DISCLAIMER: I claim NO OWNERSHIP to ANYTHING shown in this story! The characters belong to their respective creators/owners.

After many minutes, Shadow arrived in front of Kuki's room. He took a peek inside, seeing that she was asleep. Shadow walked over to her bed. He stood and smiled for a second. "I guess mine and Eggman's theory were right, our dimension was the only one that aged.'' he thought to himself. Shadow was glad to see her again, in so long, he has finally returned to see her again.

The next morning, Kuki began to stir. She sat up and stretched her arms. She hung her legs off the bed and grabbed the photo of her and Shadow again. She looked at it and her lip quivered. She placed the photo back on the place she put it. Kuki placed her arm over her eyes and sniffled. She lowered her arm and hopped off her bed.

She exited her room and took the right hallway. Her eyes were half shut, not because she just woke up, but the hole in her heart, due to Shadow's long absence. Suddenly, knocks were heard, they sounded like footsteps. Kuki stopped and lifted her head up. She saw a figure entirely covered by a black cloak, holding a sword. His hood was up, his face couldn't be seen.

Kuki stood in horror. The figure started walking towards her. Kuki took a step back and began running away. Kuki ran until she tripped from a plank that's edge was sticking up from the floor. She rolled herself on her back, the figure was standing right in front of her. He got on one knee, putting the sword on the ground. Kuki was shaking in fear. She glanced at the sword then back at him. His face literally could not be seen, only darkness. Kuki grabbed the sword and jumped to her feet. The figure stood up defensively, but not even raising a fist. "Stay away!'' she shouted.

The figure grabbed the hood, "Is that your way of saying hello?'' Shadow said, removing the hood from his head.

Kuki stood awe shocked. She dropped the sword. Her mouth was gaping just a bit. "Y-Your back.'' she muttered then ran at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugged him very tightly.

Shadow put one arm around her and returned the hug. Kuki held him tighter, crying her eyes out at the same time. "I…can't b-believe your back.'' she said, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry, I was on missions, as you see, I've aged.'' Shadow said, taking a step back. Kuki looked from head to toe, noticing he has changed. "I don't care, as long as you're here, it doesn't matter.'' Kuki told him, once again hugging him. Shadow shut his eyes and took in a breath.

Shadow was standing in Kuki's room with his arms crossed, looking around the room, seeing that it hasn't changed. Kuki came in, dressed in her normal clothes. "So how old are you now?'' she asked sitting on the bed "Eighteen.'' Shadow turned towards her. Kuki's eyes widened, but then she looked away.

"How is that possible?'' she asked, looking back at him.

"I'm not sure, but for some strange reason, only my world aged three years, it's the only one that did.'' shadow said, unfolding his arms.

"Come on, you don't need to stand, sit next to me.'' Kuki said.

Shadow walked over to her bed and sat next to her. "What about Eggman?'' asked Kuki.

"To tell you the truth, I confronted him a day ago.'' shadow said "Are you kidding?'' she said in a surprising tone "Unfortunately, no.'' he replied.

"Why can't he give up? It's bad enough that Sonic's dead, but…'' she trailed off, standing up.

Kuki sniffled then hid her eyes in her sleeves. Shadow stood up and put an arm on her shoulder. She looked at him, then hugged him fiercely. "Why can't this ever be over?'' she said sobbing.

"Sonic sacrificed himself for Earth, all those other dimensions, and for all those people, even you Kuki.'' Shadow said. Kuki smiled and broke away from the hug. Kuki walked towards the exit to her room. Shadow smiled, but it disappeared when he saw shadows coming from behind the curtains of the exit. "Kuki watch out!'' he ran towards her. Shadow grabbed her and jumped to the side.

The exit exploded, sending splinters of wood everywhere. Shadow and Kuki both got up. Walking inside was a group of U.S. soldiers, they all aimed their weapons at the two. Shadow stood in front of Kuki defensively. Slow footsteps then reached their ears. Shadow widened his eyes to see who just came in, General Richards.

The general faced the two, his hands behind his back. "Good to see you again Shadow, how is your life going?'' he asked. Shadow's fists shined gold. The soldiers focused their guns on him. Shadow only glared at the general. "What are you doing here?'' shadow asked angrily, making the glows vanish. "I've heard of news about a loose beast, something ten feet tall, claws, fangs, stretchable arms? It made me curious.'' general said. Shadow narrowed his eyes. "What is he talking about Shadow?'' Kuki asked.

"Your friend has a Werehog inside him.'' the General answered. Kuki widened her eyes. She walked around and stood in front of shadow. "Is it true?'' Kuki asked worriedly. Shadow lowered his head then raised it again, without an answer.

"He's a freak of nature, he has no control of it, believe me, when I saw you in action back at Afghanistan, you killed my soldiers.'' Richards said.

