself comfortable in a small table that he found in the back nestled in the middle of shelves and shelves of encyclopedias. He placed his bookbag down and huffed. Nick had no idea how to grab her attention. She was a fan right? All he had to do is walk by and wink and Macy would go crazy.

No that wasn't right but Nick had tried it before to see how she would react. At first her eyes would go wide but now she didn't give it much thought by the looks of it.

His usual romantic crap wouldn't do. Singing a one-of-a-kind song made/produced/sung by Nick Lucas can't cut it this time. If he had to, Nick would willingly recite Shakespeare if Macy liked Shakespeare, and Nick hope she didn't. Shakespeare is outdated. It's like using a boombox for portable music instead of an ipod. Today, there's much more efficient ways to get your point across without over decorating your declaration of love with flowers and bosoms.

Was Nick the only one that thought Shakespeare was a perv in his time? What kind of guy talks about breasts and shapely legs in any era?

Pervs- that's who.

And Nick wasn't a perv. Nick was a gentlemen who was wise beyond his years which meant that he knew Macy wouldn't be impressed if he talked about her chest.



Bake cookies?


Nick continued to ponder until he suddenly sat up straight. He got it. He grinned like a maniac because he finally knew exactly how to lure her in. Nick stood up and calmly gathered his things. Of course he figured it out. With a mind like Nick's you can find a cure for anything and Nick found a cure to his disease. It was a hefty dose of Macy but he needed her and the way to gain his cure was so simple he nearly slapped himself because it was just as blunt as he was no need for songs or a long speech to confess to Macy that Nick fell for her. No. Nick was somewhat confident that no matter what, he'll get his dose of Macy with a kiss and that's all he needed.

Hell, who knows? With Macy, he can find a way to end world hunger and establish world peace. Because Nick had the strongest feeling that with Macy he could probably fly (or at least invent something that can actually make him fly...besides planes.)


And there you have it. If you stick around you might see a glimpse of my insane mind when I actually watch JONAS.