
Bonjour, mes amis! I'm back! I've missed - *dives behind barricade to escape rotten fruit and bits of pencil lead*

Okay, okay! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!! Sorry to the power of 24601!! But I was busy, okay? School….*sticks out tongue at said school* Too much homework, too little time…but I've actually got lots of random stories in the works. I want to wait to start posting them till they're finished so I don't have to keep my dear readers waiting for updates, but I PROMISE I will post them someday soon…

And yes, I know I have an unfinished story up…I feel bad about it (Oh! how it pains me…) but I will finish that eventually, too. Until then, here's a pointless little thing – a product of the brains of my sibling and I when we were very, very bored and out of clapping games to play. Oh, and happy New Year!

(To the tune of "Miss Lucy Had a Baby")

There was a man named Jean Valjean.

One day he stole some bread.

He had to feed his family

So they would not be dead.

He went to prison for his crime.

He tried to run away,

But Javert came and brought him back

And locked him back away.

Then finally he was freed - no longer


The bishop showed him kindness-

Brought into his life the sun

Fantine, she had a baby

She named the kid Cosette.

She left her with Thenardier

So she could pay her debt.

She traveled to a city where

The mayor was Valjean.

She got ill, died and left Cosette

To the reformed con.

Valjean escaped the city and

Rescued the little girl.

They fled to Paris, hid away

In the convent's world.

Finally, they ventured out and

Lived on Rue Plumet, *

Until Cosette, at the garden,

Saw Marius one day.

They fell in love at first sight as

June's insurrection came,

Where Enjolras and Les Amis

Would fight in Lamarque's name.

Eponine helped Marius

To locate his dear love.

'Ponine loved him too, a fact

He was ignorant of.

Javert went to the barricades

Acting as a spy.

Gavroche the gamin found him out

And he was set to die.

When revolution came

Marius went to help his friends.

Gavroche died singing and

Collecting bullets till the end.

Then Eponine died, too

While keeping Marius from death.

She confessed her love to him

As she drew a last deep breath.

Then Jean Valjean joined Les Amis

And let Javert go free

(Which upset the inspector

Since he didn't like pity).

Valjean came to the rescue

At the end of a long fight.

He dragged a wounded Marius

Through sewer paths all night.

When he came out, Javert was near.

He detained him right there,

But first they returned Marius,

To his grandfather's despair.

Javert ran off into the night,

With feelings full of strife.

He threw himself into the Seine

To end his pointless life.

Cosette and Marius married.

All seemed very well

Till Valjean became rather sick

And into sadness fell

Thenardier, disguised, came round,

Told Marius the truth

Of how Valjean had saved him

And shown his kindly ruth.

So Marius took Cosette round

To see the man once more.

Valjean died and saw "What our

God in Heaven has in store".

So, at the end of the day

When we hear the distant drums

We can raise our voices all as one and cry

"Tomorrow comes!"

*I'm using the musical here more, I suppose, because Rue de l'Homme Arme is really much more difficult to fit into verse than Rue Plumet is.

So overall, I took a more musical-version take on this, for the sake of simplifying the story…hope you enjoyed it! And I swear BY THE STARS that I shall continue to update. Even if it takes awhile sometimes. Now, au revoir! And review, s'il vous plait! Reviews shall encourage me!!