Kuki covered her mouth, taking a step back in the process. "Kuki…please understand…'' he began.

"How could you not tell me?!'' she yelled.

"I just arrived! I wasn't sure if I should have!'' he yelled back.

Kuki lowered her head, then looked back up at him. "Kuki…I didn't mean to yell, but you don't know what's going on here.'' shadow tried to get through to her.

Richards was loading his desert eagle behind his back. Shadow walked towards her, she stood still. "I can't control it, it's not me Kuki, I need you to understand.'' shadow said. Kuki took a step forward, shadow stopped. "I didn't mean the evil acts I did, its painful Kuki.'' Shadow pleaded. "Then you haven't seen enough!'' Richards yelled, pulling the gun from behind his back. "NOOO!'' Shadow yelled. Richards fired, shadow quickly stood in front of Kuki, taking the shot to the ribcage.

Shadow dropped to the floor, holding the gun wound. Richards gritted his teeth with anger. Kuki dropped to her knees by shadow's side, speechless. "Oh my…shadow! Shadow!'' she screamed in terror.

Shadow only ached and groaned in pain. "Your coming with us.'' Richards said grabbing Kuki's arm and pulling her up. "NO! Let me go!'' she screamed. Richards and his shoulders took the left hall, where at the end was a hole and some ropes that they would slide down. "Here take her.'' Richards handed Kuki to a soldier. He grabbed her and wrapped one arm around her, to make sure she couldn't escape.

They all roped down to the ground. Once they touched ground, there was a line of military transport trucks, three humvees, and two M1A1 Abrams tanks. "SHADOW!!!'' she screamed as loud as she could. Shadow's eyes shot open, but they changed to an angry expression, as his eyes began to change dark red.

Suddenly an echoing roar boomed across the sky. Richards turned around and growled. "Get her on that truck! Let's go!'' Richards ordered, running towards it. But suddenly, shadow landed right on it, flattening it like a pancake. The cloud of smoke vanished. Kuki widened her eyes, "Shadow.'' she whispered. There stood the ten foot Shadow the Werehog, his back turned to them. He showed them his razor sharp teeth by growling angrily at them. "Fire now dammit!'' Richards ordered.

All the soldiers fired on his order. Shadow leaped into the air, then dove down to the group of soldiers. Richards and the soldier holding Kuki ran out of the way. Shadow landed feet first into the ground, causing all the soldiers to drop to their feet. Shadow grabbed one by his leg and held him upside down. Shadow put him in his mouth and shook him wildly, then spitting him back out. Shadow grabbed two other soldiers and smacked them into each other. One of the tanks fired a shot into his back, launching shadow forwards to smash into a transport truck, knocking it over on its side. The tank fired again, destroying the transport truck. Flying out of the cloud of flames was shadow. He raised his two fists up and pounded them onto the tank, causing it to flip forwards and landed behind him.

Kuki kicked the soldier folding him in the groin, making him drop her and fall backwards with a look on his face like he ate something sour. Kuki ran over to the huge Werehog. Shadow swung his arms, knocking out numbers of soldiers around him. "Shadow!'' she cried. Shadow held a soldier up, but his ears perked up. Shadow lowered his fist and dropped the unconscious soldier. Kuki ran over to him, looking up at him. Shadow's growl like- breathing could be heard clearly. He picked her up in his arms. Shadow growled and looked forwards. General Richards was getting on his Blackhawk helicopter, while all the other vehicles and soldiers retreated.

The chopper flew off into the air. "We'll meet again my friend, you can count on that.'' Richards said.

Shadow looked at Kuki. He leaped up to a balcony on the tree house. It was a balcony to her room. He walked in and put her down on her feet. Kuki stood still looking up at the fearsome looking shadow. "Shadow, please, return to normal.'' she said, grabbing his large hand and gripping it. Shadow looked from her to the hand she's holding him with. Shadow was surrounded in a purple mist. Once it cleared, he was back in his normal form. Shadow looked at his hand, then lowered them. Kuki's expression changed to a smile. Shadow smiled as well and nodded.

Later at sunset, the two were standing at the balcony. "You think we'll see him again?'' asked Kuki.

"Richards?'' Shadow answered.

"No, Eggman.'' she replied.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not sure, who knows when he'll return.'' Shadow said, placing his arms on the wooden railing.

"But you'll stop him right?'' she said looking at him.

"No…we'll stop him.'' Shadow said, then smiling. Kuki smiled and hugged him, both looking at the bright sun, disappearing under the horizon.

Another adventure, another problem solved. The everlasting bond between these two cannot be broken. No matter what comes their way, no matter what enemy stands in their way, not even the monster within Shadow will break their friendship. But the end of one adventure is the beginning of another. Another great ending for the hedgehog and the girl, but peace is one thing that can not last forever.