Fanfiction.netACROX2001Higher GroundMissing In ActionChapter One

Scott and Shelby sat at the docks, Scott had his arm around Shelby and Shelby's head rested on his shoulder. "I don't want to go on this stupid group hike!" Shelby moaned. "Don't worry, we'll be together." Scott reminded her. "Along with Kristin and Sophie." Shelby pointed out. "What's wrong with Kristin and Sophie?" "'s just going to be hard to get some private time with a twelve-year-old and Sophie. If it was just Sophie I wouldn't mind, but it'll be weird kissing in front of Kristin." "Peter caught her and Adam smooching on the dock, but he didn't say anything until they were done," Scott said laughing. "Oh the joy of puppy love," She said and leaned in to kiss him.

"Okay, guys, break it up it's time to get started," Peter said. Kristin came up behind him. "Hi-Hi!" She exclaimed. Peter rolled his eyes. LAtely Kristin had been acting like a really young kid. He guessed it was because she knew her dad wasn't in jail and she didn't feel safe. "Hey, hey" Peter said, reminding himself not to get mad at her, or to tell her to stop. Sophie said that she was probably just testing how much we'd take, that she was afraid we'd give her up like her mom did. Peter didn't know if it was that or that she didn't feel safe. "Ready?" Peter asked. Kristin nodded nervously. She had never been on a hike before except a small day one with the entire group, not a weekend one. "Don't be nervous, kiddo. There are only foxes and bears and stuff," Shelby said with an evil smile. "Really dad?" Kristin asked. "NO." He said sternly. "Now go to Sophie," He ordered and Kristin ran off. "Try not to, you know, scare her to death," Peter suggested. "Don't worry, Peter. I'll just scared her to so sick she'll wish she was dead." Shelby answered. "Nice." Peter muttered and left. "You're evil," Scott said, laughing.

"Does everyone has everything on their check list?" Peter asked. "Yes." They all mumbled. "Get into your groups, then. Auggie, Jules, and Kat, come with me. Daisy, Ezra, get with Roger. Eventually you'll be joining my group because Roger has to leave Saturday somewhere very important. I would split you two up, but Sophie's group will be across the woods. Scott, Shelby, Kristin-you are NOT taking your walkman young lady-go with Sophie." "This sucks," Kristin muttered but walked over to Sophie. "Okay, I'll see you guys on Sunday, and you two tomorrow. Please, no trouble. Just remember what this is for." Peter reminded them.

***Kristin's POV***

Of couse I know what this is about. Memories. Your childhood. What got you sent here. Your mistakes. Other people's mistakes. Geez, who could forget that? I have no good memories, except with Adam, and an occasional one with mom before she disowned me and before I tried to tell her about dad. My childhood? I'm still living it, more than the others. So far, except for Horizon, it's sucked. Let's hope before i turn 16 it'll perk up. My mistakes? Cutting. Stealing food because I was so hungry I couldn't care less what it was. I ate eggplant once. Ugh. Other people's mistakes? Accorind to my father, I was a mistake. According to mom, I was a mistake. According to Steven...I don't want to know what Steven thinks. He's confusing. Ooh look, a butterfly! Anyways, other people's mistakes? What a joke. I don't know. My dad beat me, was that a mistake? Maybe it was my faulght...

***End of her POV***

They set out to the woods. "What are we suppose to be doing here, anyways?" Shelby asked, swatting at a fly. "Rememering." Kristin answered bitterly. "Oh gee, yay." Shelby said in fake perkiness. "Guys, come on. It will be fun." Sophie encouraged them. "Haha not!" Shelby said.

Kristin drifted away from the conversation and looked to the dirt road. They weren't to far from it. She noticed a big black van. "Was that the same van from before?" She asked herself.

A few minutes later Kristin looked back. The van was slowly following on the dirt path. She could see two guys talking. One looked kind of famaliar., it couldn't be. He was in jail for beating his own kid. But he drove a ratty toyota.

"KRistin? You going to come?" Sophie called. "No." She said under her breath but ran to catch up, glancing behind her and seeing the black van creeping along.

I hope you liked it so far! It won't be mainly Kristin, it'll have parts about all of them!