A/N: This is a bunny that came to me after reading a fic that I can't remember that mentioned Castiel had a great phone sex voice. If you think it is your fic, send me a link, and I will credit you!

When Sam walked in with the requested grocery list, Castiel was sitting in a chair, staring rather intently at the cellphone on the small table next to him, and Dean had a huge grin on his face. The kind of grin that Sam had long ago learned meant trouble. Immediately suspicious, Sam stopped and narrowed his eyes.

Dean practically bounced up out of his chair, which only made Sam more worried. "Dude, you get the pie? Tell me you got the pie!"

"Uh, yeah. Doesn't mean you're going to like it though. They only had two kinds left."

Dean groaned as he pawed through the bags. "Mincemeat and rhubarb? Come on, man. That's just not right."

"Hey, I tried," Sam protested before looking back at the angel. "So… What's Cas doing?"

Settling on the rhubarb, Dean flopped on the bed and set to eating. "Him?" he managed around a mouthful before the phone rang and aforementioned angel jumped a foot in the air. Quickly, Castiel picked up the phone and answered with, "This is Castiel. What can I help you with today?"

"Who is he talking to?" Sam asked before getting shushed by his brother.

"Not sure," Dean said quietly, grinning widely. "Doesn't matter."

"Wearing?" Castiel looked down at himself, and Sam suddenly had the strange idea that Castiel hadn't even noticed the fact that he was wearing clothes before. "I… button up shirt, tie, jacket, coat…"


Waving him off, Dean looked like he was about to burst into giggles. "Remember that girl the other day?"

Sam remembered. She'd come up to them while they were arguing on the street, practically towed Cas aside by his tie, and informed him to his face that he had "a great phone sex voice" before beaming at him and walking away, all three men staring after her incredulously.

"You didn't."

"Hey, we could use the money."

Sam's jaw clenched and his finger came up to point, but he couldn't get a full sentence out at first. "You… He… I can't believe he AGREED to that!"

Dean shushed him again, obviously listening in as Cas peered intently into a mirror and tried to describe his hair. "Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I just told him to answer their questions as best he could."

A million objections passed through Sam's mind. How Dean would be going back to hell for corrupting an angel of the lord. How Cas was going to smite Dean for putting him up to this as soon as he figured it out. How God was going to smite Dean. Hell, how SAM was going to smite Dean, because he wasn't sure he was going to be exempt from the smiting from the various heavenly host who would object to this… "You-"

His rant that he was about to deliver was cut short when Castiel suddenly exclaimed, "You want to put your WHAT in my WHERE?" Dean choked on a giggle and bolted towards the door. Sam quickly decided the only prudent course of action would be to follow him. As the door closed, they heard Cas continue. "Don't you know that's a SIN?"